
Saturday, January 23, 2021

DAP with even 90% Chinese support did exactly what it criticised MCA of doing - DAP just an eff-ing useless big mouth


DAP kowtowed to Mahathir, failed to help Chinese when in govt, says MCA

MCA vice-president Ti Lian Ker said DAP had done exactly what it had accused his party of doing.

PETALING JAYA: The MCA accused its political nemesis DAP of failing to adequately represent the Chinese community when given the chance to do so, saying it had given in to Malay leaders, especially former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Its vice-president, Ti Lian Ker, said MCA had been instrumental in the past in ensuring Chinese values were upheld in government by standing up against the conversion of non-Muslim minors to Muslims and hudud laws, among other policies.

He said Chinese voters have reached a crossroads now, faced with a choice of supporting the government and having a seat at the table in policy discussion and execution or maintaining loyalty to DAP.

Ti said that despite DAP trying to blame the MCA for all the frustrations of the Chinese community in the past and provoking “anger and hatred” towards the party, the opposition party was unable to fulfil its promises when given the chance in 2018.

“DAP secured 90% of the Chinese vote. The overwhelming support it obtained did not result in any significant changes to their livelihood,” he said in a statement.

With 42 MPs against Dr Mahathir’s 13, DAP proved that it was much weaker and a bigger letdown to the Chinese than MCA, with DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng announcing he was not a Chinese and allowing Mahathir to renege on election promises.

“Instead of moving forward, the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government regressed, and DAP allowed Tun Mahathir to return to a Malay-centric government, for which MCA had been criticised and demonised before.”

He said that in not pushing for the post of deputy prime minister and having just four Chinese ministers despite winning the most seats in Parliament, DAP had “forgotten that it was the Chinese community that gave them the greatest support”.

“In the end, the PH government maintained most, if not all, Bumiputera policies and appointed Malays as ministers in all key Cabinet and GLC positions.

“DAP even agreed to an increase in the Bumiputera entry quota to local public universities and supported the introduction of Jawi lessons in schools to win over the Malay electorate.”

Furthermore, Ti said the same people MCA had stood firm against on Malay and Islamic issues in the past — opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and Mahathir — were the ones dictating the policies when DAP was in government.


  1. Ah Ti is a back-door Deputy Minister of Unity but only talk about Chinese, Chinese, Chinese. He did not even stand for election, federal or state, in GE14, or even GE13 or GE12, so who does he represent? And he only made deputy minister when Menteri Tiong Kok rejected the lowly Unity position, but MCA and Ah Ti lapped it up like a hungry stray dog. Desperate for power, any power.

    By highlighting this fler’s rantings KT is highlighting MCA’s failure and how low they have fallen. Good Job, We need the ulangkaji.

    MCA had 90% Chinese support for decades since Merdeka, 22 years under Toonsie, yet they allowed the Chinese to fall. Education, economy, bumiputra, racism, JAKIM, bigotry, corruption, killing of judiciary, all those scandals that KT like to regurgitate, all started under MCA’s watch. Now all of them institutionalized, part of Malaysian life and DNA.

    DAP is a multi-racial party, which today the majority of Chinese support. When in power DAP was fair to all races, and Malays are 65% of the population, how can it favor Chinese only when it is a multi-racial party?

    A long list of MCA ministers and deputy ministers must hold their heads in shame, including Wee KHAT Siong who was the Deputy Education Minister when the decision was made to incorporate KHAT/Jawi into the school curriculum in 2013.

    Ah Ti now admits MCA has failed to the extent that having “a seat”, a SINGLE seat is all the Chinese should expect and be grateful for, when the cabinet has more than 30 seats. One in Thirty, Be Grateful, as long as that one goes to Poor Poor Pitiful 10% MCA.

    Now MCA got new name....Parti Kacau Bilau 10%......ha ha ha...

    And don’t be racist, count only Chinese ministers, DAP had SIX ministers, not FOUR. Gobind and Kula count too.

  2. MCA had its chance for 61 years , with only declining Chinese rights to show, and clinging at TAR College with dead hands.

