
Friday, July 17, 2020

"Malay Dignity Congress" Vice Chancellor asked to resign for alleged negligence in handling sexual harassment claims


Umany calls for UM VC's resignation over lecturer's sexual harassment case


The Universiti Malaya Association of New Youth (Umany) has called for the resignation of UM vice-chancellor Abdul Rahim Hashim (above) over his alleged negligence in handling sexual harassment claims made against a lecturer.

In a statement, Umany alleged that Abdul Rahim's reported response, citing unspecified actions taken against the accused, was an attempt to "cover-up" the reported cases of sexual harassment against students.

"The vice-chancellor had been brave and bold to lodge police reports against students of Universiti Malaya when they protested against racism.

Malaysiakini - UM denounces graduate's 'VC resign' protest, lodges ...

"Now, the question is, why can't he do the same when students of Universiti Malaya become victims of sexual harassment at the hands of a lecturer? Why cover things up?" Umany asked.

"Umany urges the vice-chancellor to resign, to make room for organisational reforms in the Integrity Unit and Disciplinary Committee.

"Only when the root of the cause is addressed, can there be a better change in Universiti Malaya," they stressed.

Abdul Rahim yesterday revealed that UM had taken actions against the lecturer involved, although no details were revealed on the nature of punishment, citing privacy concerns.

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According to the student involved, the lecturer had touched her inappropriately and uttered lewd comments on June 3, 2019, at his office in UM.

She lodged a formal complaint against him with the UM Integrity Unit - a division under Abdul Rahim’s jurisdiction - on July 1, 2019.

The student further decided to lodge a police report on Wednesday, citing dissatisfaction with the university’s refusal to disclose what punishment was handed to the professor.

A punishment that would have little effect

Umany further noted that justice would have not been served in the case, as it is understood that the verdict was to punish the professor with a demotion, and it was only delivered after his retirement last month.

"If so, such a verdict would only result in a lesser retirement pension and affect one's future career, which is irrelevant in today's case.

"Such a punishment would have little effect on the lecturer who still has a high-income payroll to live off the rest of his life comfortably," Umany said, noting that the UM integrity unit in the course of its investigation had contacted many other students who were also alleged victims of the lecturer.

"Has justice been served? Or will others follow suit by making use of such a procedural loophole?" it further questioned.

UM vice-chancellor Abdul Rahim Hashim (far left) 

Under the Statutory Bodies (Discipline and Surcharge) Act 2000, the list of punishments that a disciplinary committee can impose includes issuing a warning, a fine, forfeiture of emoluments, deferment of salary movement, reduction of salary, reduction in rank and dismissal.

Overall, Umany said, the UM administration had failed to deliver a verdict that will act as a deterrence for future offenders, or even stop the perpetrator from seeking revenge.

Malaysiakini had earlier already contacted the associate professor concerned for a response. He has not, till now.

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Malay Dignity?

Everything and everyone he touched turned(s) to $^@t 

EdisiViral : Biodata Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim

Dignified Malay?

How Malaysia's top university blundered by swatting a protester ...


  1. Sexual Harassment is a crime, but Menteri TikTok goes after LimKokWing instead, over a wrongly timed insensitive racial advertisement, but was any law broken there?

    Limkokwing University gets show-cause letter over ‘King of Africa’ billboard
    16 Jul 2020

    PUTRAJAYA has issued a show-cause letter to Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) over a controversial billboard showing its founder as the “King of Africa.”

    Higher Education Minister Noraini Ahmad said the government wants an explanation for the billboard even though the university has apologised.

  2. On the subject of Education why has this blog gone completely silent over the teaching of KHAT in our schools. Is it because the Deputy Education Minister is now Dr Mah Hang Soon of MCA and not Teoh Nie Ching of DAP?

    Has a "Wrong" Policy suddenly become Right?

    Since Jellyfish Minister Wee KHAT Siong was so hard-on attacking the teaching of KHAT when he was in Opposition, even though he was the Deputy Education Minister who introduced KHAT in 2003/2004, why is he so quiet now, restricting himself to "Jaga Kereta" duties like introducing tougher drink-driving laws, even though this law was initiated and drafted by the previous Transport Minister Anthony Loke but could not be brought to parliament due to the Sheraton Shake?

    Is it because after getting the TARUC matching grant to be channeled via the MCA-controlled University Board of Trustees, of which Wee KHAT Siong is the president?

    No science, maths in English although khat lessons to continue
    FMT Reporters -July 16, 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR: The education ministry does not intend to reintroduce the teaching of science and mathematics in English, a policy the previous administration had been planning to revive.

    Education Minister Radzi Jidin revealed this in a written reply to William Leong (PH-Selayang).....

    ......Radzi however said the teaching of khat or Jawi calligraphy would continue at vernacular and missionary schools.

    He said this in a written reply to Sim Chee Keong (PH-Bukit Mertajam) who asked if Jawi would remain part of the syllabus in Bahasa Melayu textbooks....

    “For now, the education ministry will maintain the previous Cabinet’s decision on the matter,” he said, adding however that lessons would be fine-tuned to be made more holistic.

    1. PN is a MALAY govt so what can Chinese do when DAP did nothing while it was in govt.

    2. So why KT bother protesting this Malay VC who was a Key Speaker at the Malay Dignity Congress.....? Just Drop Your Pants, Lie Back and Spread Your Legs...ha ha ha....

    3. As expected, Ah Mok gives MCA a free ride on everything.
