
Monday, November 09, 2020

US election 2020: Why Donald Trump lost


US election 2020: Why Donald Trump lost


Let the 2020 election bury the mistaken notion once and for all that the 2016 election was a historical accident, an American aberration.

Donald Trump won more than 70 million votes, the second highest total in American history. Nationally, he has more than a 47% share of his vote, and looks to have won 24 states, including his beloved Florida and Texas.

He has an extraordinary hold over large swathes of this country, a visceral connection that among thousands of supporters has brought a near cult-like devotion. After four years in the White House, his supporters studied the fine print of his presidency and clicked enthusiastically on the terms and conditions.

Any analysis of his political weakness in 2020 also has to acknowledge his political strength. However, he was defeated, becoming one of only four incumbents in the modern era not to get another four years. Also he has become the first president to lose the popular vote in consecutive elections.

Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 partly because he was a norm-busting political outsider who was prepared to say what had previously been unsayable.

But Donald Trump also lost the presidency in 2020 partly because he was a norm-busting political outsider who was prepared to say what had previously been unsayable.

Though much of the Trump base might well have voted for him if he had shot someone on Fifth Avenue, his infamous boast from four years ago, others who supported him four years ago were put off by his aggressive behaviour.

Getty Images

Many found the manner in which he defied so many norms off-putting and often offensive

This was especially true in the suburbs. Joe Biden improved on Hillary Clinton's performance in 373 suburban counties, helping him claw back the Rust Belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, and enabling him to gain Georgia and Arizona. Donald Trump has a particular problem with suburban women.

We witnessed again in the 2020 presidential election what we had seen in the 2018 mid-term election - more highly-educated Republicans, some of whom had voted for Trump four years ago prepared to give him a chance, thought his presidency was too unpresidential. Though they understood he would be unconventional, many found the manner in which he defied so many customs and behavioural norms off-putting and often offensive.

They were put off by his aggressiveness. His stoking of racial tensions. His use of racist language in tweets maligning people of colour. His failure, on occasions, to adequately condemn white supremacy. His trashing of America's traditional allies and his admiration for authoritarian strongmen, such as Vladimir Putin.

His strange boasts about being "a very stable genius" and the like. His promotion of conspiracy theories. His use of a lingua franca that sometimes made him sound more like a crime boss, such as when he described his former lawyer Michael Cohen, who reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors, as "a rat".


  1. Carrot Top may have "lost" in USA but he is a winner in UAE, Muslims there "love" him....yam seng...ha ha ha...

    United Arab Emirates relaxes Islamic laws on alcohol and cohabitation, criminalizes 'honor' killings
    Nov. 7, 2020

    By The Associated Press

    DUBAI — The United Arab Emirates announced on Saturday a major overhaul of the country's Islamic personal laws, allowing unmarried couples to cohabitate, loosening alcohol restrictions and criminalizing so-called "honor killings."

    The broadening of personal freedoms reflects the changing profile of a country that has sought to bill itself as a skyscraper-studded destination for Western tourists and businesses, despite its legal system based on a strict interpretation of Islamic law.

    The reforms aim to boost the country's economic and social standing and "consolidate the UAE's principles of tolerance," state-run WAM news agency reported.

    The changes also reflect the efforts of the Emirates' rulers to keep pace with a rapidly changing society. In a country where expatriates outnumber citizens nearly nine to one, the amendments will also permit foreigners to avoid Islamic Shariah courts on issues like marriage, divorce and inheritance.

    The announcement also follows a historic U.S.-brokered deal to normalize relations between the UAE and Israel, which is expected to bring an influx of Israeli tourists and investment.

    "I could not be happier for these new laws that are progressive and proactive," said Emirati filmmaker Abdallah Al Kaabi, whose art has tackled taboo topics like homosexual love and gender identity.

    "2020 has been a tough and transformative year for the UAE," he added.

    Changes include scrapping penalties for alcohol consumption, sales and possession for those aged 21 and over.

    Although liquor and beer are widely available in bars and clubs in the UAE's luxuriant coastal cities, individuals previously needed a government-issued license to purchase, transport or have alcohol in their homes. The new rule would apparently allow Muslims, who have been barred from obtaining licenses, to drink alcoholic beverages freely.

    The legal reforms were announced by state-run WAM news agency and detailed in state-linked newspaper The National.

