
Saturday, October 17, 2020

Mahathir like Goebbels?


Najib : Cara NAZI digunakan Dr Mahathir untuk burukkan imejnya

KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas Perdana Menteri DS Najib Razak telah muncul dalam wawancara bersama Malaysia Gazette bagi menjawab dakwaan-dakwaan Tun Mahathir ketika di dalam wawancara yang sama sebelum ini.

Mahathir sebelum ini dilihat amat kurang senang dengan slogan “Malu Apa Bossku”, dan seringkali menuduh Najib mengamalkan pendekatan “Cash is King” yang sering diulang-ulangnya setiap kali apabila wartawan bertanyakan pendapat mengenai Najib.

Isu dakwaan Cash is King

“Saya nak jelaskan bahawa Cash is King ni bukan bermakna saya gunakan wang untuk membeli undi. Saya punya falsafah ekonomi berbeza dengan Tun.”

“Saya punya falsafah ekonomi adalah untuk menggunakan hasil negara dan kita tolong mereka yang miskin ataupun kumpulan B40 terutama sekali, supaya jurang pendapatan antara mereka dengan yang kaya dapat dirapatkan”

“Yang kedua saya anggap ini sebagai satu suntikan kepada ekonomi tempatan dan domestik. Teori ini terbukti berjaya oleh World Bank.”

“Saya tak pilih bulu, pembangkang pun dapat (BR1M) asalkan pendapatan di bawah RM4000.”

“Kalau nak tolong rakyat apa cara yang terbaik? cara terbaiknya adalah kita masukkan suntikan dalam akaunnya jadi sistem kewangan kita dapat “liquidity” (cair).”

“Takkan kita (kerajaan) nak beli barang (lepas tu) nak bagi pada rakyat? Benda tu dari segi logistik memang terlalu berat. Jadi bagi cash, terpulang pada rakyat nak beli apa.”

Mengenai isu slogan Malu Apa Bossku

“Bossku ini berlaku secara tanpa dirancang, cara organik. Kebetulan saya pergi ke satu tempat saya disuruh sebut perkataan Malu Apa Bossku.”

“Jadi bila saya sebut perkataan tu, dia jadi Viral. Orang boleh kaitkan perkataan Bossku tu dengan saya.”

“Dan bossku bukan beerti boss, Bossku beerti sahabat sebenarnya. Malu apa ni, kita tak harus rasa malu. kita buat kerja baik, rezeki halal malu apa? Itu maksud sebenarnya. Jadi salahlah tafsiran Dr Mahathir. salah sama sekali.”

Mahathir guna teori NAZI

Di dalam wawancara pada malam tadi, Najib mendedahkan bahawa Mahathir mengamalkan ajaran Joseph Goebbels, seorang Menteri Propaganda NAZI.

“Tabiat Tun ni dia suka ulang satu perkara tu walaupun tidak benar. Walaupun sudah diberi penjelasan berkali-kali tapi dia akan ulang-ulang.”

“Barangkali dia percaya kepada teori Goebbels (Joseph Goebbels). Goebbels kata kalau satu pembohongan itu diulang banyak kali dia akaan akhirnya diterima sebagai kebenaran. Barangkalilah,” ujar Najib.

Paul Joseph Goebbels (29 Oktober 1897 – 1 Mei 1945) merupakan Menteri Propaganda Reich di bawah kerajaan Adolf Hitler sejak tahun 1933 sehinggalah kematiannya pada 1945.

Beliau boleh dianggap sebagai tunjang utama parti Nazi dan bidang kuasanya merangkumi semua media massa di Jerman ketika itu termasuklah radio, suratkhabar, pawagam dan teater.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad's remarks on how the Malays were forced to accept orang asing (foreigners) during British rule in exchange for independence is downright insulting and unbecoming of a prime minister who represents all Malaysians, said DAP lawmaker Ramkarpal Singh.

Ramkarpal was referring to the prime minister's speech at the Malay Dignity Congress, where Mahathir said:

“... Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai kemerdekaan.”

