
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Victoria's Secret too hot

Victoria's Secret too hot for Najib during MCO

Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak has voiced disapproval that some big companies were allowed to stay open during the movement control order (MCO) period while many small businesses could not.

Yesterday, Najib posed a question on his Facebook page whether furniture chain IKEA and Malaysian jewellery chain Habib Jewels should be considered an essential service and be allowed to stay open.

Today, Najib took aim at US lingerie brand Victoria's Secret.

"Yesterday, there are people who commented below, vigorously defending the Perikatan Nasional government decision to allow IKEA and goldsmiths to operate.

"There were all sorts of reasons - furniture shops are needed by those affected by floods. Goldsmiths need to stay open because some buy gold from those who need instant cash.

"Therefore, I can't wait to read excuses on why luxury lingerie shop Victoria's Secret can operate during MCO. Is luxury lingerie an essential service during MCO?" asked Najib.

In an earlier Facebook post, Najib argued that the implementation of the MCO had to be strict, at least for the first two weeks, in order for the lockdown to achieve its objective.

He also suggested that allowing big companies to operate while barring small traders from doing the same was unfair.

MCO was reimposed in several states across the country beginning Jan 12, but it is not as strict as the one imposed last year.

For instance, shopping malls are in the list of retail shops allowed to stay open amidst a rising number of Covid-19 clusters originating from shopping centres.

As of yesterday, the Health Ministry was treating a record high of 35,253 Covid-19 patients concurrently of which a record 204 were in intensive care.


  1. Wee KHAT Siong, PhD, can explain.

  2. The reasons given for furniture shops like IKEA to remain open were valid.
    I personally knew people who urgently needed to replace furniture during last year's MCO.
    Don't know about Victoria's Secret.
    Who knows it may be urgent? Wakakaka
