
Thursday, January 28, 2021

PAS arrogance further exposes the illogic of morons who rendered MIC, MCA weak

Malaysiakini (extracts):

PAS arrogance further exposes MIC, MCA weakness

YOURSAY | ‘Sleeping with PAS? Don’t be surprised if people punish MIC, MCA further…’
Iphonezours: Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor may be arrogant but in reality what he says is correct.

MIC and MCA are irrelevant to the Indians and Chinese, despite MIC doing a bit better than MCA in GE14. Just like the Chinese, the Indians too have lost faith with MIC, all due to their incompetency and also by being a part of the larger picture of Umno-BN’s corruption in Malaysia.

Now with both MIC and MCA sleeping with PAS and the backdoor traitors to form the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government, don’t be surprised if the people will even punish them further to the extent that both parties may not even have any representation in Parliament in the next general election.

But more importantly, we have seen how damaging PAS can be to both Muslims and non-Muslims with their insensitive statements in Parliament about Christianity, trying to control how people dress, women’s rights, and in this issue on Thaipusam.

Malaysians, be it Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sabahans and Sarawakians - PAS is a real threat to multiracial and multi-religious Malaysia. We must never vote for PAS or any other parties that associate with them.

kt notes:

So MIC and MCA are getting the sh*ts again. We know both of them are weaklings in BN or PN. After GE14 MIC was left with 2 of its previous 4 MPs, with even its President Subramaniam losing his erstwhile stronghold seat of Segamat. MCA fared worst, retaining one seat out of its previous 7, and then only by a slim majority.

Subsequently, MCA obtained another parliamentary seat in the Tanjung Piai by-election but this time with a humongous landslide of more than 15,000 majority. But MCA did not over exalt that victory, realising it was more of the non-Malay voters' discontent with the pathetic "boe-laam-phar-ness" of the DAP element of the Pakatan government than their return to the arms of MCA.

Analysts warned MCA that the Tanjung Piai by-election victory does not promise a potential resurgence for MCA.

Thus, today, MIC and MCA went into the ring with the VELL-y abusive FIRE-y PAS' Sanusi with both their arms tied behind each's back. Was it any wonder that the VELL-y cherubic PAS MB of Kedah FIRE-d them off with VELL-y arrogant disdain?

Of course not, but what has been the bizarre moronic wonder was the expectation by infantile-minded nons that the MIC and MCA should have put up a more aggressive competent fight, even unto resigning from PN to eff up Muhyiddin's slim majority in parliament.

Firstly, Muhyiddin's slim majority. Did the withdrawal of support from PN coalition by UMNO stalwarts Ku Li, Nazri Aziz, Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub make any difference?

Yet some like my visitor 'TS' has frequently demanded that the MIC and MCA MPs withdraw support from PN to topple the Muhyiddin government. Moronic thinking lah when UMNO MPs' withdrawal has done nothing to shake the Muhyiddin government. Besides, why should MIC and MCA withdraw when you did nothing to support them in the first instant.

Secondly, what could two parties (of 2 MPs each), virtually like boxers with both hands each tied behind their backs, do to a cherubic but still VELL-y FIRE-y pugnacious Kedah MB?

More importantly, who had tied their hands behind their backs?

You the nons (people like my blog visitor 'TS') who tok-kok, demand this and that of MCA-MIC, but did NOT vote MIC nor MCA, yet have the nerve to demand MIC and MCA do this and that, yet remain embarrassingly silent about the DAP (who they voted for) then in government, with 42 MPs but a useless number because they succumb, surrender and servilely serve Atuk who had only 13 MPs at that time.

Deafening silence when 42 MPs capitulated to 13 MPs, abandoning its manifesto promises, ICERD, Rome statute, LYNAS, KHAT, UEC, TAR-UC, Malay Dignity Congress, Atuk's insulting "orang2 asing yang syiok duduk di Malaysia dan ta'mahu balik negeri2 mereka", etc, compelling an erstwhile DAP supporter to throw eggs at a DAP service centre and Penang hawkers to donate their day sales to support TAR-UC. 


... the man accused DAP of "betraying the Chinese" and "exterminating Chinese education."

He then pelted Chaw's office with eggs while shouting expletives in Cantonese. At one point, his daughter could be heard urging him to leave.

It is believed that the assailant was referring to Putrajaya's plans to introduce khat into the Year 4 Bahasa Malaysia syllabus.

Star (04 Nov 2019)

Hawker helps raise funds for varsity

GEORGE TOWN: A hawker here has brought back memories of the 1970s when labourers and trishaw riders chipped in to help raise funds to build Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC).

For every bowl of curry noodles he sells, he will donate 10 sen to TAR UC.

Loke Thean Meng, 59, said that in the 1970s, people from all walks of life contributed to the building fund of the then college.

