
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Heil, mein Führer!


Proposed law against insulting PM worse than Anti-Fake News Act, says lawyer

Lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla says there cannot be laws that discriminate between the people and leaders.

PETALING JAYA: Lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla has slammed a proposal by a PPBM senator to enact laws to punish those found insulting the prime minister, saying it is worse than the Anti-Fake News Act introduced by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government.

He told FMT that although former prime minister Najib Razak used to be frequently criticised and attacked during his time leading the country, his government had never introduced a special law to protect leaders.

Haniff, who is also Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s lawyer, added that the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government would be “more cruel” than the BN administration if it were to proceed with the senator’s proposal.

“Najib’s government only enacted anti-fake news laws, but that law was used for all, it wasn’t just to protect leaders,” he said, referring to the Act that was abolished by the Pakatan Harapan government in 2019.

“Now senator Razali Idris is proposing a law to ban insults against leaders and the prime minister. This is more backward than the anti-fake news law. He’s proposing for a law that specifically makes insulting leaders a crime,” he said.

He also said implementing different laws for citizens and leaders with the aim of protecting such leaders went against the Federal Constitution, warning Putrajaya that it could not continue to create double standards.

There cannot be laws that place leaders above the people. If the government enacts this law to protect ministers or the prime minister from insults, then clearly the government practices illegal double standards.

“There cannot be laws that discriminate between the people and leaders,” he said, citing Article 8 of the Federal Constitution.

He said criticisms and insults levelled against the government by Malaysians on social media should instead serve as motivation for PN to improve and resolve its weaknesses, as long as the criticisms were not criminal, slanderous and seditious.

If criticisms were to be criminal, slanderous or seditious, there were enough laws available that the government could use to act against offenders, he said.

Razali, who is chairman of the Dewan Negara’s caucus on people’s well-being, had proposed the new law, after comments were posted against Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin on an Indonesian website following his visit there last week.

The senator said the insults on social media had become a “mental illness”, calling for either a new law to be enacted or an amendment to be made to Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act.


  1. ccp copy usa tech, we copy ccp rule by law.

    1. Katak farting all-over AGAIN!

      That fart filled well must be astonishingly putrid for this 犬养mfer to keep cloaking it's unending fart!

    2. In USA anybody can fuck the President (verbally and in writing,).
      Plenty do, first Trump, now Bidin.

      It is the Bullyland Emperor Ix supreme sacrosanct status that Bolehland is looking to emulate.

    3. Blind & ignorant old moneyed mfer farting from all its orifices!

      U don't read Mandarin & u only believe in China bashing rhetorics. So what's new?

    4. "In USA anybody can fuck the President (verbally and in writing,) Plenty do, first Trump, now Bidin."

      When you invited yourself to be fucked, when you open your assholes widely to be fucked, then just lay down and enjoy the fuck, hehe. The West has no problem having openly racist, bigoted thuggish leaders who had their prostitutes paraded out for all to see or their wife posing nude in centerfold, or like the French one, keeping a mistress openly and proud of it too.

      "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet"

      So WHY the fuck must China emulate Western values and its contentious political process ? Must the whole world adopt only that ONE ideology as mandated by the West ? That's the problem with OCBC banana syndrome.

      That incorrigible Monstrous one is like Adrian Zenz, that fake German "reseacher" waiting for his rapture, whatever that means, to come, like his co-conspirator fat-ass Pompeo who is also waiting for his god's coming 'rapture'....this zealot German interviewed only 8 Uyghurs without himself setting even a foot in Xinjiang and from this interview with the 8 terrorist Uyghurs, Adrian Zenz came to the wonderful conclusion that based mainly on this auta extrapolation method gave him "firm evident" that ONE MILLION of the Xinjiang Muslims ( Uyhurs ) were incarcerated in "concentration camps" which btw, were the invention of the Imperialist West and later copied by lapdog Japan during WW2.

      MonstrousBigot's otak is so completely cuci bersih by the white face that he thinks he is white too but alas, he can't wash off his yellow skin, not even with clorox.

