
Saturday, November 14, 2020

PKR: Desperate Mahathir trying to prevent Anwar from becoming PM


Mahathir trying to prevent Harapan's return to power - PKR

PKR has accused former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad of trying to prevent Pakatan Harapan from returning to power.

This after Mahathir, former Pakatan Harapan chairperson, publicly claimed PKR president Anwar Ibrahim is incapable of leading the country through an economic crisis.

Anwar is Harapan's first choice for prime minister if the coalition can regain Putrajaya after it was ousted in February due to defections.

"Mahathir is showing that he is desperate to remain relevant in mainstream politics.

"His attack against Anwar is baseless and can only be described as an attempt to betray Harapan and thwart its efforts to retake the government," said PKR information chief Shamsul Iskandar (above).

The feud between Mahathir and Anwar has prevented a unified opposition.

Mahathir served as prime minister after Harapan won the 2018 general election with the promise of eventually handing over power to Anwar.

However, behind closed doors, Mahathir had indicated he did not plan to muster the necessary support for Anwar to make it happen.

Based on a leaked recording, Mahathir acknowledged his party Bersatu's unwillingness to accept Anwar and asked for more time.

However, Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin then made his move by pulling out the party and its allies from Harapan.

An upset Mahathir subsequently resigned as prime minister and Bersatu chairperson. He was also peeved by Muhyiddin's willingness to work with Umno.

However, Muhyiddin's new government is fragile as he only commands the support of 113 MPs in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat.

Shamsul said the current political instability would not have happened if Mahathir had not resigned as prime minister.

Mahathir himself later admitted that his resignation was a mistake with the Sarawak-based GPS abandoning him for Muhyiddin as prime minister.

Mahathir now leads a new but yet-to-be registered party - Parti Pejuang Tanah Air (Pejuang). It is not part of Harapan but is friendly with DAP and Amanah. The same cannot be said for PKR.

"Mahathir's decision to resign without consultation with Harapan leaders was the cause of the (Harapan) government's fall and made Muhyiddin's betrayal and coup possible," Shamsul said.

Shamsul said Anwar was now trying to gather support in order to restore the mandate of the people which voted for Harapan in the last general election.

"Mahathir needs to cease actions that appear aimed at splitting Harapan and thwarting its efforts (to return to power).


kt notes:

1. Let's get an important fact in place, in regards to this (following) MKINI report:

However, Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin then made his move by pulling out the party and its allies from Harapan.

An upset Mahathir subsequently resigned as prime minister and Bersatu chairperson. He was also peeved by Muhyiddin's willingness to work with Umno.

Muhyiddin ONLY made his move AFTER Mahathir resigned as PM abruptly, without even the courtesy of informing his Pakatan allies.

Agong then asked him to be 'interim' PM - t'was during this 'interim' period we learned of his sinister intention to form his 'unity' cabinet, meaning the cabinet members report ONLY to him and not to their respective parties in Pakatan. In other words, he could and would then do what he wanted without any check & balance or accountability from allied component parties in Pakatan.

T'was only then Muhyiddin made his constitutional move, where he gathered (as alleged) frogs as many as over the minimum 112 MPs to form his new 'majority' government.

Thus, it has been Mahathir who eff-ed up Pakatan Harapan, allegedly because he did NOT want to hand over to his most-hated archfoe Anwar. In doing so Mahathir betrayed Anwar Ibrahim, Pakatan Harapan and the mandate PH received from PH supporters.

2. Of late he has been desperately trying hard to gain attention by making all sorts of pathetic comments, eg. reduce pay by 10%, then 30%, NASA should be careful of alien monsters and predators, feed Sabahans (not again with blue IC, we hope), economic cutbacks, reduce this, increase that, flatten what's behind, elevate what's in front, and all sorts of kerbau. Now he allows his personal hatred of Anwar to pop up AGAIN. Yes, I suspect he would rather Muhyiddin continues as PM than to see Anwar ever getting near Putrajaya, such is his vindictiveness, villainy and vicious vitriolic venom.

Isn't there any limit to his immoral wickedness?


  1. Ramai orang kampung tak suka Anwar jadi PM. Depa sokong Toonsie. Lebih kurang 13%....ha ha ha.....

  2. You are right - this old idiot is full of "immoral wickedness"

    People will spit on his grave once he is dead!!!

    1. Nooo!!! They won't spit but they will piss on it for sure.
      Having him seen with his own eyes at he had done to the country is enough. But then he is mahathir. A despicable old man who can't let go thinking he will live another 95 years

  3. i think anwar is more desperate la.
