
Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Book launch not an event to topple the Lims - Liu


Book launch not an event to topple the Lims - Liu

DAP Sungai Pelek assemblyperson Ronnie Liu (above) has confirmed that he will attend DAP veteran Liew Ah Kim's book launch.

However, he clarified that the event has nothing to do with the so-called 'anti-Lims' movement, which is said to be gathering pace within the party.

"I promised Liew I will attend his book launch, but the event has nothing to do with the party election.

"Moreover, when Liew and the organiser invited me, they did not say it is about toppling the Lims," Liu told Malaysiakini yesterday.

The Jan 17 event is to launch a collection of bilingual poems and a memoir written by Liew, who once served as the party national publicity secretary, deputy secretary-general and vice-chairperson.

Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that as the countdown to DAP leadership election begins, a movement to remove secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and his father, party stalwart Lim Kit Siang, from the helm has been gathering pace.

Malaysiakini also reported that the Jan 17 event may serve as an opportunity for the anti-Lims movement to build momentum before the party election, which must be held no later than June 30.

Ganabatirau won't attend the book launch

According to Liu, he had originally promised to speak at the event.

However, following the anti-Lims movement speculation, he said he is now reconsidering the decision.

V Ganabatirau

"Depends on the situation," he said when asked if he would still speak at the event.

"I will attend the event if it is not cancelled, but I will not speak anything regarding toppling the Lims," he added.

Asked specifically if he is participating in the anti-Lims movement, Liu said the question does not arise.

Meanwhile, Selangor executive council member V Ganabatirau confirmed with Malaysiakini yesterday that he has received the invitation to attend the event.

However, he said, due to other commitments, he would not be attending.

Ganabatirau also said he would not be a part of any movement going against the DAP leadership.


  1. Ronnie tipu....of course he wanted to attend book launch to cucuk the Lims but now with the UMNO-Bersatu pergolakan he realise the Lims are kingmakers, very powerful, got Big Lam Phar, even powerful UMNO warlords come calling bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, many in DAP will get jawatan besar...ha ha ha....Ronnie must gostan, retract, undo undo undo....ha ha ha again....

  2. one can only topple a emperor via revolution, not book launch.

  3. Its THE gathering for people who want to topple the Lims...but it is not officially... hahaha

  4. Liew Ah Kim is well into his 80's.

    And he is accusing Lim Guan Eng of hanging around too long?

    1. Liew Ah Kim, 3 times DAP MP and 3 times DAP ADUN, left DAP 22 years ago because of a tiff with LKS

  5. Book launchings can be seditious and even a threat to the government .... according to Najib and alsi the Hong Kong SAR administration

    1. Hehe..Old Bigot cannot resist a nasty dig at evil China, LOL. Still hammering at it with a fake news about a 'disappearing' book seller. But then, it doesn't take much to set off this unreasoning hatred, which has no bounds. Looks like such toxic emo can poison one's soul, if ever there is a soul to start with. If overwhelmed with the noxious flow to the very end, then the only way is to inter it to the grave, wa ka ka ka. Such a sad end.
