
Friday, November 20, 2020

Shahidan Kassim, another Moo-Moo Bodek-ite

MM Online:

Aggressive much? Umno’s Shahrir Samad takes a swipe at colleague Shahidan Kassim over Budget betrayal remark

Umno veteran Tan Sri Shahrir Samad (pic) said the PNBBC chairman was really aggressive in defending Budget 2021 — Picture by Firdaus Latif

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 20 — Umno veteran Tan Sri Shahrir Samad today questioned fellow party member Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim for calling government backbenchers who did not support Perikatan Nasional’s (PN) Budget 2021, traitors.

Shahrir, a former Johor Baru MP, was commenting on Arau MP Shahidan’s strong reaction to those who questioned the proposed Budget to the extent of accusing the lawmakers — including from Barisan Nasional (BN) — of “betraying” Malaysians’ trust.

“The PNBBC chairman was really aggressive in defending Budget 2021.

“Never have those who disagree with the ruling coalition’s Budget been criticised this much. Datuk Shahidan Kassim must have been really desperate that those who don’t support Budget 2021 can become traitors,” the ex-chairman of the BN Backbenchers Club (BNBBC) said in his Facebook post.

He also wondered how Shahidan was appointed chairman of the PN Backbenchers Club, pointing out that the BN coalition — which is anchored by Umno — is not officially a component of the PN coalition though its members hold government positions.

“He is a BN MP. BN is not even in PN. How did he become the PN backbenchers’ chairman?” Shahrir asked.

Shahidan was reported by Free Malaysia Today and The Star to have remarked that those who reject Budget 2021 is “betraying the people’s trust” during the debate on the issue in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday while replying to BNBBC chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Najib, a former prime minister had remarked on November 10 that BN’s support for the Budget was dependent on several conditions, including adding provisions that would allow cash-strapped Malaysians to withdraw up to RM10,000 from the Employees Provident Fund, and extending a loan moratorium for another six months.


kt notes:

It is now clear Shahidan Kassim has joined UMNO colleague Annuar Musa in becoming more Bersatu than just being UMNO, wakakaka.

It's also revealing that both Annuar Musa and Shahidan Kassim have been "rewarded" kaukau by Moo-Moo. Obviously Moo-Moo knows the Atuk's way of dealing with Bodek-ites.

Incidentally, Shahidan Kassim was reported yesterday for excoriating Najib Razak as a 'traitor' if Najib doesn't support Moo-Moo's budget. Since then he has belakang pusing mucho pronto, blaming others for misquoting him - even produced Hansard to verify he did NOT lambast Najib, wakakaka.

Shahidan, panic sikit ya?


  1. Pusing pusing this is circular politics, Ayam Lovin' It....!!!

  2. i agree najin a traitor, he berjuang for a cina fat kafir, unlike mahathir that berjuang for his son, a malay muslim.

    1. Suci ke belum?

      Cepat masuk melayu, baru cekap najib traitor. Pendatang tak berlintung dengan issue kaum melayu.

      Ooop… najib berjuang for a cina fat kafir?

      Memang u pening kepala batu. Najib tertipu cina fat kafir until kemewahan diri sendiri.

      U dapat share ke, mfer?

  3. Aiyaa ... This paedophile..what happen to that case arr? He has a lot to lose if this gov is kicked out of office.
