
Saturday, February 06, 2021

Atuk's "Sour Grapes" story


Umno-PPBM-PAS govt will be a disaster, says Dr M

PETALING JAYA: A formalised coalition comprising PPBM, Umno and PAS would be a recipe for disaster because their agendas diverge too drastically, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad says.

In an interview with FMT, he said the current ties between the three were merely for “political convenience”.

“Umno and PAS have never been friendly,” he said. “PAS has condemned Umno as an infidel, kafir. So how can they work together when PAS says working with the kafir will make you a kafir?”

He said the three parties had competing ideas for the direction of the country.

Mr 'Sour Grapes' was the first to propose a united Malay polity in his 'Malay Dignity Congress'. Now that he didn't achieve what he had (still does) lusted for, he hypocritically tok-kok against his very own idea

“It’s not good for the country because nobody has a proper, united view of how to develop the country, how to run the country.

“It will be a disaster if these people were to form a government, because each will be pulling in its own way.”

He predicted that they would go through tough negotiations for seats to contest in GE15 and said he expected infighting if a consensus could not be reached.

“Of course, that will not be very good for them or for the country.”

Atuk: Dei Moo-Moo, you're doing it wrong with a united Malay polity

He said he didn’t believe grassroots supporters would back a future union even if party leaders were able to cooperate.

“On the ground, the people themselves will not cooperate. They will not support it.”

Tensions between Umno and PPBM have already begun to show, with Umno’s cooperation with the current government apparently on tenuous grounds. Many Umno leaders are unhappy at being sidelined, pointing out that their party controls the lion’s share of parliamentary seats.

Rumblings of a potential Umno withdrawal from the government have been rife. One hundred and forty-three of Umno’s 191 divisions have passed resolutions telling the party leadership to quit working with PPBM before GE15.

PAS, which is aligned with Umno under the Muafakat Nasional banner, is caught in the middle.

PAS leaders have said their party would remain neutral in the Umno-PPBM feud. However, the Islamist party is seen to be getting cosy with PPBM, infuriating the Umno leadership.

PAS central committee member Khairuddin Aman Razali said last month that “our stand has always been consistent, that is to strengthen Muafakat Nasional to face GE15 and defend the Perikatan Nasional government.”


  1. is that not a disaster now?

  2. Toonsie oso got bodek story. He said in the video that the “self-serving” so-called Malay-Muslim unity party is weak, propped up by Chinese and Indian parties, meaning MCA and MIC. But KT give excuse, sob story to defend his beloved MCA.....what can Wee KHAT Siong do, the Chinese deserted him in GE14, sob sob....give chan lah....

  3. Malay-Muslim unity party is weak, propped up by Chinese and Indian parties, meaning MCA and MIC???

    Atuk's Malay party is weak, propped up by Chinese and Indian parties, meaning DAP


    1. It was agreed before GE14, Chinese, Indian and even many Malays, if Harapan wins, Toonsie would be PM.

      But who agreed to MCA and MIC supporting Malay-Muslim party after Sheraton Shake? Only Wee KHAT Siong?

    2. Majority of Malaysians supported Toonsie as PM should Harapan win GE14. The election result was a win by clear majority of seats.

      Show where MCA and MIC got the electoral support to bodek PN gomen after Sheraton Shake? They could have joined the opposition or at least stayed neutral like Gerakan.

    3. Nah......ini bukti-nya. And it was the Rakyat that supported Toonsie.

      Dr Mahathir unanimously chosen as Pakatan Harapan PM candidate

      Sunday, 07 Jan 2018

      SHAH ALAM: Pakatan Harapan leaders have unanimously decided that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad will be the coalition's candidate for the Prime Minister's post if the pact makes it to Putrajaya.

      The announcement was made by Pakatan secretariat chief Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah. Saifuddin named Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the candidate for the deputy prime minister's post.
