
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Najib points out how Mahathir's sons benefited under M-government


Whole henhouses go to cronies on your watch - Najib to Dr M


Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak took up Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s challenge today and listed instances where Mahathir’s son and other cronies supposedly received sweetheart deals from the government while Mahathir was in office as prime minister.

Among others, he took aim at the business dealings of Mahathir’s sons, Mirzan and Mokhzani, and business tycoon Vincent Tan.

Furthering the chicken-themed tit-for-tat between the two former premiers, Najib remarked: “Don't talk about stealing or returning chickens. Under you, the entire henhouse was handed to the cronies to be slaughtered.”

He said that contrary to Mahathir’s claims that his children never conducted business in Malaysia during his premiership until he had resigned in 2003, his second-born child Mirzan had built up Konsortium Perkapalan in the 1990s.

The firm eventually needed a US$220 million bailout from the Malaysian International Shipping Corporation (MISC) when the 1998 financial crisis hit. MISC’s largest shareholder is Petronas.

“Wasn't MISC and Petronas reporting to you as prime minister at that time?” Najib queried.

In 1997, meanwhile, Najib said Mahathir’s fourth offspring Mokhzani bought a controlling stake in Hospital Pantai Group from Tan.

Mokhzani Mahathir Net worth

Najib claimed the group later won Foreign Workers' Medical Examination Monitoring Agency (Fomena) concessions as well as contacts to supply government hospitals.

He said Mokhzani’s Kencana Group also won a license to fabricate offshore structures from Petronas in 2002.

In 2003, Najib said Mahathir’s sixth child Mukhriz’s company Opcom was given a RM214 million contract by Telekom Malaysia.

Terima kasih ADUN BN kerana memihak kerajaan – Mukhriz – Air Times ...

He said the contract was a direct award without tender due to an instruction from the Finance Ministry (MOF) and was instrumental to Opcom’s successful listing later that year.

For the record, Mahathir had stepped down from his first premiership on Oct 31, 2003, but the MOF instruction to award the contract was dated Oct 7. Mahathir was also finance minister at the time.

Najib also alleged that the government awarded a 20-year exclusive concession for sports and football betting to a company owned by Tan without tender or cabinet approval in the months prior to stepping down from his first premiership.

In Pictures: Malaysia's Richest

“This concession could potentially be worth tens of billions of Ringgit but the awarded company only had to pay a fee of only RM20 million,” he said.

After Pakatan Harapan took power, Najib claimed the government had “rushed” the RM21.6 billion National Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan where Opcom would be one of the main beneficiaries.

The company’s share prices had jumped in wake of the announcement, he said.

Najib was making a point-by-point rebuttal to Mahathir’s blog post earlier today.

The Cinnaboy

In his blog, the Langkawi MP maintained that Najib’s stepson Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz had gotten a sweetheart deal when he was granted a plea bargain for his 1MDB-linked money laundering case.

"It is like stealing 10 chickens. You should give back all the 10. If you had had a feast of 9 chickens or you sold them to someone, it does not matter.

"The 10 chickens must be returned to the owner. Giving one back will still mean that the chicken owner has lost 9 chickens stolen by the thief," he said.

He also challenged Najib to give documentary evidence of contracts being given to his children, just as there was documentary evidence linking Najib to the 1MDB scandal.

"Please explain the sweetheart deals involving PM7 (7th prime minister) cronies. Did Riza Aziz buy or did my children buy? And who are the cronies?" he said.

In his response via his Facebook account, Najib had included the purported MOF letter instructing Telekom Malaysia to award the RM214 million contract to Opcom.

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  1. This coming from Jibby who owes 1.69 billion in unpaid taxes.....but will probably get away with it because his hot-shot lawyer says it was a royal donation and Jibby "returned" most of it.....hmmmm...sounds like a plea-bargain to for his step-son Riza....?

    Mind you this 1.69 billion is owed by the very same person who introduced GST and forced all of us to pay taxes......while he himself thumbed his nose at paying taxes. But now back in government he has made no effort to bring GST back.....

