
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Malaysian Tapes and Deep State


Jho Low blames Najib, sees ‘no wrongdoing’ in 1MDB scandal

Fugitive financier Low Taek Jho says he wanted to assist in repatriating assets back to Malaysia without being prosecuted. (Bloomberg pic)

PETALING JAYA: Recordings of fugitive businessman Low Taek Jho’s conversations with government officials under the Pakatan Harapan administration have been published in an Al Jazeera documentary.

In the clips contained in the two-part special investigation titled “Jho Low: Hunt For A Fugitive”, Low, better known as Jho Low, turns on the others connected to the 1MDB scandal.

“I don’t believe there’s any wrongdoing,” says the alleged mastermind of the 1MDB scandals.

He suggests that he borrowed billions from 1MDB to buy luxury items, including high-end real estate, art pieces, a private jet and a mega-yacht.

“All these ultimately were loans, directly or indirectly, but, ultimately, I think the time has come, we want to assist in repatriating these assets back in return for cooperating and moving on with life without, you know, being prosecuted,” he says.

But former FBI special agent Debra LaPrevotte, who was involved in the 1MDB investigation, dismisses Low’s claim, saying if there was no wrongdoing, he would not want to return assets nor would they be seized in the first place.

In the recordings, Low also blames former prime minister and finance minister Najib Razak for the 1MDB scandal, saying he (Low) had no authority to make any decision.

Najib is facing 25 charges of abuse of power and money laundering over alleged 1MDB funds amounting to RM2.28 billion deposited into his AmBank accounts between February 2011 and December 2014.


kt notes:

I note with interest the Pakatan Harapan government recorded dialogues between Jho Lo and its government officials. Quite normal.

But providing same recordings to Al Jazeera? Would that be normal to (presumably, DELIBERATELY) release confidential government tapes to a news media?

Also, we recall that during Pakatan's reign, such confidential tapes, worse, because they were of PRIVATE conversations between a then-serving PM and wife, were also released to the public and court by MACC as if there was no national security breach, that of secretly taping the conversations of a PM.

Additionally, there was no verification-authentication at all of those audio tapes whereupon a sole witness proved those were the conversations of then PM Najib by merely saying he recognised the voice of Najib, wakakaka, which subsequently was accepted by the court.

Wow, wonderful authentication. Compare or rather, contrast that with the mountains of difficulties in verifying the video tapes of the gay sex scandal in 4 points Hotel in Sandakan, all preceded by its haughty dismissal by the PM Mahathir.

Wonder who's the hand behind all these, and at this particular point?


  1. ini pencuri cakap no authority, itu pencuri cakap sumua tak tahu, orang yg terima wang curian pula kata bolih dihalalkan kalu pencuri tu muslim dan penerima juga muslim, ada penulis blog pula kata ini pencuri muda tak sejahat dibanding dgn pencuri tua, tanah air memang macam macam ada.

  2. Ktemoc is always Sooo eager to leap to Najib's defence and also defend Najib'a rights.

    ZERO indignation about Najib's mega Theft, which I believe Ktemoc regards as a "misdemeanor" , which the dictionary defines as a Minor offence.

    1. Please show evidence I have dismissed Najib's crimes, as misdemeanours or otherwise

    2. This Monstrous Bigot is Sooo eager to leap to the DEMON-crazed West and also to defend the West's 'rights'.

      Zero indignation about the West's mega Theft and massive psychopathic crimes, which I believe this Monstrous Bigot regards as a "misdemeanor"

      Wa ka ka ka ka. Look into the mirror la, Pordah !

  3. The Minister in Charge of Law Taki-Yaki already said the Jibby-Rosmah tapes are legal, so what is KT's gripe about.

    And Jibby himself did not deny the veracity of the tapes, neither did he make any sumpah laknat in any mosque as is the norm these days ha ha ha......

    MACC's release of 'Najib audio recordings' done legally, says Takiyuddin
    By Arfa Yunus - August 14, 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR: The release of audio clips by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) over a case linked to former premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak was done legally.

    Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Law) Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said, however, a police investigation was carried out and centred on the possibility of unlawful release of information used in official investigations.

    "The audio recording revealed by the MACC in Jan 2020 is allowed by the law (discretionary power) and it does not violate any provision of the law.

    1. "... was done legally"??? "... in Jan 2020"???

      Says who? Which govt?

      Wakakaka - just like al Jazeera has been so fortunate to receive govt confidential tapes and info

  4. The Watergate secret tapes were secretly recorded during Nixon's presidency and when exposed resulted in his forced resignation.

    Monica Lewinsky's private sex conversation with Bill Clinton was recorded by Linda Tripp (Pentagon publicist) resulted in Clinton's impeachment.

    The Profumo affair was a British political scandal that originated with a brief sexual relationship in 1961, between John Profumo, the Secretary of State for War in Harold Macmillan's Conservative government, and Christine Keeler, a 19-year-old would-be model. In March 1963, Profumo denied any impropriety in a personal statement to the House of Commons, but was forced to admit the truth a few weeks later. He resigned from the government and from Parliament. The repercussions of the affair severely damaged Macmillan's self-confidence, and he resigned as Prime Minister on health grounds in October 1963. The reputation of the Conservative Party was damaged by the scandal, which may have contributed to its defeat by the Labour Party in the 1964 general election.

    And finally back in the day when MCA still had Lam Phar (ha ha ha), their President Chua Soi Lek had to resign after someone secretly recorded him having sex with a good friend named "Angelina Yam" or A Yam, or Ayam for short ha ha ha....

    1. TS, trying hard again to distract, wakakaka

    2. Nixon, Bill Clinton, CSL, all had to step down from high office because of secretly recorded tapes while they were in power, why should Jibby be any different....?

    3. Nixon self-recorded himself - not a secret recording of an official on duty

      In Clinton's scandal, Linda Linda Tripp recorded conversations between her and Monica Lewinsky - not secret recording of an official

      CSL - fuck-all to do with recording of an official

    4. don't try too hard to protect your beloved Atuk, wakakaka

    5. So Nixon recorded Nixon talking to himself...?

    6. obviously you didn't know the story
