
Friday, December 18, 2020

Police wasting time hunting Tamil Tigers instead of hunting for Indira Gandhi's kidnapping ex-husband


Quizzed on 2019 LTTE forum, Klang MP calls police probe 'witch hunt'

DAP lawmaker Charles Santiago was summoned to the Bukit Aman federal police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today over a forum held last year.

Speaking to reporters later, the Klang MP dubbed the investigation a “witch hunt”.

"I asked the officer how come the police are calling me after almost 12 months. She said it is part of their investigation and they can call me anytime.

"I think this is a bit of a witch hunt and wasting my time as well as the time of the police. (There is) no necessity for this.

“If it is urgent, police should have done this much earlier and not wait for one year and waste their time and my time as well," he added.

The November 2019 forum organised by Suaram followed the detention of 12 individuals, including DAP politicians, under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) for being alleged supporters of the defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terror group.

At the forum, Charles had accused the police of practicing double standards and alleged that certain laws were used for political interests.

The opposition politician said the police had asked him 18 questions and showed him two video clips of his speech.

His lawyer John Fam told reporters that some of the questions were now a matter in the civil court related to a defamation suit filed against his client and Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy.

"There were certain questions that border the civil suit. So we rather answer them in court," he added.

Apart from Charles, Suaram's Sevan Doraisamy was also called for questioning with regard to the forum.

Sevan said Charles as an MP and Suaram as a civil society organisation, have the right to discuss matters of national interest in the public.

1 comment:

  1. Let's be clear something first.

    The Sri Lanka civil war was carried out with barbaric violence and cruelty by both sides, so there were no good guys in the long war.

    The LTTE was a brutal terrorist organisation, so these DAP-idiots including Charles Santiago who sympathised with the LTTE were heavily misguided.

    However, heavily misguided does not mean they committed any crime. Stupidity is not a crime.

    The LTTE no longer exists as an organisation, so Malaysia police treating these continued sympathisers as some kind of threat to Malaysian security is dumb and a waste of resources.