      The BBC ( Bullshitting Broadcasting Corp) was banned in China on CNY eve, and deservedly so, as it had degenerated to a shadow of its former self, as illustrated in this meme :

      BBCNN news : There's been a 2000% increase in street attacks on Asians, and we have no idea why. Meanwhile, in other news, Chinese people are murdering innocents, silencing doctors, censoring journalists and quite probably eating babies.

      LOLOLOLOL....Dominic Raab, the British foreign secretary, called China's ban on BBC World News "an unacceptable curtailing of media freedom", adding that the move " will only damage China's reputation in the eyes of the world".

      Bloody UK's banning of CGTN was not a curtailment of media freedom ? This is the infamous Brit's hypocritical double speak.

      Read this very articulate scathing write...( next post)...oh, london bridge is falling down, falling down, hehe hooray, hooray

  2. Congrats America, You’re Not the Dumbest Country in The World Anymore. Britain Is.

    (How Incompetence, Malice, Greed, and Stupidity Left Britain A Smoking Shattered Wreck)

    If you’re American, congratulations. You no longer belong to the dumbest country on earth. That dubious honour now goes to Britain. Sorry, America — you’re now only the second dumbest country on earth.
    Britain’s story these days is somewhere between tragicomedy and farce. Let me give you three examples — of what it means for a society to self-destruct, by way of idiocy, greed, recklessness, and ineptitude.
    Let me begin by telling you a little story. I have a friend who bought his wife a birthday present, before Christmas. A little necklace. It still hasn’t arrived, and there’s no sign it’s ever going to. It’s been held up at three — or is it four? — borders, and there it is, still stuck. Why is that? Because of Brexit. And this poor guy is getting wifed on, hard. “Do you hate me? Where’s my birthday present!!” “Darling, it’s because of Br — “ “Don’t make excuses! You don’t love me anymore!!” Hello, divorce lawyers. OK, I’m kidding. They’ll be OK. But Britain won’t.
    Britain, in an act of suicidal lunacy, chose to “leave” the EU, cheering in a wave of delusional nationalism. The EU wasn’t just Britain’s friend: Britain is a tenth the size of the EU, economically and demographically. You don’t just “leave” a union and market ten times bigger than you, without catastrophic consequences, like trade stopping, investment ceasing, unemployment spiking, prices soaring, and shortages happening. So we economists warned all this was, well, suicidal lunacy. But something had broken in the minds of British people. They didn’t believe it. They believed adorable but dangerously misinformed old conservative idiots with names like Lord Ducky Crumpets-Walpole, who themselves didn’t have the faintest clue as to what “breaking up with your closest ally in the world, who’s ten times bigger than you” really meant. And so here they are.
    The reality of Brexit is much, much worse than we economists warned about. It goes like this. The British economy is starting to shut down like a heart attack. Europe is simply stopping sending goods to Britain, and Britain to Europe. The costs involved have soared from “nothing” to “impossible.” Remember my friend’s wife’s present? Nobody’s had to fill out customs forms and declarations in these places for thirty years. And since then, economies have changed. It’s not so easy to declare where a thing was “made” or if it ever touched this kind of raw material or that or what its intended use is, and the only option is to pay a fortune to someone who can. Faced with mountains of paperwork for each shipment, businesses are just giving up, throwing their hands up in despair. And that means a) mass unemployment, as they go bankrupt b) shortages and c) higher prices. Sound dire? It is.

    ( continue next...)