(Translation of above: The foreigners felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence)

Mahathir's "orang asing" or "foreigners" refer to non-Malay Malaysian citizens (to wit, Chinese and Indian Malaysians)

Beliau dianggap sebagai pelopor dan pengembang teknik propaganda modern. Teknik jitu ciptaannya diberi nama “Argentum ad nausem” atau lebih dikenali sebagai teknik “Big Lie” (kebohongan besar).

Prinsip asas teknik ini adalah menyebarluaskan berita bohong melalui media massa sekerap mungkin dan berkali-kali sehinggalah kebohongan tersebut dianggap sebagai suatu ‘kebenaran’.

Beliau sendiri membunuh diri sehari selepas Adolf Hitler membunuh diri pada tahun 1945.

SUMBER : Tun Carlos


  1. What a fart from a hypocrite!

    Maybe he should seriously consider this :

    "Beliau sendiri membunuh diri"

    No need to fart to convince others about his kleptomaniac lifestyle!

  2. Is this another fake news ?

    "Latest News & Updates pertaining to Malaysian Politics as of 16th October 2020 due to (3) UMNO BN members left the current ruling party PPBM today.

    As of now PPBM is left with 110 seats only and there are many more supporters leaving PPBM party due to unstablity and Disunity in the Party.

    With 110 seats left, this ruling party cannot Table the coming 2020 Budget. Minimum party members should have more than 113 seats to Table country's Budget and therefore DYMM has to intervene to resolve this issue immediately.

    Tan Sri Muhiyiddin Yasin will be the shortest serving Prime Minister in the History of Malaysia under (PPBM).

    DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agong will be selecting an interim Prime Minister until all these Political Disputes are resolved peacefully in Malaysia.

    Therefore Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah will be selected as Interim Prime Minister to rule this country until such notice by His Majesty (HM) DYMM.

    This appointment as the "Interim" Prime Minister of Malaysia could be for 3 months, 6 months, A Year or until the next General Elections.

    Please don't speculate this information until the final announcement by our Majesty the King soon.

    It has been proposed to have a Combine Government by all Major Political Parties united together until the next General Elections.

    So my dear friends please wait for the official statement from the Palace via National Media soon.

    God Speed & Bless Our King to make this wise decision for the good of this Country.

    The monkey business is starting... "

    1. is fine, here not ccp china, no one send u to 18 years jail for spreading fake news.

    2. Lim Guan Eng was (also) charged under Section 8A (1) of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 for 'maliciously printing' a pamphlet containing allegedly 'false information'. You are still right it is not 18 years ....... wakakakaka

    3. That's why the existence of that fart filled well inhabited full if yellowed kataks!

    4. Barmy Batty-the-Stupid...jangan merepet banyak, buat bising je, hehehe pi yam seng dan berdangdut even during Covid CMCO, guaranteed no jail for you. Dah potong ?

    5. my mistake, i forgot our ketuaanan govt n ccp is the same shit.

    6. Wakakakakakaka…

      "ketuaanan govt n ccp is the same shit"

      U r NOT forgetful but just spreading fart all-over to cover yr know-nothing!

  3. i dun know if thift telling truth but i am now more on the thief side bec he seem to be a chinese malay unity pusher, he even willing to report to lge, i tentatively no support berjuang demi bangsa, until i see conman have chance to become pm again.

    1. minute this side, the next minute another side, be careful when standing on a whirling windy will rotate 360 degree la, hehehe. Bodoh sampai nak mampui, LOL Oi have some spine la, worse than PAS whom you declared to worry, when these holy towel heads finally take the reign of control, they will give you special exemption to mabuk to your heart's become drunk as a bat ( new phrase specially created just for you, dear Batty, hehe )

    2. Can decide who to support!

      Bcoz 蔡妹妹 is counting her days while kangaroo land migration tak had mah.

      Has to fall back to second guess which dangdut side to support for his future bony crumb supply.
