
Sunday, November 01, 2020

UMNO trapped and undermined by Muhyiddin


Power-Crazy PM Muhyiddin Calls UMNO Bluff, Challenges The King For Absolute Power

It is close to a week since the Agong (King) rejected backdoor Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s request for a proclamation of emergency, which would grant the power-crazy leader the absolute power to rule like Adolf Hitler. Despite the royal vote of no confidence and a slap in the face by the monarch, “MooHitler” appears to have not given up the emergency power.

On Saturday (Aug 31), Mr Muhyiddin finally showed his true colour – again. He argued that the upcoming Sarawak state election and the Batu Sapi by-election will proceed amid Covid-19, unless an emergency is declared. The drama queen lied through his teeth, claiming that while he does not want elections due to Coronavirus, he is powerless and can’t call it off.

True, the Federal Constitution says an election must be held within 60 days after a seat is declared vacant, or upon the dissolution of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly. The Batu Sapi seat was vacated after its incumbent, Sabah Warisan’s Liew Vui Keong, passed away. Nominations for the seat’s by-election will be on Nov 23, while the polling day is Dec 5.

However, the easiest way to prevent another post-Sabah state election outbreak is for Muhyiddin not to contest the Batu Sapi by-election, giving a walkover victory to incumbent Warisan. After all, Muhyiddin’s own allies – United Malays National Organization (UMNO) and Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) – had decided not to contest the Batu Sapi parliamentary seat.

But like Sabah state election, which became the epicentre of the “Third Wave” Covid-19 due to Muhyiddin’s lust for power, the disgraced prime minister is willing to see more infections and deaths again as long as he can win another parliamentary seat. His willingness to sacrifice people’s life is the clearest proof that he is more dangerous than crooked Najib Razak.

As for Sarawak statewide election, its Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg could just wait for the state to automatically dissolve in June next year. Between now and June 2021, people can live peacefully without risking a potential “Fourth Wave”. During these eight months, a vaccine could be developed, leading to a less dangerous election environment.

But like Muhyiddin, power-hungry politicians like Johari refuse to put the welfare of people above self-interest. The reason Johari insisted on having a state election this year is because he has learnt from Sabah state election that supporters of opposition Pakatan Harapan are unlikely to return to vote under the current Covid-19 climate, giving an advantage to his GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) alliance.

More importantly, PM Muhyiddin wanted Johari Openg to use the state election to pressure – even blackmail – the opposition parties for more concessions. For example, the backdoor premier might demand opposition Pakatan Harapan coalition to support his Budget 2021 and promise not to overthrow him in exchange for not contesting Batu Sapi by-election.

Essentially, the despicable prime minister has ignored – even challenged and ridiculed – the King Sultan Abdullah’s advice not to “politicking” during the present Coronavirus pandemic. The PM has even quietly outsourced lawyer Syed Iskandar Syed Jaafar Al-Mahdzar to sue the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King) over the decision not to declare a nationwide state of emergency.

Yes, only the super gullible and ignorant people would believe Muhyiddin is a caring and trustworthy prime minister who does not play politics at a time when Covid-19 new cases skyrocket to 4-digit. How do you explain that Muhyiddin wanted to contest Batu Sapi by hook or by crook even when he has the option of skipping the by-election, hence saving people’s life?

However, he is emboldened to not only challenge the King’s decision, but also calls UMNO bluff. And both the King and UMNO have nobody to blame but themselves. While Sultan Abdullah, after consulting fellow brothers in a Malay Rulers meeting last week, had thrown away the proposed Proclamation of Emergency, the monarch has made a silly mistake.

The monarch has repeatedly told all the 222 Members of Parliament to support Muhyiddin government Budget 2021 and to stop politicking. As most government and opposition MPs appeared ready to comply, Muhyiddin and his power-crazy gang – Azmin Ali and Hamzah Zainuddin – saw it as a weakness and quickly seized the opportunity to mount a challenge to the King’s decision.

The Agong now looks like a fool – naively believed Muhyiddin had learnt his lesson and thus extended a royal lifeline by advising both sides of the political divide to support the backdoor government’s Budget 2021. Even the premier’s handpicked Dewan Negara (Senate) president Rais Yatim has belittled and questioned the monarch’s refusal to declare a state of emergency.

Not only have Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali, Hamzah Zainudin and Rais Yatim mocked the wisdom of King Sultan Abdullah, also known as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, but also committed sedition by insulting the intelligence of the eight Malay Rulers who had advised the Agong not to agree to the desire of the prime minister for absolute power.