  2. Once again, like in 2016, the so-called experts, the pundits, the pollsters etc, have been proved wrong. Where was the landslide win for Biden?

    Carrot top won 47% of the popular votes and half, maybe more of the states. In fact Kepala Lobak Merah got the second highest number of votes in a Presidential election, ever.

    Like our so-called "independent" Emir Research, ha ha ha, the American polls were all biased and quite simply wrong.

  3. Trump is a living example of a person with an unhinged mind.

    A serial liar and bombastic ego, he always felt the need to massage his own ego.

    Personally, I believe Trump is a man devoid of morality and should not be president. The thing about Trump is that he lies with a straight face and blames everybody else when things go round.

    Having said that, we must accept that Trump, a businessman managed to win the White House. It was a great achievement ruined only by his erratic and immoral behaviour.

    The frightening thing is that he would probably have won a second term had not the Covid 19 happened.

    1. Trump is merely the outcome of the irreparable division in the American society. He came, he saw and he conquered in 2016 LOL. This demagogue with a gifted silver tongue seized the opportunity, with the appropriate sound bites and catchy slogan ( MAGA !).

      The divide among the Americans is so great that the gulf cannot ever be bridged. Biden apparently, to date, received 76 millions votes, Trump 71 votes...with Biden receiving the largest number of votes in history.

      How to bridge the abyss...flat earther, pro-life, evangelicals waiting for the coming rapture, white supremacist - KKK, Proud Boys, Neo Nazi, homophobia, anti-feminism, BLM.....

      With over-inflated "Freedumb" of Speech rights, comes with a decrease in responsibility for what's being said. Your rights impinge on another person's rights. The rights of those who are pro-Abortion, infringe upon the rights of anti-Abortion. The gay rights infringe upon the anti-gay rights. The rights of religious believers infringe upon the rights of the non-believers.

      Everything is so polarized that the Left Wing and Right Wing doesn't even allow any middle ground between them.

      Worst case scenario...a civil war. Best case - wearing each other out till this decaying imperialist empire decline from the sole superpower to being just one of the equalized powers in a multipolar world.

  4. "His strange boasts about being "a very stable genius" and the like".

    How about this boast that he was the Chosen One? He did proudly announced he was the Chosen One and then looked up to the sky, haha haha. I think this woman has something to do with him thinking in this way...this woman preacher who declared " When we say NO to Trump, we are saying NO to God"...OMG, here this video the woman preacher in action, hehe

    I urge viewers to endure watching this video till the, the crazies that Trump surrounded himself with....anything and everything just to have power in hand. Megalomaniac !

    1. american know what to choose, ccp zombie can only watch far far away how american make their choice, n get extremely excited abt it.

    2. The one who got wet in his panties is you, the batty one, hehe. We are only 'excited' when we watch with glee the madness descending every four years how these Americans choose between a Pepsi and a Cola...what's the diff eh ? George Carlin, may he RIP, says it all here :

      Why I Don't Vote :

    3. either pepsi n cola is always better than only pepsi cola, somomore lifetime.

    4. Wakakakaka…

      A lifetime pepsi cola! What a miserable formulated drink that u can think of.

      But katak doesn't care! A drink is a drink - soft, hard, still, flat or mixed DON'T matter. As long as it likes the taste.

      After all just label mah.

    5. zombie ok then everything fine.

    6. U meant some of yr dangdut pals of the allah-akbar kind!

      Monthly crumbs suspended. Bad boy!

    7. no, is always both, here n ccp land.

    8. Then WHY the such humongous development differences in humanity, sopo & technology?

      The only conclusion IS u just diex2 want to upstage yr zombieic dangdut pals to Chinese levels!

      台毒 katak too!

    9. diff? u mean 600 mil earn less than 1000 rmb n very much lower than nep melayu?

  5. trump manage the pendemic poorly, we shd ask this sort of question only if he win. american is not zombie, only zombie would continue to support a leader that no clue what to do with wuhanvirus. 2 such leaders exist in the whole world, one in ccp china n the other one in malaysia, thanks to zombie.

    1. Keep releasing katak fart, w/o shame!

      Why don't u tell that to yr 蔡妹妹 about her stealth herd immunity for the whole of Formosa?

      No teloq?

