
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Mahathir counting chickens before they're hatched

Malaysiakini (extracts):

'Tenous majority means Muhyiddin can't afford for Umno MPs to be convicted'


Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin cannot afford to have Umno MPs convicted in their existing graft charges as it could mean losing his razor-thin majority in the Dewan Rakyat, said former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

For this reason, Mahathir cast doubt on Muhyiddin's promise not to interfere in the ongoing graft cases against Umno leaders.

He said among the Umno MPs facing graft charges include Najib Abdul Razak (Pekan), Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (Bagan Datuk), Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor (Putrajaya), Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim (Baling), Ahmad Maslan (Pontian) and Bung Moktar Radin (Kinabatangan).

"There are now 114 MPs who support Muhyiddin, only three more than half of the Dewan Rakyat (111 members).

"If the six MPs are found guilty by the court, they will be disqualified as MPs. With that, Muhyiddin would only be left with 108 MPs - less than half.

"Therefore, Muhyiddin's government will fall. That is why Muhyiddin (below) will ensure the six MPs are found not guilty," Mahathir said in a blog post today

It doesn't matter whether Muhyiddin's PN government will fall as predicted by Mahathir, which ironically for him, will then be worse for Harapan because there'll definitely be a Muafakat Nasional (UMNO-PAS alliance) push for a snap election - and that will certainly eliminate his Bersatu from the face of the Earth, wakakaka.

KTemoc Konsiders ........: Mahathir & 'His' Chinese

Why don't you tell that to Patrick Teoh?

But I dislike kok-tokkers like this old grasping desperate man. Mahathir seems to ignore the fact that when the 6 UMNO MPs he named as likely to be found guilty of graft, and thus by consequence be disqualified from the Dewan Rakyat, then Parliament will have only 222 minus 6 MPs still in place, making that a total of 216 MPs, until at least 6 by-elections have been called for and decided upon.

Thus half of 216 is 108, a figure he himself stated that Muhyiddin will have, should the 6 UMNO MPs become disqualified and dismissed from Parliament. That's exactly half of the Dewan Rakyat's strength which will provide us with a 'hung-parliament'. 

With a 'hung parliament' the Muhyiddin government won't fall if HM YDPA sees fit, for the sake of stability, to instruct Muhyiddin Yassin to continue running the government, until the 6 by-elections have been settled.

Kok-Tokker likes to count his chooks before they are hatched, wakakaka.

KTemoc Konsiders ........: Mahathir & 'His' Chinese

KHAT-aSS must be either idiotic or avaricious (or both) to continue in an alliance with such a racist  

And without Anwar Ibrahim and his strength of 39 PKR MPs, what good will a reduced PN government be to the Old Man? And Anwar is not that foolish (well, I certainly hope he isn't like KHAT-aSS) to suffer another setback by this vicious vindictive venomous Old Man - no, not again.


  1. Ex-PMs talk Toonsie like Jibby.

    So if an ex-PM like Toonsie "advised" (via Gopal Sri Ram) the then-AG Apandi to do his job then how is that different than ex-PM Jibby "advising" the current AG to do his job and re-open cases against PH leaders?

    Same Same No...? Both STUPID or IGNORANT...?

    Najib urges AG to reopen cases involving PH leaders
    FMT Reporters -June 14, 2020

    PETALING JAYA: The Attorney-General has been urged to reopen the files on Malaysia’s loss of sovereignty over Pulau Batu Putih, the findings of a royal commission into Malaysia’s RM30 billion foreign exchange scandal of the 1990s, and five cases against Pakatan Harapan (PH) politicians.

  2. More rubbish....Jibby wants AG to re-open the case involving the 30 billion forex losses by Bank Negara.

    But didn't the current AG drop the case against Musa Aman because he said financial institutions only kept files for 7 years? So how can the AG now investigate from 30 years ago? Will some files magically appear?

    1. And during that 30 years Jibby himself was in the cabinet as Minister, Deputy Minister and Prime Minister. Why didn't he then charge, convict and lock up the Old Fart?

    2. Najib foolishly practised the "Mafia" code of doing no harm to kakinang, not realising that as far as Mamak is concerned there's no kakinang except his very own kakinang, wakakaka

  3. At least Najib is no idiot by expressing his desire in the open, unlike the chicken old man who uses proxies in all matters and plead ignorance when confronted!

    1. Najib lacks the devious cunning of the evil old Mamak