  3. British people are shocked, suddenly — after voting for Brexit — to discover that ordering stuff from Europe, which used to be as simple as a click, now comes with massive taxes, customs, and suspicious “handling charges,” which they have to pay, or else. Charges that easily add 25% to 50% to the cost of basic things. And while we economists warned Brexit would make Brits poorer, even we underestimated the effect. We thought tariffs would rise, but we didn’t think that trade would come to a sudden stop, which means mass unemployment and shortages and higher prices are all exploding. That’s the worst case scenario, and it’s fast becoming real. What is it called when trade suddenly stops? Sanctions.
    Britain is the only country in the world — the only one I can think of in modern history — amazingly, comically, painfully dumb enough to impose sanctions on itself. Almost overnight — it’s been less than a month — you can’t get basic things like European medicine, wine, cheese, beer, clothes, shoes. They’re just…gone. Poof. That might not sound like a big deal, until you consider that Europe supplies many of Britain’s goods, while Britain only supplies Europe with services. Services are easy to relocate — just pick up and hire people in Europe, which is exactly what many British businesses are doing. Goods are not easy to relocate — you have to move a whole factory. So Brits are now poorer forever, in a hard way — not just less money, but less stuff to spend it on, too — they suddenly have vastly less “consumer choice.” Imagine if entire sections of the supermarket — reflecting whole sectors of the economy — simply vanished overnight. You probably can’t, because it’s something that doesn’t tend to happen in the absence of, say, a bully like America sanctioning you, which is something that usually only happens to poor brown people. But nobody sanctions themselves, right? That’s just…idiotic! Well, not until now, anyways.
    What kind of country is foolish enough to impose sanctions on itself?
    What Brits don’t seem to understand is that they are paying tariffs to their own government now, and tariffs are just a tax. But if all Brits wanted to do was pay higher taxes…they didn’t need to leave the EU to do it. They just had to write a cheque. Are you beginning to see how painfully stupid all this is? The response often comes, from dummies with names like Lord Botherington Fothergill-Smythe: “We’ll have more in the public purse!” No, you won’t. Paying higher taxes to make the economy smaller means less tax revenue and investment overall. Like other nations hit with sanctions — Venezuela, Iran — it’s becoming hard to get the stuff Brits are used to enjoying, as shelves simply sit empty, unemployment explodes, prices soar, and shortages become the stuff of everyday life.
    All that would be painfully stupid enough — imposing sanctions on yourself — if Britain wasn’t also currently the world’s leading example of how to get a deadly pandemic so catastrophically wrong you turn it into an even deadlier one.

    ( continue...)

  4. Britain has the highest per capita Covid death rate in the world. That’s bad, right? It is, dear reader. But not as bad as this. Britain’s bred its own new strain of Covid that’s a) more infectious and b) deadlier than the old one.
    If that sounds really bad, that’s because it is. The daily death toll in Britain is still going up, even as infections are finally going down, which is pretty stark confirmation that this new strain kills more people. Younger people. Leaves people sicker, even when it doesn’t kill them. I called it Super Covid a while back, and I wasn’t kidding.
    How did Britain breed an even worse strain of Covid? It didn’t take the virus seriously. It put in place half-hearted lockdowns that were no such thing — gyms and schools and nail salons stayed open. Borders were never closed. As a result, the virus ripped through the nation like wildfire, different mutations from around the world converging — and Britain became something like the perfect petri dish for a new strain of the virus, which was mutating faster the more it multiplied. It was only a matter of time.
    The reason that we want to stop viruses like Covid dead in their tracks isn’t just what they do now: it’s what they can do in the future. Mutate, evolve, become vaccine resistant, deadlier. That’s basic high-school level science. Literally nobody in the British government understood or cared. The government’s “scientific advisors” were busy denying there was a problem. To this day, aging grandees with names like Lord Mimblefart Petherton-Jones will stroke their chins and utter pronouncements like: “we shall not let the virus take away our freedom!” as if having the highest death toll in the world is some kind of shining ideal of liberty.
    You might think that’s bad, but in fact, it’s only the beginning. What did the British government do next? In order to respond to this crisis, it decided to gamble with the entire nation’s lives. It “delayed” the second dose of the vaccine. Pfizer and the WHO both recommend that the second dose is had within three weeks. The British government’s delayed it to twelve. That’s four times as long. You might not think that’s a big deal, but let me assure you, it is. Why?
    Because science says so. Animal models already tell us that if the second dose isn’t had within about a month, the immune cascade vaccines trigger fails to happen. Immunity doesn’t result. Antibodies aren’t developed. Why is that? Because this is an mRNA vaccine, and while they’re cutting edge, they have one big Achilles heel: they’re fragile. RNA is a notoriously fragile molecule to handle in the lab — something every bioscience grad student finds out the hard way. That’s why these vaccines come with new and strange precautions, like keep them frozen, or, even, don’t move them more than three times. All that is to try and protect the fragile RNA, which falls apart at the slightest disturbance. And that’s probably what’s going on in the animal models — the RNA’s simply being broken down by the body, and so the second dose needs to be given relatively quickly, or else the vaccine has no effect.