      Ooop… indeed katak had no ball.

    2. A wassup viralling around :

      [Tsai Ing-wen shivering in her panties now. She openly supported Trump in the American presidential election, especially after having bought outdated and overpriced American military weapons to the tune of billions of dollars. She never expects Biden to win at all, so she threw caution to the wind, making up an unrelenting false stories about Biden's son Hunter, insinuating about his 'massive' corruption. Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong too supported Trump blindly and now he is doing 'damage control'...immediately putting the whole blame on his personal assistant, the CIA secret agent plant who was recruited into Jimmy Lai's company.]

      Hehehe...looks like Biden or Kamala Harris won't be a-visiting Taiwan any moment soon. And that fuckery Lai guy won't be welcomed to that shiny city on the hill any moment now, hehe. But not to fret...that tSai woman will do EVERYTHING to gain back her shit (tSai) position with a new master and Jimmy fuckery Lai will embark on a thousand million dollars donation spree, wa ka ka ka.

    3. trump suka jaw jaw no war war. trump call xi a king while biden call xi a thug, historically democrats always go to war with thug. moreover tsai kiss biden ass much faster than xi, she know whose ass to kiss as long as its not a ccp ass, she do okay.

    4. "historically democrats always go to war with thug."

      Then why yr 蔡妹妹 bet on trump?

      On yr f*cked advices?

      "tsai kiss biden ass much faster"


      Wrong bet mah! So far, what has biden responded?

      Zilch! Don't know who's yr 蔡妹妹!

      Better go join yr 蔡妹妹 in her bunker so that both of u might get a chance to run (flight) like beaten dogs to a aircraft carrier somewhere near Guam when the unification starts.

      Why u?

      No need to apply for Oz asylum mah!

    5. tsai bet is on usa president, trump ka biden ka dick ka shit ka doesnt matter, as long as he can order 7 fleet that can kick xi ass upside down n drown all the invaders n intruder into taiwan strait.

      that is y i support her, adore her, love her.

      lets all work together to fight thug.

    6. Another wassup viral : Tsai Ing-wen pictured with a dour sad face lamenting - Abe resigned, Trump kicked out, what am I to do ?

      Wa ka ka ka ka

      Toldja these every 4-year erection is fun to watch...Dems vs Gop, Pepsi vs Coke....two cheeks of the same backside, LOL. Oh, such fun

    7. Still in the katak-ised cloud of fart!

      Trump won't lift a single finger to order the diseased 7th fleet to go anywhere near the Taiwan strait!

      Neither would biden in fact, he would ordered the diseased fleet to return to America for covid treatment.

      Wakakakakaka… biden treats American soldier boys much more kindly than Trump's dispensable sucker remark!

      Thug? As with those demoNcratic cloaking 台毒 katak.

      Soon, the blurred Formosan would be awaken to fight these 台毒 thugs that treat their sons&daughters like trump.

    8. rotate resign election changes is all part n parcel of democracy, even msia king work on rotation, only ccp land hv a lifetime chairman, a monarchy system inherited from feudal china dynasty of emperor n eunuch, here got 2 or 3 or maybe 4 eunuch wannabe wakaka.

    9. a 70 yo taiwanese atuk tok to his 18 yo taiwanese cucu: when i at yr age, i was told ccp is coming, now i am already 70 yo, i still listen to the same story, i am going to meet mao n deng, nah, here the broken mp3, nows yr turn to pass it to yr cucu.

    10. Wakakakakaka…

      When have u not seen "rotate resign election changes" in the administration of CCP China?

      Ooop… as quoted in the news sources within that fart filled well!

      "dynasty of emperor n eunuch"?!!

      Soon, u will get a piece of it in yr beloved demoNcratic US when loser trump fights to keep his presidency!

      Don't forget too about those Formosan eunuches clamouring for their pieces of actions, surrounding 蔡妹妹.

      Otherwise, no other safe passage to US when the 武统 starts & the exile shipwrecked stampede begins.

      That 70 old katak moved to Taiwan, most likely following Chiang & probably in his 20+ (just guessing. Might be older!)

      So 50yrs later he farts about his desertion to his cucumber of 18.

      Within that 50yrs, China has changed/evolved 1000x from the old China that old kmt katak runs away from. But he wouldn't know bcoz he has zilch chance to see the modern China.

