
Monday, June 29, 2020

DAP (KHAT faction) to Anwar - You can't do what I can do

Two pieces of news in this post before kaytee comments. First:


Enemy of his enemy, once again his enemy

This is a tale of two personalities: one who says he could be the prime minister for an unprecedented third time, but for only six months; and the other who has aspired to be prime minister from days gone by.

They were best of friends, they were the worst of enemies and then became the best of friends to fight a common enemy. Could they once again become the worst of enemies?

Personality No.1 now says he wants to help No. 2 to achieve his ambition of becoming the next prime minister and that a “third term would be too much for him to handle”. He is too old, he says.

Has this thought just dawned on him? Before you reply in the affirmative, just go back to February, just four months ago.

He did not say he was quitting as the 7th Prime minister because he was “too old” did he? Even when asked to stay on by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, there was no hint of him saying he could not because he was too old.

But now he says he is not too old to help personality No. 2 achieve his elusive dream of becoming the 9th Malaysian prime minister.

There was an understanding that power would pass from No.1 to No. 2 eventually. It was to be done after the Apec meeting in November this year.

So mean and spiteful he won't even appoint to a ministerial post, not even, for example, as Menteri Kipas or Menteri Kasut Hitam

But patience had worn thin among the hardcore supporters of No. 2. with the Otai Reformis Group taking the lead. (They no longer believe in the promises of No. 1.) Their leaders suggested Plan B which included taking to the streets out of need to force No. 1 to hand over the reins of power to their leader as early as last month.

Incessant and almost daily pressure was being heaped on the 7th prime minister to hand over power immediately as promised.

But with one stroke of his pen, the wily 94-year-old prime minister put a premature end to the dreams of No 2 and his die-hard supporters by resigning as prime minister.

that hatred, spite and venom, all the way from 1998 

Nobody was expecting that move, least of all the millions who had voted for PH in 2018.

Even before the ink on his resignation letter dried, the rug was yanked from under the noses of No. 1 and No. 2 by the now infamous Sheraton Move involving those who saw the opportunity to cash in on the uncertainty.

Anwar Ibrahim and PKR have since declared that they will not work with Dr Mahathir Mohamad because of trust issues. Mahathir on his part has declared that it is okay if Anwar and PKR have decided to do so because Mahathir will consider other options in his attempt to become prime minister for the 3rd time.

KTemoc Konsiders ........

It’s a no-win situation for both Mahathir and Anwar and they only have themselves to blame. Mahathir and Anwar will both try to outwit each other and cut deals with whoever and wherever possible in their bid to be 9th PM.

Which of them has a greater lust for power is another matter altogether.

It is pointless for Mahathir to now say he merely wants to help Anwar become the 9th PM. He had had the opportunity to do so if he really wanted. Anwar, in jest, has even asked how long more must he suffer at the hands of Mahathir?

Both assume they are in with a chance come GE15. They have a right to believe in themselves. If Anwar fails at GE15, he can look forward to GE16.

If Mahathir fails, perhaps it will finally dawn on him that no one is indispensable, nor does he have an inherent right to be prime minister at the expense of other hopefuls. With Mahathir, there is this trust deficit that will remain synonymous with his character. There have been just one too many times when his actions failed to sync miserably with his words and promises


MM Online:

DAP, Amanah warn against conspiring with Bersatu’s Hamzah Zainuddin for Pakatan to return to power

Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin speaks to reporters in Ulu Kinta, Ipoh June 19, 2020

Picture by Farhan Najib

KUALA LUMPUR, June 29 — DAP and Parti Amanah Negara today reminded allies to keep any negotiation for the so-called Pakatan Harapan (PH) Plus to return to power to remain within itself.

The two parties insisted that there must be no deals made or attempted with Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin, amid PKR’s revelations that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has met with the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia secretary-general recently.

“There can be no deals or attempts to make any deals with Hamzah, the main conspirator for the ‘Sheraton Move’ power grab,” the two parties said in a statement, referring to the move made by Bersatu and Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali’s faction that ultimately led to PH government’s fall.