“I remember people such as hawkers, trishaw riders and hairdressers doing their very best to collect money and donate it to the college. This year marks TAR UC’s 50th anniversary and it is facing difficulties.

“It is time for me to contribute and do something for the future generations,” said the father-of-three, adding that his youngest daughter is doing her third year in the university college. [...]

Under Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng’s Budget 2020, not only was the matching grant for TAR UC not reinstated, but the development funds for it were also cut to RM1mil from RM5.5mil.

TAR UC is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in Malaysia and the alma mater of more than 200,000 graduates.

It is the only institution in the world approved by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) to internally assess all the nine modules of ACCA Fundamentals taken by TAR UC degree students.

Spotted enjoying Loke’s curry noodles were TAR UC students Tye Kher Loon, 23, and Jeroum Chin, 25.

“We decided to drop by after seeing the Facebook post,” Tye said.

“We get to have a meal and at the same time contribute to our university college, so why not?”

But shamelessly the DAP would not hesitate holding out an empty Tin Milo for Guan Eng's possible bail from a court charge he was then facing.

So eff-ers like 'TS' demanded the impossible from people and berated them when they couldn't perform , precisely because these people had rendered helpless by 'TS' and Co through not voting for them, whilst the same morons kept their mouths shut when useless un-Chinese (one Chinese said "I'm NOT a Chinese") so-called "heroes" kowtow kuai kaui to their beloved Atuk - yes, "heroes" who the Chinese gave 90% of their support to.

You know, MIC and MCA don't have to explain to you why they were humiliated by Sanusi. That's because they know you facilitated that VELL-y FIRE-y cherubic racist in doing so by withholding your support and giving it uselessly away to the dumb as mute guli-carriers for Atuk.


  1. So using KT’s circular logic if one did not vote at all in GE14 he cannot make demands on any political party?

    But KT keep making demands for Father and Son to stop supporting Toonsie. Did KT vote for DAP?

    1. of course I voted for DAP. Even though I dislike KHAT Sial I still voted for DAP but the party became so bad in its anxious servile mentality to bodek Atuk when in govt.

      I still have time for a few DAP people like Ramkarpal, Sangeeta, Kian Ming, Ronnie Liu etc. Penang CM is not too bad, likewise Dr Rama

    2. one more thing TS, please keep "BEGGING" for the DPM post for DAP - it made me cringed in embarrassment at you pathetic begging, like a beggar, wakakaka

    3. In any proper democratic country the party that has the most seats in parliament gets the top post. Why should we accept it as different in Malaysia? We should not be embarrassed to ask, but in the Asian "polite" way.....ha ha I ask again....why not DPM....?

    4. It is even more embarrassing and pathetic to accept being a third class citizen instead of being an equal.

  2. What could 2+2 MPs do?

    They could have voted against the 2021 Budget which was only passed with the narrowest of margins. If they had done the back door gomen would have fallen.

    Is that too demanding?

    1. and how did brave Pakatan voted? wakakaka

    2. Since KT asked how did Brave Pakatan vote here is the answer:

      All Pakatan and including Toonsie's Pejuang and Warisan and MUDA voted against the Budget. But they fell short by a very narrow margin.

      111 to 108.

      PAS-lovers MCA & MIC 2 + 2 supported the Budget.

      So if these 4 Boh Lam Phar had balls and voted against the Budget it would have been 107-112 and Yiddin's gomen tumbang.

      Even if they had just abstained like KuLi, it would have been 107-108 and Yiddin's gomen still tumbang.

      Malaysia's 2021 budget passed at third reading in parliament

      By Vincent Tan
      15 Dec 2020 04:16PM

      KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s Supply Bill 2021 passed its third reading in the Lower House with a division vote on Tuesday (Dec 15).

      A total of 111 Members of Parliament (MPs) voted in favour of the budget proposed by Mr Muhyiddin Yassin’s Perikatan Nasional (PN) government.

      A total of 108 other voted against the bill, while one was absent.

      Seen largely as a confidence vote in Mr Muhyiddin's leadership, the result on Tuesday showed that the prime minister still commands a majority.

      The absentee was Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Tengku Mohd Hamzah from United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), according to a Facebook post of Parti Keadilan Rakyat's Subang MP Wong Chen.

      Tengku Razaleigh had a day earlier met the press alongside former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad and indicated that they would work together to revive the country's economy.

      The Lower House has 222 seats but there are currently 220 MPs following the deaths of two MPs in October and November this year.

  3. The sub-text of the MCA fan-boy is Undilah MCA.

    1. How did you arrive at that unless you AGAIN fabricated, wakakaka

    2. "why should MIC and MCA withdraw when you did nothing to support them in the first instant."

