
Monday, January 25, 2021

Wanna eat poo, use a stick lah by Dr Shamsher Singh Thind

Dari Malaysia-Today:

P.S. RJ, Sudahlah. Jangan Over Sangat.

by Dr Shamsher Singh Thind

Ragvinder Singh Jessy a.k.a. RJ Rithaudeen a.k.a Third Force selalu keluarkan statement maki Bajingan Tua a.k.a. Old Fox. Aku bagi dua contoh di bawah:

1. ‘Mahathir, get lost. You’re a bloody lying weasel who’s not fit to be my Prime Minister’ (

2. ‘Mahathir is the Godfather of corruption, not unity’ (

Artikel kedua itu best. Ditulis pada tahun 2019. Saya copy paste apa dia tulis, kot kot dia delete atau amend.

‘Thanks to Mahathir, we have two new Malay-majority parties as add-ons to the original two (UMNO and PAS), all claiming to represent the rights and privileges of the Malays. So you can imagine how frustrating it is to listen to the old man say that Malay parties should all join PPBM for the sake of uniting the Malays. How can we ever trust a man who speaks of Malay unity but sleeps in the same bed with the DAP, a party that’s hell bent on splitting the Malay-Muslims into as many warring factions as possible?’

Tapi baru baru ini, RJ tulis Dr M adalah ‘Pemimpin Islam Sejati, Berjiwa Rakyat’. 

RJ beragama Islam, so bab itu no prob. Tapi saya nak tanya RJ, betulkah Dr M layak dipanggil pemimpin Islam sejati setelah hang sendiri memanggilnya Godfather of corruption? Hahaha …

P.S. RJ, sudahlah. Jangan over sangat. Kalau nak hisap pun, buat lah secara tertutup. Malu sikit orang boleh nampak lah. Ada pepatah Punjabi, Ghu Kha Dakkay Naal, yakni makan taik pakai lidi. Supaya tangan tak kotor dan orang takkan tau. Ada faham, bhai?


  1. i strongly believe corruption n msia islam is compatible, curi oso. so whats the problem?

  2. Good...Good... Good..

    Third Force Macai Shamsher Singh Thind Fuck another Third Force Guy
    Ragvinder Singh Jessy a.k.a. RJ Rithaudeen.

    Fuck them all...

    1. C'mon lah, Shamsher Singh Thind was never ever a 3rd force bloke - he left the DAP out of disgust with the Lims and remained (still does) an independent voice

    2. Independent Voice Kerbau-lah

      Shamser Thind says
      "Bossku Hebat"

  3. Pusing pusing ni dua macam Capt Thaya-pandai, pi mai pi mai tang tu.....ha ha ha....walau sudah masuk Islam tapi tangan banyak macam patung dewa Hindu....on der one hand saya benci Toonsie tapi on der uder hand saya sokong dia......kelapa pusing....

  4. Hahaha....gua sudah lama stop baca blog sampah tu
