
Saturday, August 08, 2020

A Mystery for Teo Nie Ching to solve, wakakaka

MM Online:

Minister says yet to get UEC report from task force that no longer exists

Senior minister Mohd Radzi Jidin says the Unified Education Certificate Task Force never submitted any report, draft or final, to the Education Ministry. — Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7 — The Unified Education Certificate Task Force (PPDUEC) never submitted any report, draft or final, to the Education Ministry, Mohd Radzi Jidin said.

However, the senior minister also disclosed in his written parliamentary reply to Teo Nie Ching (PH-Kulai) that the task force was effectively dissolved on February 29 since its tenure was not extended in February as required in its terms of reference.

February was when the Pakatan Harapan government collapsed.

“Seeing that the review period was not extended and expired on February 29, 2020, the composition of the PPDUEC automatically lapsed on the same date, which is February 29, 2020,” he said.

He confirmed that the Education Ministry has not received any preliminary, draft or final report from the task force that was set out to study the issue.

The written reply was to Teo’s oral question yesterday about the status of the task force.

The task force had consisted of Eddin Khoo, Chinese educationist Dong Zhong deputy president Datuk Tan Yew Sing who is also Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce president, and Muslim Islamic Youth Movement of Malaysia president Mohamad Raimi Abdul Rahim.

It was meant to submit its final report earlier this year but this was delayed after Simpang Renggam MP Maszlee Malik resigned as the education minister.

The Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) is a standardised test at Chinese independent high schools that are not regulated by the Education Ministry and was introduced in 1975.

The certificate is a flash point for local politics as it is used as a proxy issue for minority rights.

While it is not recognised as a prerequisite for public university entrance here, the UEC is accepted in certain private colleges in Malaysia and countries such as Singapore, Australia and the United Kingdom.

Currently, five states — Penang, Melaka, Sabah, Sarawak and Selangor — have announced that they recognise UEC though the students also need to take the Malaysia Education Certificate (SPM) examinations as well.


  1. Not to worry, Deputy Education Minister Mah Hang Song will handle this matter by middle of August....heck...that is THIS month..!!! Hand delivered by Eddin Khoo himself....!!!

    So no more excuses, please follow up KT, it used to be your hot topic hounding and pounding poor Ms it is MCA's turn...ha ha ha

    UEC report set for August submission
    Tuesday, 21 Jul 2020

    PETALING JAYA: The special task force on the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) will be submitting its long-awaited report to the government next month.

    UEC Policy Team chairperson Eddin Khoo said the task force planned to meet Education Minister Dr Mohd Radzi Md Jidin and Higher Education Minister Datuk Dr Noraini Ahmad to deliver the document by hand mid-August.

  2. Mohd Radzi Jidin TIPU....and KT the Gullible Guppy never do homework, fell for it. The UEC report was already submitted to the Education Ministry last year.

    Deputy Education Minister Mah Hang Song Boh Lam Phar, never push the issue, Main Sudah Aku Punya.....and KT Buat Tak Tahu keep wanting to blame poor Teo Nie Ching. It's the CURRENT government remember....?

    Never mind Eddin Khoo will hand deliver again next week.

    UEC Report Submitted, Now Pending Cabinet Decision, Says Task Force Member
    By MT Webmaster On Nov 8, 2019

    (FMT) – The special review committee on the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) today said its final report has been submitted to the education ministry, a day after minister Maszlee Malik said he had yet to receive it.

    Mohamad Raimi Abdul Rahim, a member of the Unified Examination Certificate Task Force (PPDUEC), said the report was submitted “just after the education minister said the ministry was still waiting for it”.

  3. This was what Mah Hang Song said in an interview ten days after the Sheraton Shake.

    THREE TIMES he was asked when UEC would be recognized and THREE TIMES he had no balls to give a deadline. Teo Nie Ching had more "balls" ha ha ha...poor girl was ambushed by Menteri Kasut Hitam.

    Kerajaan akan iktiraf UEC? Mah minta lebih masa
    Wong Kai Hui

    Diterbitkan 10 Mar 2020

    Timbalan Presiden MCA, Dr Mah Hang Soon, enggan mengulas lanjut ketika ditanya sama ada beliau akan berusaha agar Sijil Peperiksaan Bersepadu (UEC) mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan.

    Beliau yang dilantik sebagai timbalan menteri pendidikan oleh Muhyiddin Yassin ditemui selepas majlis angkat sumpah sebagai anggota Dewan Negara di parlimen hari ini.

    Usaha mendapatkan komen berkenaan UEC itu ditanyakan sebanyak tiga kali kepada Mah. Bagaimanapun bagi setiap soalan tersebut Mah mengelak untuk memberikan jawatan yang jelas.

    Pemberita: Sebelum ini MCA menjelaskan bahawa mereka sudah di peringkat akhir untuk mendapatkan pengiktirafan UEC, adakah YB lihat ini adalah satu harapan setelah MCA kembali (menjadi kerajaan)?