  5. What’s the upshot likely to be for Britain? The entire country’s vaccination program is likely to fail. There are going to be a whole lot of people who get one dose, but not the second in time, and most of those people will not develop immunity. Do you know what happens when you cross a halfway vaccinated population with a fast evolving virus? That’s right, vaccine resistance. Britain already made itself a perfect petri dish for new strains of Covid — but what Britain’s doing right now is making it the perfect petri dish for deadlier, more infectious, and much, much more vaccine resistant strains of the virus. If that makes you shudder, it should, because that is how Covid never goes away, and become a seasonal illness like the flu, only with an astronomically higher mortality rate.
    Again, all this is basic science. A dummy like me can figure it out and explain it to you. And yet the government and all their scientific advisors deny any of the above is remotely dangerous at all, while the rest of the world’s scientists are somewhere between baffled, alarmed, and horrified. It’s a level of stupidity that’s off the charts. Who wants to infect themselves with a deadlier strain of Covid? Who puts in place a program that’s going to breed a vaccine-resistant Covid?
    Oh, hi Britain.
    January 2021

    1. JJ@Not_RPK cut and paste usual stupid bullshit from Umair Haque.

      If Umair Haque's father had remained in Pakistan, Failed State now CCP client state, he would probably be a Taliban suicide bomber by now.

      All the advanced education and economic opportunities Umair Haque has received came about because he grew up in England and developed his career in USA.

      Two countries that he apparently loathes and condemns as without redemption in every piece that he writes.

      What an idiot.

      If he hates USA so much, how come he is still drawing his substantial monthly paycheck from Harvard University .?

    2. Move to Beijing or Shanghai ler.

    3. Wakakakakakaka…

      Too bad, China citizenship is the most difficult nationality to acquire!

      No any other nationalised channels or f*cked concept like bno.

    4. What a blurred old moneyed mfer of the nth order!

      "What an idiot.

      If he hates USA so much, how come he is still drawing his substantial monthly paycheck from Harvard University .?"

      So in yr f*cked understanding of Americanised demoNcracy no one, absolutely no one, can or should criticize it. Even in the face of its deterioration to xenophobic nationalism!

      A person worships an idealism out of his perceived understanding formed on the course of his/her journey through live.

      So when that idealism starts to deviate from his/her path of conceptualization then a perfectionist in that person can do two things - criticize & condemn that deviation vigorously or keep quiet just like this PNS dickheads of bolihland!

      For u, if the criticism arises then that person is not worthy of his/her dream built on that idealism. He/she should moves on to the one that suit the chasing utopian! In another word - runner.

      What a f*cked upholding of sticking-up to one's idealism!

      Maybe that's that meme-ed anmokausai indoctrination that u r so induced to appraise.

      Patriot is not allow to talk bad about the beloved country! If that's the case, yr patriotic theme is deeply fraudulent - no need to change based on criticism, just follows the flow even it's the wrong path! That's how Yankee elected trump & pommies want Brexit!

      Mfer, that's how Yankeeland & pommieland reach their current depilatory state of "hidup enggan mati tak mahu" & being led by f*cked oratorical populism!

