
Sunday, December 06, 2020

Why Muhyiddin is refusing to accord recognition to secular principles in Malaysian Constitution

MM Online:

Kit Siang questions if Bersatu following PAS in refusing to accord recognition to secular principles in Malaysian Constitution

Lim Kit Siang has questioned if Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) is now headed in the direction of Islamist party PAS. — Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 6 — A veteran politician has questioned if Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) is now headed in the direction of Islamist party PAS, following Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s recent vow to fight ‘secularism and liberalism’ and uphold moderate Sunni Muslim teachings.

DAP’s stalwart Lim Kit Siang, through a statement, highlighted the various instances of how the formation of the Federal Constitution contained articles that uphold Islam as the country’s official religion, but at the same time protect the rights of others to freely practise other religions as they wish.

Lim also pointed out that despite the presence of an official religion, the Federal Constitution also acknowledges the country is effectively a ‘secular state’, even including how former Lord President of the Supreme Court, Tun Salleh Abas had in a December 1987 ruling described Malaysia as governed by ‘secular law’.

The Iskandar Puteri MP said the words of Bersatu president Muhyiddin, during the party’s Annual Grand Meeting on November 28, where he vowed to combat secularism would effectively put him in conflicting positions with the Constitution and National Principles (Rukun Negara), demanding the Prime Minister clarify his party’s position.

“In the light of this constitutional and historical background, Muhyiddin’s speech at the Bersatu AGM at the end of November, where he declared war on ‘secularism’ must be viewed with great concern by all Malaysians who abide by the 1957 Merdeka Constitution, the 1963 Malaysia Agreement, and the 1970 Rukun Negara.

“ That the status of Islam as the official religion of Malaysia does not imply that Malaysia is not a secular state where there is freedom of religion throughout the country.

“Malaysians are entitled to know whether Bersatu now follows PAS in refusing to accord recognition to the secular principles in the Malaysian Constitution, Malaysia Agreement 1963, and the Rukun Negara,” Lim wrote in a statement today.

Muhyiddin had during the same speech in November said the alliance that was cobbled together between his party, Umno, and PAS was God’s will despite them being political enemies before.

He had said the unity of the three Malay parties was caused by divine will, before promising Perikatan Nasional would fight to return ‘moderate’ Sunni Muslim teachings, which form the basis of the brand of Islam solely recognised by Putrajaya, and to ‘fight secularism and liberalism’.


kt notes:

It seems Lim KS might be back to his OLD form, becoming the nation's conscionable statesman, and also spokesman of secular Malaysia. Personally I'm glad to see he might have reverted to his old self though I'm still suspicious of him and his 'Atuk-ism', wakakaka - oh, how 'power' corrupts and 'absolute power' corrupts absolutely.

OTOH, speaking in fairness for Muhyiddin, what else could he have said when his own political position teeters on the brink, depending principally on PAS to succour him in his current PM position. PAS can balance off a predatory UMNO from munching on the kerbau-ish Moo-Moo. Alhamdulillah, bless be PAS for holding Muhyiddin up strongly, wakakaka. 


  1. Just over a year ago, when in opposition, Wee KHAT Siong was so Loud and Proud, pretending to push UMNO and PAS around, insisting they must uphold in the Plump job as Menteri Jaga Kereta, will he Pout and Shout?

    Will the useless MCA "not tolerate and not waver" on secularism....and quit the racist and Islamist gomen...?

    MCA: Umno-Pas must uphold spirit of Federal Constitution
    By Audrey Dermawan - September 19, 2019

    GEORGE TOWN: The political cooperation between Umno and Pas must not pose any threat to the country's existing secular system.

    MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong said it had always been the party's political pathway, since it was founded to when it fought for the country's independence and until today, be it in the government or in the opposition, to uphold the spirit of the Federal Constitution and defend the values of multiculturalism and moderation.

    "Therefore, whether to leave or stay in Barisan Nasional, or on the collaboration between Umno and Pas, MCA continues to uphold the above principle as its utmost guidance.

    "If the collaboration resorts to a singular religion and race that will shake up the multicultural secular system enshrined in the Federal Constitution, MCA will not tolerate and would not waver in asserting a definite and firm stance," he said, here, today.

  2. Malaysia adalah Negara Islam....

    That is a formal statement on the Malaysian Government official website.

    It has remained there from BN Government to Pakatan Harapan to Perikatan Nasional.

    A bit late to challenge the statement and all that is implied.

  3. apart recycle koktok, what else lks do? retire la.
