
Thursday, December 10, 2020

China has suspended sixth Oz supplier in the importation of Australian beef


China suspends importation of more Australian beef as trade battle escalates

China has suspended the importation of more Australian beef, this time from Meramist Pty Ltd, the sixth supplier to face such a move in a country that is one of China's main meat suppliers.

It has already banned imports from five other Australian beef suppliers this year, citing reasons that have included issues with labelling and health certificates.China made the decision on Monday but did not provide a reason.

Australia's ties with China — its top trade partner — were already strained.

The relationship has significantly deteriorated since Canberra called for an inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus.

China stopped receiving applications and registration for beef exports from the Meramist plant from December 7, China's General Administration of Customs said in a notice on its website, without giving a reason.

"I was advised five minutes ago and I have been given absolutely no reasons," he said, adding he could not comment further.Mike Eathorne, the general manager of Meramist, told the ABC on Monday night he had only just received the news.

Meramist was one of several abattoirs named last year in an ABC 7.30 investigation involving the slaughter of racehorses. A former worker pleaded guilty to animal cruelty offences in July this year.

In May, China banned imports from four of Australia's largest meat processors, citing issues with labelling and health certificates.

In August, it suspended imports from a fifth plant, Queensland abattoir John Dee.

Wine and lobster have also been impacted in the diplomatic trade tussle.(Unsplash)

As well as targeting beef, China has imposed prohibitive tariffs on Australian barley and wine, blocked imports of Australian lobsters and delayed the unloading of Australian coal.

That sparked a global campaign urging people to buy Australian wine.The Australian wine industry has been among the hardest hit, with China last month imposing tariffs ranging from 107 to 200 per cent on imports amid accusations Australian wines have been dumped in China.

The relationship has also been under pressure in the wake of a Chinese Foreign Ministry official posting an offensive Twitter post referencing alleged war crimes committed by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has demanded an apology for the "repugnant" tweet, but one has not been forthcoming.


  1. Welcome to RCEP, Bully's trap to subjugate all members. Yindia pandai, tak mau masuk perangkap.

    1. India absolutely cannot compete without tariffs placed on its exports or to impose tariffs on its imports. You can't even get such basic facts right but as usual, spew your endless Bully Bully Bully chant. Told you to stick to local politics and local can only see what's right in front of your nose, so just swim in the swampy waters of tanah air ketuanan je, hehe

    2. This blurred mfer is truly know-nothing!

      A bully trap initiated by ASEAN!

      "Yindia pandai"?

      The true is Yindia can even compete with the ASEAN grouping countries. So HOW? Cabutlah!

  2. go learn from vietnamese, they know how to deal with bully.

    1. Get yr Da Nang kabel to persuade the Vietnamese govt to start another SChinaSea war with China.

      See whether it can still hold on to those remaining atolls/shoals under its procession.

    2. i always say the one that love war is bully 1 n bully 2. yr response tell the same wrt bully 2. gotcha.

    3. Oooop… haven't u forgotten what u have subtly suggested?

      Can't think straight? Too much dangdut happy hours?

      Warmongering katak, right?

  3. What's lot if Bull Shit.
    Australian beef health and labelling practices far surpass anything CCP has domestically.

    CCP - Big Bully

  4. A chorus from a pact of know-nothing dingo worshipping toads!

  5. Aussie started this stupid game with China, and now it is crying foul when getting its deserved slaps on the face, hehe

    It is the habit of Anglo to accuse you of aggression as he punches you.

    To put it in context,  ScoMo has a small midget head but insisted on wearing a big hat. So while strutting along with his big hat on, he stumbled into a deep pothole. Will the US come to the rescue by opening its market to Australia ? (LOL).  Or would the pet owner just allow its pet poodle to suffer on its own in the deep hole ? For the first time in 30 years, Australia is entering into a recession. Looks like it doesn't pay to be a giant kangaroo that serves as a dog to the USA. 

  6. The cold blooded murder of 39 civilians ( including slitting children's throats for sport) is shocking and I believed this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

    Some of these Anglo soldiers are inhuman, to say the least...for example, an Australian soldier ( not those Special Forces now implicated in the latest killing of Afghan civilians ), in transporting seven Afghan prisoners, was told that he could only fit six of them on a helicopter , so he shot one of them on the spot without hesitation. This sounds like a scene from a movie about Waffen-SS but it's happening right here, right now.

    God knows what else is going on or has happened over there in Afghanistan that will never be made public. The US promised sanctions on ICC judges ( including their families, hehe !)  should they insist on bringing war crime charges against American soldiers in Afghanistan.  

    It really calls into question the legitimacy of the so-called  "war on terror" and who really are the terrorists.  It really is a war OF terror, not a war ON terror. 

    In this cold blooded killing of the 39 Afghan civilians, there is a whistleblower who blew this case wide open. His name is David McBride, an Australian army lawyer and is currently facing a 50-year prison sentence for being a whistleblower.  

    This reminds one of the case of Dr Li Wenliang whom the Western media did its damn best to make him out to be a whistleblower on the non-existent 'cover-up' re Covid19 in Wuhan. Dr Li was an ophthalmologist ( 'eye doctor') and he happened upon a rumor that SARs had made a comeback in Wuhan, a gossip of which he had shared among his chat group, with a warning to NOT spread this out to others. A genuine whistleblower should have the actual facts and go directly to the press or someone of higher authority if he feels that the authority is involved in cover-up, no ? That poor chap was just sharing some unconfirmed gossip among a few friends and for all his trouble, he was pulled over by the police and was given a warning to become a fearmonger. AND on the very same day that he was given a warning by the police, the China CDC had issued an advisory to ALL the hospitals and clinics in Wuhan to follow certain protocols because of the discovery of a mysterious illness which had shown symptoms of pneumonia for those patients who came to seek help. The Western media went into a frenzy about "the unfair treatment of Dr Li", more so when he unfortunately and regrettably succumbed to the virus a few months later. 

    And with the case of the genuine whistleblower of this David McBride, NOT A SINGLE media from the West Anglophone countries said anything about " the unfair treatment of McBride" and gave scant reporting on this issue. Hehe...we kith and kin of the white supremacist mafia gang must stick together through thick and thin, yes ? LOL

  7. As things stand now between China and Australia, both have reached a point of no return.

    ScoMo government has been so successful in stirring up anti-China sentiments amongst  its population ( just like in the US too ), it is political suicide for any politician to be seen as even slightly sympathetic to  China.

    Together with the power of the Murdoch media empire, China bashing gets you elected. So it's  going to get worse, not better. In any so-called democracy, at the end of the day, the most important thing for a politician is winning the next election.
