
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Azmin Ali's head should roll first


Azmin Ali's head should roll first

by Francis Paul Siah

COMMENT | Two DAP leaders have different views on who they are not prepared to work with. They also named names, perhaps to highlight their deep mistrust and resentment for their political opponents.

The party’s strategist, Liew Chin Tong, apparently has little or no respect for Bersatu’s Hamzah Zainudin and Azmin Ali.

Liew wrote: “To reset the scene, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin should make Parliament the avenue for genuine cooperation, consultation and co-governing with the opposition for the greater good of the nation in this time of the Covid-19 crisis.

“To smooth the process, it would be very helpful if Muhyiddin offers the heads of Hamzah Zainudin and Azmin Ali.

“With the departure of Hamzah and Azmin from the cabinet, cooperation among the governing PN coalition parties will improve,” Liew added.

Meanwhile, Damansara MP Tony Pua has rejected the formation of any government with the support of former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.

"A government which has to depend on Najib's support can go to hell. The simple fact remains that Najib is the biggest crook in the country, brought shame to Malaysians all over the world and burdened Malaysians with tens of billions of debt (if not more)," Pua wrote in a stinging message on Facebook.

Let me take a real, good look at the personalities named by Liew and Pua – Hamzah, Azmin and Najib.

I would consider Hamzah as “irrelevant” in the long haul. He is a follower, not a leader. He has no known grassroots support whether in his former party, Umno, or Bersatu now.

Now known as Muhyiddin’s errand boy, Hamzah is just a political survivor. He is probably only good in taking and carrying out instructions from his boss.

As for advising the prime minister, there are valid reasons to believe that Hamzah is a disaster of an adviser.

Look at the disastrous Sabah coup attempt by Musa Aman last July 28. It is believed that Muhyiddin trusted Hamzah to deliver. But Musa’s coup came to nought, although the PN/BN coalition won the election later.

If what Liew said is true, Hamzah’s advice (plus Azmin’s) to the prime minister to propose an “emergency” also flopped. The king’s rejection of the proposal was a slap in the face of the prime minister.

Pua made mincemeat of Najib in his post. Understandably so, as Pua was special assistant to then finance minister Lim Guan Eng during Pakatan Harapan’s 22 months in power. Those in the Finance Ministry must have uncovered a lot of Najib’s dirt.

In his swift response, Najib stressed that he has no wish to work with Pua either or the DAP.

"If you insist on 'go to hell', go ahead," wrote Najib on his Facebook page.

The tit-for-tat sounds rather childish to me. Remember our school days and the petty quarrels we had. “Go to hell” is commonly used to curse others in a burst of anger.

And then, there is Azmin, whom Liew said should be removed from the cabinet.

I agree 101 percent with Liew

Among Najib, Hamzah and Azmin, many are of the opinion that Azmin is the most treacherous, dangerous even, of the trio.

I share the sentiments of some of my fellow columnists here. Should anyone be surprised that we have nothing positive to say about Azmin?

Understandably, Azmin would resent this.

But many of us were not wrong. Azmin’s penchant for politicking was in full public view again in recent days.

His favourite pastime is taking potshots at Anwar, from calling his former mentor an “incorrigible liar and political psychopath” to “a man who would just do anything to be PM”.

On Oct 2, Penggerak Komuniti Negara, a group believed to be allied with Azmin, lodged 46 police reports against Anwar alleging that the PKR president had committed treason and terror by claiming that he had the numbers to form a new government.

The one telling others to stop politicking in order “to save Malaysia” is actually politicking nonstop. And surely, Azmin must be aided by a staunch ally, Zuraida Kamaruddin.

Mr Prime Minister Muhyiddin, Liew’s suggestion is worth paying serious attention to – Azmin’s head should roll first.

Azmin has zero respect among the people and his credibility and integrity are highly questionable.

Your so-called senior minister, Azmin, is the biggest liability in PN today.

Please get rid of bad rubbish.

FRANCIS PAUL SIAH is the author of ‘Hijack in Malaysia: The Fall of Pakatan Harapan’ which was recently launched. The book retails at RM42. Obtain autographed copies from


  1. Let Azmin stay.
    He is a liability, a deadweight to the Moo PN administration, and that is just fine by me.

  2. if fighter no more, umno n pas will reign.