      That is basically propaganda to tell people you should support MCA

  4. By now most nons have realized that because they are the minority, whether Chinese, Indian or Iban etc, individually will not have sufficient political voice to compete with the Malays. That is why they now support multi-racial parties.

    MCA and MIC are racial parties who have long lost their relevance but they did have that golden chance, they still do, to put this back door gomen to sleep because of the very narrow majority. But when push comes to shove, they chicken out, Boh Lam Phar, stay at home eat Mee Maggi.

    Please don’t hark on the 42, that is now past, focus on who is in gomen now. 42 cannot bring down PN, 4 can.

    1. why not hark on the 42, even though that is past, because those bodek-ers failed to prevent the current PN govt from forming through treachery of their erstwhile mates. The DAP was sheer incompetent, admittedly as a party because I could see only a few that were competent

  5. Nons rendered MCA and MIC weak because we gave them chan to perform for 6 decades, but these 2 parties were hopeless, so incompetent, cannot protect the rights of the minorities. 60 years is enough no?

  6. While PAS is allowed to reign supreme by MCA and MIC, in Indonesia with the world’s largest Muslim population....this just happened.....the THIRD minority person to hold the post of Top Policeman. But even after six decades of MCA and MIC rule, our society still cannot tahan Tommy Thomas as AG.

    Indonesia appoints Christian as new national police chief

    Rights groups call on Protestant Listyo Sigit Prabowo to curb abuses allegedly committed by the force

    Ryan Dagur, Jakarta
    January 22, 2021

    Indonesia's parliament has approved the appointment of Listyo Sigit Prabowo, a Protestant, as the new national police chief.

    Indonesia has named a Christian as the new national police chief, the third person from the religious minority to hold the post in the Muslim-majority nation.

  7. pas mca mic is all part of the useless govt that cause many infection n death, only zombie with a respiratory system in their ass support such a useless govt.

  8. wakakaka did kt just blow a gasket, and you are way off tangent by blaming the voters on mca/mic's predicament, why should the voters keep on supporting mca/mic if they have done fook all for the past 30 40 years, likewise if the dap fail to perform going forward we should not support them either, it was that fooking chinese Dr pkr frog that caused the collapse of the ph kedah state gomen, why do you think the nutcase mb have spared ah beng but pick on mutu, your annoyance and frustration with the lims/atuk is not our problem

  9. MIC/MCA don't have any predicament vis-a-vis Sanusi. Being weak the two non parties coudl do buggerall.

    The point I am making is they're weak because non voters made them weak - that's fine as that's the voters' choice, BUT why berate them for being weak and unable to fight Sanusi when they were rendered so those who berated them? Ain't that stupid?

    And the double standard has been the voters's silence on their elected 42 DAP MPs who despite its strength versus PRIBUMI's 13 could do eff-all. Weren't the DAP just as bad as I pointed out above - 42 vs 13, and just in less than 2 years, it capitulated to PRIBUMI.

    I don't care which party voters choose but use a bit of common logic - if you made a party weak because you believe it hasn't performed why then expect it to perform in its weakened state whilst remaining silent on the incompetent non-performing bodeking DAP who received 90% of Chinese votes?

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Numeric game of twist!

      "BUT why berate them for being weak and unable to fight Sanusi when they were rendered so those who berated them? Ain't that stupid?"

      If they r weak, meaning they have NO majority supports amongst the race/people they claimed to represent.

      Thus, if they still been elected, despite the weak supports, then their successful erections r bootstrapped by their master.

      So why blame the majority of the voters who turned them down? They r weak PURELY bcoz they r lackeys with no major supports.

      So, who's stupid?

    2. So why blame the majority of the voters who turned them down?

      Because those voters who didn't vote for them in the first place had the gall to demand they acted more aggressively by resigning to eff the budget, yet no one from Pakatan objected to the budget - what an effing moronic joke

    3. Er……!

      Which comes first?

      Then who has the right to represent the majority of the Nons who reject the elected based on the kindly hand of their master?

      Terbalik think! Right?

  10. Today 4 can tumbang PN, 42 cannot, even morons can understand that.

    If I remember correctly KT was so proud to stay-at-home play mahjong during GE14, so obviously did not vote for DAP so Father and Son owe no explanation to KT on why they "supported" Toonsie (42 vs 13).

    1. 42 capitulated to 13 because Father & Son were sucking Atuk's dick and balls - not a single peep from both when Atuk insulted nons for staying on in Malaya when they should have gone back to Tiongkok

  11. I want to harp on the 61 years of failure by MCA.

    It is often said ( with a lot of truth) that time and effort conquers all. Maybe not all, but a lot can be done.

    Similarly, if you have limited time, even with a lot of resources, things may not get done, or with limited results.