Sultan Abdullah should just announce his decision and keep quiet thereafter, without lecturing the 222 MPs what to do next, something that is now seen as interfering in politics. Now that Rais Yatim and even a pariah lawyer are challenging the King’s decision publicly, the royal house will definitely look silly if it retaliates as it has foolishly endorsed Muhyiddin administration.

Besides the monarch, UMNO is also trapped by its own foolishness. UMNO president Zahid Hamidi thought he was very clever when he lured Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim into believing that the latter has “strong, formidable majority” support from UMNO to topple Muhyiddin, only to withdraw his support abruptly. But the Java-immigrant was as dumb as a doorknob.

Already a weak leader, the indecisive Zahid lost control of his warlords who did not have much respect for their party president to begin with. First, Zahid thought he had cornered Muhyiddin after the King’s decision not to declare a state of emergency. But half of UMNO warlords were very comfortable with the ministership, chairmanships and perks and projects being bribed by Muhyiddin.

As a result, the first UMNO Supreme Council meeting after the monarch’s decision was an anti-climax. The divided supreme council members decided to maintain its support for the PM. Instead of a strong demand for deputy prime minister and other important portfolios, silly Zahid begged for improved cooperation and respect from a near-collapse government of Muhyiddin.

Only former PM Najib Razak courageously proposed that UMNO work with Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, minus Chinese-dominated Democratic Action Party (DAP). However, the majority of the selfish UMNO Supreme Council members do not see the benefits of working with Anwar when they already have been rewarded with power and positions in the existing backdoor government.

Frustrated that nothing was achieved, a second UMNO Supreme Council meeting was called three days later. It was rumoured to decide the lucky winner for the deputy prime minister post. PM Muhyiddin was reportedly ready to choose anyone – even a donkey – but not UMNO president Zahid Hamidi – a slap in the face of the once mightiest Malay political party.

It doesn’t make sense that Zahid cannot be offered the deputy prime minister post because he faces 87 charges related to money laundering and corruption and criminal breach of trust (CBT). Exactly why Bung Moktar can become Sabah Deputy Chief Minister despite facing charges with his wife Zizie Izette for having taken bribes in a RM150 million investment in Public Mutual unit trust products?

Again, the second UMNO Supreme Council meeting was an anti-climax. PM Muhyiddin prefers Hishammuddin Hussein, a lackey and traitor who happens to be a good friend of gay Azmin Ali. If Hishmmuddin is appointed as deputy prime minister, he could become a puppet, and UMNO could be milked for its grassroots and machinery to grow Muhyiddin’s own party – PPBM (Bersatu).

At the end of the second meeting, the clueless and incompetent Zahid rhetorically and unconvincingly announced that UMNO decided that a general election should be held to establish a stable government – once the Covid-19 pandemic is brought under control. The party also upholds the decree by King Sultan Abdullah to support Budget 2021 and Muhyiddin government.

That was perhaps the silliest decision ever made by UMNO leadership. It means in order to stay in power, what Muhyiddin needed to do is to make sure Coronavirus pandemic continues to spread every now and then. Of course, the prime minister and his advisers saw UMNO’s indecisiveness and divisiveness as a weakness that must be manipulated and exploited.

Muhyiddin does not need to entertain UMNO’s requests at all. In fact, he is calling UMNO bluff because he knew UMNO is trapped and divided. A simple arithmetic shows UMNO and Anwar’s People’s Justice Party cannot form a government without the participation of DAP, the party despised and rejected by the majority of UMNO warlords who are power-hungry but possessed “IQ of a carrot.”

At the same time, Anwar’s rivalry with Mahathir over who gets to become prime minister has divided the opposition camp, benefiting Muhyiddin’s fragile government instead. To make matters worse, the national cooperation between UMNO and PAS, glorified as “Muafakat Nasional” under the pretext of Malay-unity, has been weakened as the Islamist party slowly but surely drifts away to Muhyiddin’s camp.

UMNO can neither control PAS nor dump the Islamist party as Muhyiddin feeds the fake holy men with positions, perks and Mercedes Benz. At the same time, the party cannot work with DAP even if it wants to because it was UMNO that has burnt the bridge after calling DAP a “Chinese chauvinist party” for decades. With nowhere to go and tail between legs, the directionless UMNO could only suck up to Muhyiddin.


  1. so stupid twat now a staunch monarchist n no more chanting royal coup?

  2. Exactly what we want to happen - another Melayu trapping and undermining UMNO.
    I sokong Moo to do what he is doing.
