
Monday, November 09, 2020

Christian group eff off Zawawi's 'apology'


Christian group does not accept Zawawi's 'apology'

The Christian Federation of Malaysia said today that Pasir Mas MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh's "apology" for claiming that the Bible was "distorted" was invalid.

"We are truly disappointed and dismayed that, after more than two months from disparaging the Holy Scriptures founding the faith of a third of the world, the Pasir Puteh MP could not find it in himself to apologise sincerely and fulsomely for his appalling and unfounded charge that the Bible is distorted and altered.

"Instead, under the guise of a classic non-apology - and even that tendered only at the prompting of the Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat - he compounded his affront of Aug 26, 2020, by claiming that he had then intended to 'defend the original form of the Bible that was revealed to Jesus without any alterations'," the CFM said in a statement today.

The CFM is an umbrella body representing more than 90 percent of the churches of various Christian denominations in the country.

What Zawawi told Parliament on Nov 3, according to the Hansard, is as follows:

"Saya sangat menghormati rakan-rakan yang memeluk agama yang berbagai- bagai. Namun, untuk mengelak kekeliruan yang berlaku, suka saya sebut bahawa isu yang membabitkan Bible bukan sahaja isu yang membabitkan penganut- penganut agama Kristian. Kami umat Islam juga beriman dengan kitab Injil yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Isa AS. Itu adalah akidah yang kami pertahankan. Saya sebut 'dipesong' ataupun 'dipinda' itu, tujuan saya ialah untuk mempertahankan keaslian kitab yang ada supaya mana-mana kitab yang diturunkan itu tidak ada sebarang perubahan."

The CFM said Zawawi had proven that he was ignorant of the fundamental tenet that the Bible is about Jesus and is not a "revelation", or "diturunkan", as claimed by Zawawi, to Jesus.

Describing Zawawi's claim as "audacious" and "fallacious", the CFM said the PAS MP had ignored the consensus view of venerable, globally acknowledged, multi-lingual Bible scholars over centuries that were easily accessible.

"Notably, the Member of Parliament has, to date, cited no authority and produced not a shred of evidence for his wild and grossly offensive and insensitive claims of 'alterations' and manipulations of the Bible.

"That he, an elected official chose to engage in divisive discourse in the august House of Representatives at a time when our nation needs to unite to surmount the challenges posed by a deadly and destructive global pandemic is an absolute disgrace.

"That he now persists in making his unsubstantiated claims displays an utmost disregard, not only for the well being of the Christian community but also for the harmony and common good of the peoples of this nation and little understanding of nation-building and interracial and religious respect," the CFM said.

The CFM hoped that Malaysians would take this opportunity to study, with humility and respect, the scriptures of other faiths and promote mutual respect for the faiths of others.

"Respect begets respect. Let us be peacemakers and bridge-builders to each other's communities of faith," the CFM said.

Zawawi's original claims about the "distorted" Bible were made in the Dewan Rakyat on Aug 26, when told by Beruas MP Ngeh Khoo Ham that Christianity allowed for the consumption of alcohol in moderation.

It was then that Zawawi claimed that Ngeh's view was based on the teachings of a "distorted" Bible.


  1. See, these Christian leaders show the proper civilized way to handle freedom of speech.

    When some uneducated person insults their Holy Book, their Religion, their Prophet or God, they remain calm, have dialogue, and correct the insulters, even though they offer insincere apologies.

    They don’t cut people’s heads off while screaming God is Great.

  2. Don't spook the Race and Religion Warriors.

    1. Well boy!

      Sit & roll over.

      A bull bone for u!

  3. You are a muslim and they are Christians, a completely different faith from yours. What the heck did you go and start medling into whatever they believed in? They can worship Lucifer all they long and it's none of your bloody fucking business you moron. Is it not that Islam taught you that for you is your religion and for me is my religion. You called yourself an ulama, a scholar yet you are so stupid, stupider than a monkey.

  4. You will find many rabid muslims who will take offence that Christians did not accept the apology of this PAS idiot.

  5. humility and respect wrt yamseng?