  2. Sama sama lah, all UMNO crooks and cronies....

    Toonsie supposedly siphoned off the henhouse to his cronies in the 80s and 90s up till 2003 when he stepped down as PM.

    Jibby was a Minister, DPM and PM since 1986 right up to 2018......that is 32 years. Why didn't he stop the "robbery" by Toonsie when he had the power to?

    Answer: because Jibby was complicit and supportive of the robbery.
    And MCA was also in power all that time too, so they are also complicit and supportive. Just give them PKFZ and annual matching grant to TARUC and they keep quiet.

    Don't give the kerbau that Jibby lacked this or that to lock Toonsie away. Pure Bovine Crap.

    1. Samelah there is no different between BN and PH. LGE and Gobind have no problem to hand out contract to Mahathir's son companies.

      22 month of PH governance have show us that there are no different between those 2 parties, had PH been given 60 years there will do the same because within those 22 month we could saw that they are unable to prosecute their very own friends. Something like BN used to do.

  3. Toonsie and Jibby at loggerheads....I'm Lovin' It....and with the Chini by-election, located in Jibby's constituency and Toonsie supporting one of the independents....we can expect some heavy shelling by the two ex-PMs.....let's see the fireworks.....Bring It On...!!!

  4. Jibby waited more than 30 years, suddenly got a rush of guilt(?) or hatred, now suddenly make these kinds of revelations....sorry lah the new AG already said financial institutions only keep documents for 7 years and many witnesses already passed on or cannot recall events from so long ago. The Horse Has Bolted or the Ayam Sudah Lari...

    Furthermore, with-holding evidence for 30 years that crimes have been committed is in itself a crime, so Jibby is as guilty as Toonsie, if his accusations are true. What Stupidity Is This.

  5. Jibby had this Telecom/Opcom letter for more than 20 years AND DID NOTHING. So he is just as guilty as Toonsie. And now that he is no longer Finance Minister how did he have access to it? Did he break any secrecy law?

    Note that the letter was not signed by Toonsie. He can easily deny any knowledge of decisions made by others, like Jibby denies knowledge about decisions made by the 1MDB Board of Directors, even though he was the Chairman of the Board of Advisors of 1MDB and HE PAID HIMSELF RM120k per year.....for "not knowing what the BOD was doing".

    Najib paid himself RM120,000 per year to sit on 1MDB's board of advisers
    Paw Ai Chin

    September 25, 2019

    KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 25): Former premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak paid himself RM120,000 per year as allowances for being the chairman of the board of advisers (BOA) of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), the High Court was told today.

    This quantum, according to former 1MDB CEO Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi, was decided by Najib himself following a 1MDB director's circular resolution dated June 6, 2010.

    "The resolution approved an annual remuneration of RM120,000 to Najib as chairman of the board of advisers, [while] RM96,000 [was paid to] members of that board.

    "The allowance was set by Najib himself, after which the board of directors (BOD) [rubber-stamped] it," added Shahrol.

    Najib was chairman of 1MDB's BOA owing to his capacity as the Prime Minister and Finance Minister which held the special share in 1MDB.

    1. All of them are guilty. Lim Guan Eng and Gobind had given a project to another PH's MP (Mukhriz) company. A project worth RM 21.6 Billion contracts had been given to Opcom.

      These politicians speak and do differently once they are in power.

      All of these politicians cannot be trusted and if you (TS) are so fixated and biased on one side then you are also have been corrupted.

    2. No contract was ever given to OPCOM; the company is not even registered or licensed with MCMC, see below. The fact that their share price spiked when the national fiberisation initiative was announced was purely market speculation just because Toonsie was PM.

      Show where the contract was awarded to OPCOM.....don't simply listen or believe Wee KHAT Siong.

      The Malaysian Reserve
      Opcom is not NFCP’s beneficiary
      Friday, December 6th, 2019


      OPCOM Holdings Bhd is not a contractor in the project bid under the National Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan (NFCP) as it is not licensed under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

      Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo said the claim that Opcom is the successful contractor in the NFCP bid through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is false and baseless.