      Just bcoz of the blood&bone sentiments that the old China presidents hah had over these Taiwanese, 武统 were been procrastinated. Partly also bcoz of the sopo state of China nation then.

      China could fight the US in the Korean war w/o a blink of an eyelip. But there were just too many innocent Chinese souls in a forced Taiwan unification.

      No more. President Xi has promised NOT to pass this last China legacy to the next generation. He WILL do it!

      So, take my advice. Pack yr bag & join yr 蔡妹妹 in Formosa. At least then u might get a a free ride to US as a asylum seekers of the exiled Taiwanese 'govt'! Faster than yr futile migration application to Oz.

    11. the 70 yo dad is one of the 14k korean war prisoner that chose freedom taiwan and not return to authoritarian ccp land, his dad told him 1 million chinese comrade sacrificed n mati katak under the stupid move of ccp to fight a useless war just to make their emperor mao happy. thats the problem when a state is governed by mad dog, after 70 years, another mad dog emerge. wtf this useless ccp cum brainleass zombie, worst than taliban n isis.

    12. Another regurgitated 台毒 katak-ised fart that has lost its pungent smell!

      "the 70 yo dad is one of the 14k korean war prisoner that chose freedom taiwan and not return to authoritarian ccp land"


      Why don't u quote the story of Liu Chengsi? So much more dramatic & heroic than that nameless 70yr old deserter?

      Could it be yr story is a katak fart?

      "million chinese comrade sacrificed" in Korean war!

      犬养mfer, the record is 197653位牺牲烈士! Where did that million came from? From the mouth of that 14000+ defectors in Taiwan? From 台毒 水炮?

      “the stupid move of ccp to fight a useless war“!!!!

      Mfer, w/o that courageous 抗美援朝 decision, China would be forever genuflected as a serfdom of yr uncle Sam.

      “帝国主义在东方架起几门大炮就可以征服一个国家、一个民族的历史一去不复返了” 彭德怀

      That's HOW a western domesticated doggie CANNOT understand!

    13. 犬养mfer, u want to know a REAL mad dog?

      Look no further than yr uncle trump!

      That sore loser is scheming a war to give his potential last 60+ days of f*cked presidency a 苟延残喘 legacy.

      U might have yr wish fulfilled. Esper is gone & a warmongering racist, Douglas Macgregor, has been appointed as senior advisor of Pentagon in the face of mounting objections amongst the military top brasses!

      The 武统 will happen soonest, with more projected deaths!

      President Xi shouldn't ponder any longer. The lives of the PLA r precious. There r many other deluded mad dogs scattering around the border of China, wanting to pick a fight.

      Let the unification war starts NOW!

    14. now x10 n /10, mao era used to be x5 n /5, a improvement with chinese characteristic.

      peng was treated worst than dog. even doctor not willing to touch this cause a million + 1 mao son died stupid general n let him mati macam katak.

      wanna invade? twn hv 7th fleet.

      the america marine regiment already in taiwan, so what ccp is waiting? start now oso got chinese characteristics meaning one kah?

    15. Soon!

      Even the US marine regiment would return to US in bodybags, ordered by trump. Don't u worry about that!

      Always expecting others to die for u. Very typical 台毒 katak mentality.

      Yet a Formosan trained doggie honestly thinking that Formosan katak own the diseased 7th fleet, by stroking the teloq of the Yankees!

      But within that small lump of tissue they could NEVER expect what r the paybacks would be?

      Go ask the Okinawans. Ask the Guam natives. The Japan & SKorea r too deep to extract themselves.

      The fortunate thing is those katak would have to do their contributions as a Formosa exile administration in US!

      The Taiwan island would forever be part of China proper!

      Peng was treated badly during cultural revolution. YES - an undeniable historical fact that even the current CCP China fully admitted. Peng was decorated & remembered posthumously in new China for his sacrifices & contributions.

      But, what about how kmt treated Zhang Xueliang?

      Until now, how many Taiwanese know about him & how he suffered for his love for China.

      Zhang Xueliang is a nobody. Just like all the distorted Chinese history in the current Formosa literature.

  6. Malaysian king rotate yes but PM no. If not because of the Asian financial crisis and Anwar impatience, Mahathir would still be PM today to witness his Vision 2020. Wakakaka .......