“Any calculations that involve Hamzah, but sidelining Parti Warisan Sabah and Dr Mahathir’s group cannot be accepted and are not based on our principles.”

Malaysiakini - Funding TAR UC without breaking basic principles of ...

"... DAP principles?"

The statement was signed by Amanah deputy president Datuk Salahuddin Ayub and DAP vice-president M. Kulasegaran.

The two parties said Warisan and Dr Mahathir’s faction Bersatu remain their allies in the fight against Perikatan Nasional (PN).

In comparison, they see Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin, Hamzah, and scandal-tainted Umno’s former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as “evil masterminds” that have given Umno a lifeline to return back to power.

“Basically, we want our allies to know who are really our friends and foes. The failure to distinguish between the two will bring us into unstoppable destruction,” they said.

DAP's "friend or foe"?

Earlier this month, Malaysiakini quoted PKR chief whip Datuk Johari Abdul as confirming that Anwar has met several figures in PN including Muhyiddin, Hamzah, and several Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) leaders.

Johari reportedly said the party has given Anwar carte blanche to negotiate with anybody in order to return the PH government to power, and for him sell the idea of Reformasi.

PH Plus is currently in a deadlock over its prime minister candidate, with PKR still insisting that Anwar should lead the loose coalition instead of Dr Mahathir.

The stalemate has caused Dr Mahathir to suggest Warisan president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal instead, which he said has been agreed to by his group, DAP, Amanah, and Warisan

Mukhriz Akan Dilantik Sebagai TPM, dan Shafie Afdal Akan Menjadi ...

Kaytee notes:

First, it's worthwhile reminding everyone that Mahathir and Warisan are NOT part of Pakatan Harapan, much as DAP and Amanah have been sucking up to Atuk.

Tuk, shall I get a glass of water for you? 

Hamzah Zainuddin is from Mahathir's former party PPBM from which Atuk was expelled, although Atuk insists till today he is the party's Chairman.

So, effectively speaking, both Atuk and Hamzah Zainuddin are from PPBM, ignoring their silly spat, wakakaka.

Dr M: Seven former Umno MPs now PPBM members | Malaysia | Malay Mail

UMNO frogs personally recruited by Atuk against his Pakatan promise?

[why were KHAT-aSS and Guanee struck dumb and remained silent as if someone's *** was in their throats?]

Second, again another reminder especially for the idiotic KHAT faction of the DAP, that both Atuk and Shafie Apdal (Warisan) refuse to recognise Anwar Ibrahim (PKR President) as Pakatan Harapan's nominee for the PM position, either in a takeover now or in GE15. In other words, both Atuk plus his 4 macai
and Warisan refuse to accept Anwar Ibrahim as Harapan's PM-nominee. DSAI is currently the designated head of Pakatan Harapan (PH minus PPBM - Warisan was never part of PH), and thus any outsider ought to be dismissed from any further collaborative or conspiring alliance with PH.

In fact, PKR has already shredded and shed off any dealings with the spiteful evil treacherous person - see above news 'Anwar Ibrahim and PKR have since declared that they will not work with Dr Mahathir Mohamad because of trust issues.'. Thus, DAP (KHAT faction) and Amanah have been treacherously making deals 'behind' Anwar's back.

Third, why then is it OK for DAP (KHAT faction) and Amanah (too small to have any faction, wakakaka) to 'conspire' with a 'party-less' old man and Warisan ('behind' Anwar's back) but not so for Anwar Ibrahim who is the current head of PH to look into possibility of deals with other political parties, eg. GPS or even the legal (wakakaka) PPBM?

Fourth, are the DAP (KHAT faction only) and Amanah the other AUTHORISED component parties from PH allowed to make deals with outsiders including questionable-already-rejected persons, but not so permitted/authorised for Anwar and PKR?

Fifth and last (but not least), eff off KHAT faction in the time-honoured beautiful Malaysian tradition of PODAH.

1 comment:

  1. making deal among opposition is deemed heeding anwar call that opposition must work together, while making deal with backdoor pm n those that support backdoor pm is questionable. y suddenly kt so fond of anwar?

    i support anyone that fight the backdoor govt, conman n dog is fine.