      “The question of how much of the contract value obtained by them through MCMC does not arise at all because Opcom is not a licensee under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998. MCMC cannot appoint them for any initiative to be funded through the Universal Service Provision Fund (USP Fund),” he said in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday.

      Gobind was responding to MP Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong’s (Barisan Nasional-Ayer Hitam) query on whether the selection of the contractor for NFCP was through open tender; what were the criteria for Opcom’s selection; and the value of the contract.

      There were speculations that the fibre-optic cable manufacturer would be a beneficiary of NFCP to develop the country’s broadband infrastructure.

      Opcom’s Bursa Malaysia filing on Aug 13 this year shows that the company’s deputy CEO Chhoa Kwang Hua co-founded the firm with Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir in 1994.

      Mukhriz’s elder brother Tan Sri Mokhzani Mahathir was the chairman until the end of May. He was appointed to Opcom’s board 10 years ago. All suppositions on crony capitalism were then put to rest when Gobind rebutted Wee’s statement yesterday.

      NFCP, which was projected to cost RM21.6 billion over five years, will involve the implementation of various infrastructure projects to be developed around the country such as tower construction, the provision of fibre-optic networks and the implementation of the seabed cable landing centre.

      “These infrastructure projects will be implemented through commercial financing, while some will be funded through the USP Fund collected and regulated by MCMC which is subject to the provisions of the Communications and Multimedia (USP) Regulations 2002 (PPS Regulations).

      “Appointment of parties who will implement this USP project is subject to these PPS Regulations and is limited to licensees of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 only,” Gobind said.

      The PPS Regulations require for the method of the USP Fund to be used, which is an open invitation to licensees of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 to parti- cipate in the USP initiative.

    3. Re your first para:.....LGE and Gobind had given a project to....Mukhriz.....worth 21.6 billion contracts had been given to Opcom.

      Not true.

      No contracts will be handed out under NFCP, says Gobind
      Joel Shasitiran -September 24, 2019

      KUALA LUMPUR: Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo today dismissed talk that Opcom Holdings Bhd will be the biggest contract recipient in a national plan to lay optical fibre cables across the country for faster internet connectivity.

      Speaking to reporters after the GSMA Mobile 360 launch ceremony here today, he said the government would not hand out contracts to anyone.

      “Let me make it very clear – the National Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan (NFCP) is not a project. It is a plan that indicates what the government wants to do over a period of five years.”

      He said neither the government nor the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) would award contracts to anyone.

      “The telcos will decide who they want to appoint in respect to whatever it is they want to carry out under NFCP,” he added.

      “So it’s not a case where RM21 billion is given to one company that is Opcom. I think whoever says that has misunderstood.”

      MCMC recently rubbished such talk as well, saying no one company providing a specific technology can be the biggest benefactor of NFCP.

      “Therefore, it is not right to name Opcom as the biggest benefactor from the NFCP,” it said in a statement.

      This followed a 16% spike in Opcom’s share prices three weeks ago, which raised rumours that the company would benefit the most from NFCP.

      The company’s major shareholder is Mukhriz Mahathir, the son of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

  6. I hope Toonsie burns the UMNO/BN house down, using the Chini by-election as the platform. Win Or Lose the seat does not matter......

  7. Ha ha ha sekarang Toonsie jadi....MenHEN.....

  8. To ALL u pseudo-altruists out there carrying the tainted flags of fair, freedom & equality, eat yr heart out!

    Still can't see the taming force of catching the thieves with thieves?

    Support mamak NOW!

    Let him finishes his dotted legacies & more before he meets his maker.

    Along the way, create a new path for bolihland.

  9. Ya!...Bongkar lagi biar rakyat tahu....

  10. wow, umno goon kharacteristic kind of politicking, thief compete who steal less.

  11. It takes a thief (professional) to catch easily another thief (amateur). First support the well known thief Tun to win next these thueves and cronies of bolehland must be caught wisely by Wiser Rakyat near future which masih BOLEH di lakukan.