    Yes , DAP did not manage to change many things, but its Hypocritical for Tu Lan Ker to condemn DAP for its 22 months.

    1. I believe there are grounds for MCA to criticise DAP considering that in the PH govt the DAP had 42 MPs versus Atuk's 13. In UMNO ruling days there was no such proportion of MCA ever outnumbering UMNO.

    2. If the number 42 MPs works as simple as you said then there would be no issue of old man passing the baton to AI after the promised date. Know or not knowing the delicacies of the working of the cabinet/government, you are just assuming and alleging without substance or rather with biasness and hatred. Wakakakaka ........

    3. I could also say you are just assuming and alleging without substance or rather with biasness and hatred. Wakakakaka ........

    4. The biggest handicap facing ANY attempts to weaken the ketuanan narratives r those manna seeking civil servants.

      42 is only a superficial numeric strength of zilch consequences, comparing with the openly resistances of these long preferential meme-ed crowd of racist.

      There r many not of unfound & unknown truths about policies unsavoury to these mfers r been highjacked, delayed & cold storage, via multiple excuses, to the detriment of DAP administrators.

      Yet there r many a DAP bashers just want to add a kick to heighten the racial inflictings!

  3. Let's not even look at things racially. DAP ministers were generally incompetent with LGE really destroying goodwill and his credibility as Finance Minister (self proclaimed failed accountant).

    Removing GST and going on a witch hunt and lying in Parliament on GST funds handled by the past administration really shows his incompetence. Malaysia's financial position deteriorated rapidly after LGE took over. Even before Covid19, govt Debt to GDP went up, FDI plummeted, policy was uncertain with numerous flip flops (toll roads etc), GLCs were plundered, GDP growth stalled and malaysian stock mkts fell even as other regional stock mkts rallied. Yes PH and Bersatu were also responsible for poor governance but in a short 22 months there was terrible mismanagement by LGE in his duties as FM.

    DAP's time in Govt has wrecked the perception of the DAP as a party of competence. They sure aren't PAP of SG.

    1. GST Najib was a disaster. A Ponzi scheme where the Government deliberately withheld repaying input GST which was procedurally meant to be automatically paid back. Many SMEs faced serious cash-flow problems and either closed down or came near to closing down due to the way Najib GST was actually implemented.

      Don't give us the textbook bullshit about how great GST is. In BN-run Malaysia, the textbook tak boleh pakai.

      MALAYSIA'S GST was a disaster, especially for SMEs.

    2. 44B collected under Jibby but 20B was supposed to be refunded but was moved into Consolidated Fund....not returned to rightful owners, Tengku Zafrul still refunding today....

    3. "GLCs were plundered"

      Plundered when and by who? By your kind of people who die-die supported "malu-apa-kah" who have no shame and "maruah"-lah so don't talk -k%#* here.

  4. The facts show GST refunds were not misused. According to the PAC no GST refunds were stolen.

    The facts show that asset values of PNB, Khazanah,PPetronas and EPF were at all time highs before LGE came in.

    LGE forced Petronas to pay a dividend when oil prices were low resulting in a ratings downgrade from ratings agencies.

    Khazanah was forced to sell stakes in IHH which were unnecessary and forced Azman mokhtar, who is globalky respected, to step down when he built uo the Khazanah as a respected sovereign wealth fund. Over 9 years He returned double digit returns per annum for his tenure at Khazanah which is higher than the returns of Temasek. His record speaks for itself. He returned 100bn in his tenure at Khazanah.

    1. What a f*cked piece of rubbish!

      1) asset values of PNB, Khazanah, Petronas and EPF were at all time highs before LGE came in.


      Have u ever read the balance sheets of these outfits?

      Many a time their balance sheets r either ways behind current date or govt secrets!

      So easy to release foul gaseous as u like.

      Perhaps, u should try to realise that the asset values of these ketuanan-ised manna machines, especially pnb & khazanah, always have the first pick on the local low hanging corporate fruits. & Lge stopped that preferential treatments.