    Mah: Bagi saya, apa yang telah dijelaskan… fokus sekarang adalah tugas saya. Macam saya kata sebelum ini, saya bukan seorang yang suka bercakap banyak. Siapa yang mengenali saya tahu, saya seorang yang suka fokus dengan kerja. Jadi beri saya masa.

    Pemberita: Adakah UEC akan menjadi keutamaan?

    Mah: Beri sama masa, saya perlu…. nombor satu, untuk mengetahui bidang tugas dahulu dan saya akan berikan yang terbaik.

    Pemberita: Adakah YB fikir anda boleh lakukan apa Teo Nie Ching (bekas timbalan menteri pendidikan PH) tidak dapat lakukan berkaitan isu UEC sebelum ini?

    Mah: Jangan kita fikir isu lain. Berikan saya sedikit masa, biar saya dalami tugas dahulu dan kita akan lihat kemudian. Terima kasih banyak, saya pasti akan menjalankan tugas dengan baik untuk membantu bos saya, menteri pendidikan dalam menyampaikan misi dan visi kita.

  4. Recognizing UEC was in BN's GE14 manifesto.....well BN is in government now so why is KT hounding and pounding Teo Nie Ching....who is in opposition....?

    Najib: UEC recognition part of BN manifesto
    Published on 23 Apr 2018

    Caretaker Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said recognising the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) is part of Barisan Nasional’s agenda.

    Najib said that when officiating the launch of the redeveloped campus of Kuen Cheng High School in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.

    1. Come on KT, don’t be shy, or two-faced, please hentam Jibby and BN, they are in government now, after promising UEC recognition in their manifesto now they make U-Turn, and MCA is in BN no?

      So who is Buat Tak Tahu, Boh Lam Phar now...?

  5. No words of comfort or support from KT to LKS....? Poor man.....

    They say MACC can't charge Guanee again for the bungalow, Double Jeopardy, so MACC go after mean.....

    Please drop charges against Betty, she is not Rosmah 2.0, pleads father-in-law

    DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang is pleading with Putrajaya and the authorities for them to drop the money-laundering charges against his daughter-in-law Betty Chew.

    The appeal addressed to Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Attorney-General Idrus Harun and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), called on them to drop the charges to maintain "some decency and honour" in public life.

  6. Why don't u do the similar in-depth researches on trump banning TikTok & WeChat before u fart about them?

    Or, inherently anything to do with China, just shoot & fart that the Chinese is the offended party!

    1. national security, thats what trump learn from his buddy.

    2. 500 yo Bully just concluded Congressional Grilling of the CEOs from Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple. Online. Fully public.

      No secrets.

      Meanwhile why Huawei is owned by their employees Union that organizes staff Badminton Club games, and how each employee can afford to contribute $177,000 in 2019 just for RND remains a mystery......but not for Teo Nie Ching to solve ha ha ha...

      QUOTE: Data from Huawei Corporate website:

      Huawei is a private company wholly owned by its employees. Through the Union of Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd., we implement an Employee Shareholding Scheme involving 104,572 employees. Only Huawei employees are eligible to participate. No government agency or outside organization holds shares in Huawei.

      Likely story.

      Also from their website 2019 R&D budget = 132 billion Yuan = $18.5 billion. Therefore each employee contributes $176,720 in 2019 just for R&D.

      No wonder everyone is suspicious......

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      As usual, reading from the Anglophonic tea leaves!

      China's national security is REAL & over encompassing, especially with the help of mfers like u!

      Trump's US national security lies within his creative imagination to win an uphill reelection!

    4. ok, whatever suits u best.

    5. Just say yr tea leaves r from the yesteryear, long past its shelf life!

      Don't fart too that western red tea ain't no 普洱.

      Maybe Taiwan 绿茶 can perform anglophile fortune telling of the demoNcratic kind.

    6. "500 yo Bully just concluded Congressional Grilling of the CEOs from Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple. Online. Fully public.

      No secrets."

      All these CEOs confirmed that there's NO IP THEFT from the Chinese ! But you can bet your last dollar that the Western MSM will continue to peddle this lie nonstop, ditto with their politicians. What's the point of being "fully public" or " no secrets" when the lying continues...just like how they still up to this day maintained that 10,000 died in the 'massacre' in Tiananmen Square even when Wikileaks revealed with full evidence the very opposite. Not only there's no media correction, these bastards even pile up more lies on top of the first lie ! The West esp the US are the worst, beyond redemption...the true facts were clearly given out by their own people and they will make a small fuss for a few minutes and then it is back to business as usual...lying, cheating and stealing, besides, kidnapping, assassination, poisoning, murdering, bombing, color revolution, regime change, and much more. Facts and truth won't stand in their way...they will just get rolled over and its back to their killing ways.

      Blind mice here wants his cake and eat it. Head I win, tail you lose. Podah la