      Throughout the history of China, there r many scholars, doing many different kind of acts to entice the emperors about the frauds within the system. They did that even though they know that they would be killed. Yet out of the love for the land they resided, they marched forward to their death.

      They r true patriots that mfer like u CANNOT fathom.

      Bcoz for u, u would choose to keep quiet liken those ketuanan PNS dickheads. U have a twisted sense of loath/hate of nationhood. Perhaps where there is money there is yr love if whatever idealism u admired.

    5. If you don't know it by now, my posting of these worthy articles are not meant for these 3 will be like casting pearls to swine, as exemplified by that MonstrousBigot who typically resort to ad hominem of the author Umair Haque.

      Macam bagi bunya kpd monyet la....Pordah. So suck up to the whiteface

  6. The journey of the ox will finally see the start of the demise of pommieland.

    1) new variants of SARS-CoV-2 will continue to trouble England, financially & socially. Politically it will be isolated by EU, with US keeping a distance due to the fear of these supervirus!

    2) Amsterdam has overtaken London as Europe’s largest share trading centre. This is going to be a permanent change in terms of movement of trading from the UK to the EU, and this 'symbolic blow' could be followed by the City losing jobs as well as more business owing to Brexit.

    There was further evidence of business moving away from the City when a survey showed that trading of euro-denominated swaps in London – a form of insurance against moves in currencies and interest rates – has dropped drastically recently.

    UK should be concerned about whether the EU would continue to recognise London clearing houses – which facilitate trading of financial assets – after an 18-month grace period, and whether it would allow fund managers to handle EU assets from within the UK.

    3) The Arab oil sheikhs & the HK property bloodsucking tycoons r not moving their monies into London any faster than the UK govt in offering permanent residency of spurious from, such as BNO. These inflows of funds used to generate jobs & financial arbitraries in the London financial hub. No more!

    4) Due to the travelling restrictions caused by the covid pandemic, the usual lifeline of tourists has been trickling into dead zone!

    1. What a lot of Bullshit, intended to falsely portray UK as out in the cold.

      Amsterdam daily trading went from €2.6bn (£2.3bn) to €9.2bn. That is simply a result of legal requirements that Euro-based trades must be settled on EU soil, which Britain is no longer.

      But the much wider picture is that the Euro-based trade is tiny in comparison to the Dollar-based trade.
      The Arabs and Hongkies that you quoted only talk dollars , not Euros.

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      U read financial news?

      Or only those that fit yr fart?

      So can u reinterpret

      "Amsterdam daily trading went from €2.6bn (£2.3bn) to €9.2bn. That is simply a result of legal requirements that Euro-based trades must be settled on EU soil, which Britain is no longer."


      What percentage is that of the overall Landon trade settlements of the foreign kind?

      The dollar trade of the world DONT necessary settle in London. There r New York, HK, Tokyo, Shanghai & Frankfurt.

      Now Amsterdam has stole the euro trade!

      Mfer, what left of London?

      Trading in pound? Wakakakakakakaka…x2

      So how do the Arabs and Hongkies that only talk dollar moves that fund?

      No need to enlighten u. Do move yr RM to Landon by direct conversion or u use US$, RMB or Euro?

    3. This is from the Financial News.

      What is left of London ?

      Just only the world's 2nd largest financial trading centre after New York.

      As of January 2021, the total market value of all companies trading on the London Stock Exchange stood at 3.59 trillion British pounds.

    4. Wakakakakakaka…

      This is also from financial times:

      The UK economy recorded its worst economic performance for more than 300 years in 2020 as it reeled from the initial shock of the coronavirus crisis before staging a better than expected recovery later in the year.

      Official figures on Friday showed that the UK produced 9.9 per cent fewer goods and services last year than in 2019, a contraction worse than the 1921 slump after the first world war and Spanish flu — and almost as bad as the contraction in great frost in 1709 when the UK was an agricultural economy.

      How that share tradings of 3.59T pound help to upstage the picture u so gung-ho-lly parade w/o a real understanding of the UK macroeconomic matrixes!