  12. All of them are thieves.
    If on the west this matter would have been litigated, and concluded.
    With JAIL.
    But Malaysia; laughing stock of International Community everything is ok.
    No evidence

  13. It's the kettle calling the pot black.
    Everything in Msia has gone wrong since independence.

    The Judiciary is a joke. The Politics and accountability standard is 3rd world class.
    You let monkeys run the country, you get peanuts.
    With so much of Natural Resources, we are still 3rd World.. wonder why.
    the elite are raping the countr,with no concern nor shame
    Very soon we will be a " Pariah" state, if we aren't already in the eyes of the Int Community.

  14. Financetwitter the "Gospel"....only when convenient to KT...ha ha ha...

    Why Didn't Najib Charge or Expose Mahathir Families in 22 Years?

    ......If the Mahathir families had broken the law, here’s one question for Najib – why didn’t he charge any of the Mahathir’s sons when he was the prime minister from 2009-2018? Yes, despite Mahathir’s relentless attacks to unseat Najib over 1MDB scandal, leading to the collapse of the Najib regime in the 2018 General Election, Mr. Najib did not and could not charge Mahathir families.

    On the contrary, Mahathir government had dragged Najib, his stepson Riza and even his wife Rosmah Mansor to the courtrooms and charged them for money laundering, corruption and criminal breach of trust (CBT). Make no mistake. Both Mahathir and Najib were UMNO crooks. The difference: Mahathir cleverly covered it, but Najib stupidly parked stolen money in his private bank accounts.

    But even if Mahathir’s sons could not be charged because it was well disguised under corporate deals, here’s another question for Najib – why didn’t he at least expose Mahathir’s abuse of power during his 22-year-rule? During Mahathir’s era from 1981 to 2003, was Najib not part of his government’s Cabinet? As early as 1986, Najib was Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports.

    Najib was the Minister of Youth and Sports until 1990, followed by a promotion as Defence Minister (1990 – 1995) and Minister of Education (1995 – 1999). He returned as Minister of Defence again (1999 to 2008) and then took over the Minister of Finance (2008 – 2018) He was the 9th Deputy PM from 2004 to 2009 before becoming the 6th Prime Minister from 2009 until his defeat in 2018.

    Obviously, when Mahathir told Petronas, the national oil company, to bail out his son’s MISC during the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis, Najib was part of the UMNO corrupt regime, was he not? Similarly, when Mukhriz’s company Opcom was given a RM214 million contract by Telekom Malaysia in 2003, as whined and bitched by Najib, he was a very senior minister in the Mahathir government.

    In the same breath, why didn’t Najib expose or charge business tycoon Vincent Tan for committing so-called irregularities in enriching Mahathir’s sons? Not even once did Mr. Najib express his displeasure over the wheeling and dealing of his boss. That’s because Najib was in the same pirate ship, enriching himself in deals such as the infamous Scorpene submarines scandal.

    ....Actually, before Mahathir became the 4th Prime Minister in 1981, Najib was already elected to the Parliament in 1976 replacing his deceased father. At the age of 25, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and Post in 1978. He then served as the Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) of Pahang from 1982 to 1986.

    Hence, it’s still unclear if Najib had stolen any chicken since 1978 or whether he had sold any henhouse from 1982 to 1986. More importantly, from where his stepson had gotten the US$248 million if not from money siphoned from 1MDB funds? If the money was from Arab investors, how could Riza return the money that does not belong to him in the first place?

    1. as I blogged before, in UMNO there was a "code" of omerta (silence) where leaders kept silent about corruption and ill-doings by other UMNO leaders. In Malay "underground" culture it was the done thing. Thus through the years there was silence within UMNO on corruption by its leaders. Then Mahathir (being not quite Malay) with his sheer hatred of Najib for not toeing his line and not helping Boi-Boi ascend in UMNO, decided to break the omerta and eff-ed Najib kaukau. Mahathir ended the omerta, thus now Najib gets his own back

    2. I am not condoning that omerta other than to explain why the silence existed before

    3. LKS and Guanee now following this code, please stop attacking them for working with Toonsie, just like you avoid attacking Jibby and other UMNO leaders for working with Toonsie.

    4. we know you're not condoning omerta but you are just trying to make them look like honourable men esp your bossku