      2) "LGE forced Petronas to pay a dividend when oil prices were low resulting in a ratings downgrade from ratings agencies."


      Where did u learn yr blackgoating skill?

      Mara? Or those zombified pondok madrasah?

      Mfer, just dig deeper during yr awakening time to find out who r those dickheads that started squeezing petronas for dividend to pay for the shortfalls in the national coffer lah!

      Ditto with during who's time & what circumstances that caused petronas ratings downgrade from ratings agencies.

      Have u ever read what has hassan merican ranted about the plucking of the prime cuts in petronas?

      Obviously NO.

      Just another fart to add to that foul gaseous already released from u!

      3) mokhtar had to sell ihh bcoz he couldn't keep selling tnb shares to dress up the book. Besides, there r no other entities within the khazanah folders that a foreign buyer willing to pay reasonably price to meet khazsnah's urgent cash flow deficiency!

      "He returned double digit returns per annum for his tenure at Khazanah which is higher than the returns of Temasek"

      Like that 犬养mfer's favourite word - blow.

      A simple question - what's the true total investment values of Temasek vis-a-vis khazanah?

      How about a 10% of Temasek returns is equivalent to half of khazanah's 50% total asset values.

      A copycat attempt of WIDESPREAD ASSET UNBUNDLING ("WAU") by mokhtar during his first BinaFikir cheat done till the latest, losing counts, corporate restructuring on mas. He has run out of idea to copy.

      BTW, khazanah did make a killing as an Alibaba initial keystone investor. But, that credit should be due for someone else rather than him.


    2. You are ranting and spewing nonsense without facts.
      Petronas was put on negative outlook by moody on 11 nov 2018 after div payout.

      This is under LGE. Subsequently credit rating was downgraded by moody in jun 2019.

      IHH assets were sold after Azman mokhtar left Khazanah . They were sold because khazanah wanted to crystallise a profit as after PH tookover their holdings all fell and they needed profits to compensate.

      The sterling returns of khazanah included MAS stake and the asset unbundling. MAS may not have done well but khazanah investment gains under Azman mokhtar more than compensated for this. It is a matter of record.

    3. i never believe lge is capable, but i also dont believe he is that powerful.

    4. Indeed u earned yr fart from pondok madrasah!

      Reputed rating agencies DON'T just downgrade a corporate credit rating purely on just a single issue.

      Petronas credit downgrade disgrace is caused by years of kitty bank pilferage that depleting its financial resources! Hassan merican would vow on that score.

      Khazanah has been topping up its year end balance sheet via selling of the tnb shares for as long as mohktar kept watch!

      Ihh was sold exactly bcoz there were no more tnb shares to be sold for year end window dressing. Yr words - "because khazanah wanted to crystallise a profit as after PH tookover their holdings all fell and they needed profits to compensate."

      Mfer, a sovereign fund that depends on local assets holdings! Thus, a change of govt devalued its asset values! Not even those camel heads run their 'private funds' like that. So mohktar was 'good' er?

      "khazanah investment gains under Azman mokhtar more than compensated for this. It is a matter of record."

      Wakakakakaka… whose record? Yrs? Mohktar's?

      Sterling returns of khazanah? Have u read how much khazanah losed before mohktar was forced to resigned?

      There is a favorite well used for farting. Why don't u jump in & join those cloaking katak?

  5. GST was only a disaster for SMEs bwcause they were evading tax all these years. GST stopped this practice as by design the chainlinked structure of GST reduces evasion. This resulted in much higher revenue to the government and saw govt debt to gdp drop after GST was implemented.

  6. QUOTE
    DAP: Why is a man in charge of unity playing up Chinese sentiment?

    DAP Youth chief Howard Lee criticised Deputy National Unity Minister Ti Lian Ker for allegedly playing up Chinese sentiment.

    This is after Ti, who is an MCA vice-president, claimed the DAP failed to adequately represent the Chinese community and had given in to Malay leaders while it was in government.

    "This is the sad state of affairs that we are living in when the deputy minister for national unity keeps spewing the Chinese versus Chinese narrative...
