
Friday, June 19, 2020

KHAT-aSS & his DAP selling out Anwar Ibrahim

Extracts from Malaysiakini:

Is this how you repay 20 years of friendship? Anwar's aide to DAP

by Malaysiakini reader Proarte

5 Uncanny similarities between Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang

DAP has stated its position politically and I can understand this for self interest reasons because it thinks in the short term Mahathir can help them win back their positions and power in government. Whether it is based on principle is a moot point. Once DAP loses sight of its values and sacrifices principle at the altar of Realpolitik, it loses its raison d'ĂȘtre and it has cheapened and betrayed its founding ideals and the Rakyat.

Let us not forget DAP has elected a man to lead Pakatan Harapan Plus whose party Bersatu excludes Chinese and Indians as equal members. Yet DAP wants us to believe that it really believes in equality, human rights, justice and anti-racism. DAP has elected a man who has been scathing and nasty towards the DAP throughout its 55 year history. Even when he was PM under Pakatan Harapan, he was caught on audio saying ' I dont like Anwar, I dont like DAP ', but yet Mahathir is the DAP ideal choice to be PM and want Anwar to work with him. How surreal!

If we read what Mahathir is saying in his blog about his apparent new found confidence in the DAP, it smacks of racism and 'Ketuanan Melayu', implying the Chinese can never overcome the Malays despite their supposed bad intention and chauvinism towards Malays. Otherwise, why would he associate them with Communists, Trump's behaviour, Israeli injustice towards the Palestinians, the Portuguese, British, Japanese, and the Siamese who attacked the Malays but yet Malays triumphed in the end despite all odds? Good point Mahathir, yes , why indeed should the Malays be afraid of the Chinese !?

Mahathir told his Malay Dignity Congress which PAS and UMNO attended, that Indians and Chinese Malaysians are 'orang asing' (foreigners)

Sad to see DAP willingly turning into the MCA of Pakatan Harapan, dancing with alacrity to the tune of Mahathir whom they called a Kleptocrat and Dictator not so long ago. I am sad that solidarity within PKR, DAP and Amanah will be irretrievably damaged because of what would naturally be seen as an unprincipled betrayal of Anwar Ibrahim and PKR by their collaboration with Mahathir who failed the Rakyat by undermining Pakatan Harapan with his typical Machiavellian antics and causing its collapse! Yet 'I dont like DAP Mahathir' is DAP's first choice to lead Pakatan Harapan Plus - to my mind to oblivion!

KHAT-aSS the greatest Sellout of Reforms


  1. many Chinese (& Indian) ministers did Toonsie have in his cabinet, vs Jibby's cabinet before, and Muhyiddin's cabinet after?

    DAP has elected a man to lead Pakatan Harapan Plus whose party Bersatu excludes Chinese and Indians as equal members.

  2. Eh.....Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak got this the wrong way around.

    It was DAP who remained friendly and loyal to Anwar after he was sacked, charged and jailed by Toonsie more than 20 years ago. And all the previous injustices dished out to DAP by BN when Anwar was in the cabinet and when he was DPM, including the jailing of LKS and Guanee, was forgiven and forgotten, for the sake of national interests.

    I think it is Anwar who should show gratitude now and trust that DAP will push Toonsie out in 6 months, to be replaced by Anwar as PM.
