
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Former BNM governor Zeti Akhtar surely knew of funds going into her husband and son’s account.


What happened to reports filed against Zeti, asks Puad

Umno Supreme Council member Puad Zarkashi has urged former BNM governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz to respond to a report that the central bank knew of funds going into her husband and son’s account.

PETALING JAYA: Umno Supreme Council member Puad Zarkashi has asked authorities for an update on police reports filed against former Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz and her family over their alleged involvement in the 1MDB scandal.

In a Facebook post, Puad questioned if there was a “conspiracy” to keep the matter under wraps, saying it has been about two months since reports were lodged against Zeti and her family.

He also asked why the Perikatan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan governments had “hidden the fact” that Zeti’s family admitted to having 1MDB funds channelled to their accounts through statutory declarations in 2019.

Puad also urged Zeti to respond to a report yesterday that Singapore police had informed BNM of suspicious transactions involving a company owned by her husband and son, with the funds coming from accounts linked to Low Taek Jho, also known as Jho Low.

The Edge said according to documents it had sighted, the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) had shared this information with the central bank in 2015 and 2016. Zeti was BNM governor when this information was relayed to it.

This involved suspicious funds going into the account of Iron Rhapsody Ltd, which it confirmed was owned by her husband, Dr Tawfiq Ayman, and a son who was not named.

In December last year, Umno Youth lodged a report against Zeti and her family following a blogpost claiming that they had received over RM100 million from Low, which included 1MDB funds.

According to the post, Zeti’s family members had allegedly executed the statutory declaration in which they admitted to having received the funds from Singapore bank accounts, and that they had come from a company linked to Low.


  1. Did KT ever remark:

    Jibby surely knew about 2.6 billion of funds flowing into his personal bank account (not Rosie or Riza’s mind you).....ha ha ha.....

  2. Najib's UMNO already established the legal precedent through the Cow Condo case.

    Whatever the guilt or innocence of the husband and adult son over the alleged questionable financial transactions, there is no guilt by implication to the wife.
    As long as there is no direct evidence of her involvement. In the Cow Condo case , ththe Minister , Shahrizat Jalil got away clean as a new born babe.

    So , Najib wove his own trap.

    Rosmah's case is different, because there is evidence directly implicating her.
    Hers is not a case of guilt by association.

    1. as the then Governor of BNM and informed by the Singaporeans, she isn't involved? What kok are you tokking about

    2. These mfers can't read & comprehend!

      They just want to project that f*cked 'fairness' as enshrined in that twisted understatement.

      Guilt by association ONLY applies to their hated enemy. Otherwise, everyone else is innocent even when the evidences striped bare in front of them.

    3. So, what if her answer was- I was not involved, I recused myself from the case, the case was reviewed by the Deputy Governor.
      Then what is your talk-kok ?

    4. monster apply the concept what's good for the goose is good for the gander, similarly if some msian is zombie, then some ccp chinese is also zombie, fair what. u no mirror?

    5. still STUBBORNLY tokking kok. How could she recuse herself when the info her husband and son were receiving dodgy money was told to her by a neighbouring country's authority?

      I think you are just being stubborn, ta'mahu kalah, when your argument is plain indefensible -= in other words, you have become STUPID

    6. Concept what's good for the goose is good for the gander!!!


      When mfers farting about fabricating atrocities happened in communism/socialism, the goose & the gander r in two different classes. Thus different treatments!

      Is that the best Formosa sophism u can mastered?
