
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Quarantine-Violator calls for Islamic prohibition to be applied to non-Muslims


Khairuddin calls for ban on gambling, clampdown on alcohol consumption

PAS's under fire Kuala Nerus MP Khairuddin Aman Razali has called for a ban on gambling and restrictions on alcohol consumption.

The plantation industries and commodities minister who is still being investigated for breaching his quarantine order in July, made the call in an interview discussing PAS' Islamic agenda after seven months of being in the federal government.

TV Pertiwi posted the interview on its Facebook page last night.

Khairuddin said that the government led by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin should look at banning gambling because it is forbidden by all religions and harmful to human beings.

"There are no intelligent people, who love morals, who love peace, who like (gambling).

"Because gambling is known to cause conflict, ultimately, gambling must be banned. That is the reality that the world has to accept," he told interviewer Firdaus Salleh Hudin.

Khairuddin claimed that this is different from the move to control alcohol consumption because the activity is allowed by some religions.

"Some religions allow alcohol, and we will give rights to them, but gambling is not allowed by any religion.


Heard there're many '584' in Kelantan & Terengganu?

"It is a scam and manipulation of human weakness in managing money," he said.

Khairuddin went on to say that alcohol sales must be reviewed to prevent Muslims from buying alcohol and allowing drivers to operate under the influence of alcohol.

He said Malaysia could emulate Singapore, which still enforced strict control over alcohol consumption even though it is led by non-Muslim leaders.

"For example, we see Singapore led by non-Muslims, but they prevent alcohol from being sold widely because they see alcohol as harmful," he claimed.

For the record, drinking in public is legal in Singapore, however, consumption of alcohol in a public space or non-licensed premises has been restricted during 10.30pm to 7am following the Little India riots in 2013.

He explained that PAS will still allow liquor to be sold but in a controlled manner only.

"If alcohol is harmful, it should be banned for sale at the public level. As for the right to follow their respective religions, if drinking alcohol is their right, we will allow it because that is the right given by Allah to other religions," he said.

In August, his party colleague Pasir Puteh MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh said the Christian Bible was distorted (dipesong) during a debate in the Dewan Rakyat over increasing the punishment for drink driving in the Road Transport Act amendments bill.

In his speech, Zawawi claimed that all religions forbade the consumption of alcohol. When Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham, a Christian, corrected him and said it was intoxication that was wrong, the Pasir Puteh MP doubled down and said in Christianity, before the Bible was "distorted", alcohol was not allowed.

Khairuddin himself has come under fire for violating quarantine orders after returning from a semi-official work trip to Turkey in July.

In August, the Health Ministry slapped an RM1,000 fine on Khairuddin, who donated four months of his salary as a sign of contrition.

On Thursday, Bukit Aman CID deputy director Mior Faridalathrash Wahid said that the police had resubmitted the investigation papers on the matter to the Attorney-General's Chambers.

The lengthy investigation has prompted accusations of double standards in law enforcement.


kt notes:

You know, if Khairuddin hadn't violated his quarantine restriction against legal requirements, and worse, obdurately rejected any wrong doings, I would have taken his proposals with more serious considerations.

But how can I accept a violator of civil (health safety) laws as someone who cares about laws, even Islamic laws? He is a hypocrite who is now attempting to sneak into our legislation the Islamic requirements governing alcohol consumption and gambling - all for control of the masses.

He is just like his Islamic Party colleague Pasir Puteh MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi who has been even worse, having the brazen-faced arrogance of claiming to know the Christian Bible more than Christian preachers and that the Bible had been altered to allow the consumption of alcohol.



  1. lim kok thay hv to sell his equanimity n buy more mercs n velllfire.

  2. It is already well known that PAS and its members are a bunch of hypocrites who are clever to invoke the Almighty to hide behind.

    KT, you should reproduce the article by Joe Samad entitled "Tumodo noh Sabah" that I read in Free Malaysia Today.

    The Sabah people must be told of PAS true agenda and the people of Sabah must confront their leaders who have been bought.

  3. Meanwhile MCA the gambler and alcoholic party still maintains “Silence of the Lambs”.... see how Wee KHAT Siong bleats his support for the PN government. Will he marah this hypocritical PAS guy or just make kid gloves remarks....?

    During the early MCO days beer factories were ordered shut but Wee KHAT Siong did not dare say anything.

    Baa Baa Black Sheep, give me 40 million every year for TARUC matching grant and we will Buat Tak Tahu, Main Sudah Aku Punya and be PAS’ Chye Chye...

    MCA reiterates support for Muhyiddin, snubs Anwar
    By New Straits Times
    October 11, 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR: MCA will not join or participate in any plan by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to purportedly form a new federal government, said its secretary-general Datuk Chong Sin Woon.

    He said this was the resolution of the MCA political bureau, chaired by its president, Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong, following the PKR president's statement on Oct 8 that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong had granted him an audience.

    "MCA also reiterates our party's stance to give our undivided support to Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to continue leading the nation, particularly at this moment when the world and country are beset by the rigours of the Covid-19 pandemic, damaging vast sectors of the economy.

    "Political stability is a prerequisite to catalyse economic growth and attract more foreign investments to Malaysia.

    "Therefore, it is prudent for all political parties to focus their efforts on our economic recovery and cease all political manoeuvring at the expense of the rakyat."

  4. And please don’t say MCA is a weak party, only 2 MPs, what can they do......hey, the majority is only one or two, PAS can be kicked out if Wee KHAT Siong and Wee JERK Seng both grow balls and stop supporting PAS.
