
Monday, June 22, 2020

Anthony Loke hurts PKR in his demand for support of Mahathir


Despite hurtful remarks, Harapan still intact - Anwar


Pakatan Harapan is still intact despite disagreements over who should be their candidate for prime minister, said coalition chairperson Anwar Ibrahim.

However, he acknowledged there were hurt feelings over the disagreement.

"I see on social media there is fighting going on, and this is not fair (to Harapan parties).

"This may be because Anthony Loke and Khalid Samad's statement is kind of harsh, offensive (menyinggung) and hurtful, but that's okay, it is a small matter," Anwar said in a Facebook live video tonight.

Malaysians vote Dr M, Loke best Pakatan communicators, survey ...

On Friday, DAP's Loke and Amanah's Khalid released a statement saying Anwar had failed to secure support from GPS in order to retake Putrajaya.



Anwar tells of distrust about naming Dr M as PM

Anwar Ibrahim spoke about feelings of distrust regarding Dr Mahathir Mohamad 

PETALING JAYA: Anwar Ibrahim tonight revealed that there were feelings of distrust among Pakatan Harapan leaders about Dr Mahathir Mohamad being named as the PH candidate to be prime minister should the coalition regain power.

Anwar, who is PKR president, said that Pakatan Harapan leaders had agreed to name him as the prime ministerial candidate when the Pakatan Harapan presidential council met recently.

However, Mahathir had shot down the idea as he wanted to a third stint as prime minister.

“We argued and I explained that he had been the prime minister for 24 years and he should give the post to someone else. We had already made a promise,” he said, in an apparent reference to a PH pact before the 2018 general election, that Mahathir was to hand over the reins after an unspecified period.

“Everything was discussed but he was adamant,” Anwar said during a Facebook Live session.

He said distrust arose when terms were set, should Mahathir be named as the candidate. The fact that an agreement had to be signed stipulating Mahathir to be at the helm for six months meant there was suspicion, he said.

“Based on our experience, we cannot trust (him) 100%.”

Anwar’s explanation comes days after PKR’s central leadership council said the party will not support Mahathir as PH’s candidate for prime minister.

The party said it would stick to the PH consensus for Anwar to be the coalition’s candidate if the opposition returns to power.

Anwar went on to say that he could not accept Mahathir’s proposal of being reappointed to the post as he was not confident it would be in the nation’s best interest, adding that six months was too short a period to overcome economic challenges in a post-Covid-19 era.

Neither was it enough time to carry out reforms of institutions such as the judiciary and carrying out anti-corruption programmes.

Anwar said that he would be in a difficult position should he be Mahathir’s deputy. “I joked with my colleagues from PH. How long must I suffer. Enough is enough.”

He said Mahathir had yet to secure the support of a majority of MPs. “But they believe that he can obtain the numbers. That is just an opinion,” Anwar said.

He said PH remained strong despite the recent differences. “DAP and Amanah are not trying to weaken PH,” he said.

DAP and Amanah recently urged PKR to return to the PH consensus to nominate Mahathir as the sole candidate to be prime minister, which they said was “a second option agreed upon at the PH meeting of May 30 chaired by Anwar himself.

Their statement did not sit well with some quarters in PKR, with one leader from Selangor urging the party to ditch DAP and Amanah.


  1. no trust conman sound okay, what if backdoor pm rule like ccp xi then what u people gonna do? write blog?

    1. A blind mice couldn't resist that Xi dig? hehehe

      Don't fret la...almost impossible for our tanah air tersayang ever descend to the level of CCP China, right ? We, like the almighty US of A and other great wonderful countries, are a DEMOCRACY ! We the civilized people, we do have elections ! We have rule of law, human rights and freedom of speech ! Jangan takut la...once MooMoo have bought over, oops, have persuaded more MPs to join PM, he will in due course go to Parliament to show who's the rightful boss and which party has the legitimate right to rule. For 60 over years, we are a country of law and order, a democracy, not a communist country or rather, not a socialist country, although the forever NEP does smell of socialism, with Malay characteristics.

    2. u r one of those jerk that tell nazi is democracy bec hitler party won an election.

    3. Hehe...what has changed since your Hitler lost the war ? If he wasn't caught 'roasting' several millions Jews and Gypsies and the likes, he would be lauded as hero to you 3 blind mice...yay, to democracy ! The dominance of the White Supremacists still rule the world up to this day parading in the name of DEMOCRACY ! None of you 3 blind mice ever breathe a word about BLM which is sweeping the world now...Democracy too much ? hehehehe

    4. blm draw attention in the democracy world, otoh authoritarian ccp regime tell jerk like u to go eat shit, or shut up.

    5. Wakakakaka…

      犬养 mfer, nazi is indeed democracy bec hitler party won an election.

      Ain't that what yr holy grail of elected by the majority - as stated in demoNcracy?

      Now, who should tell who to go eat shit, or shut up?


    6. "blm draw attention in the democracy world, otoh authoritarian ccp regime tell jerk like u to go eat shit, or shut up."

      What 'democracy world' ? People of color all over the world, not just in the fake-democracy country of the US of A, have been treated worse than shit. Democracy is only meant for these white supremacists.

      Read some of these excerpts and weep but I doubt the blind mice here can really read, let alone understand and empathize :

      "Having been enslaved for 250 years, black people were not left to their own devices. They were terrorized. In the Deep South, a second slavery ruled. In the North, legislatures, mayors, civic associations, banks, and citizens all colluded to pin black people into ghettos, where they were overcrowded, overcharged, and under educated. Businesses discriminated against them, awarding them the worst jobs and the worst wages. Police brutalized them in the streets. And the notion that black lives, black bodies, and black wealth were rightful targets remained deeply rooted in the broader society.

      White supremacy is not merely the work of hotheaded demagogues, or a matter of false consciousness, but a force so fundamental to America that it is difficult to imagine the country without it.

      For 250 years, American law worked to reduce black people to a class of untouchables and raise all white men to the level of citizens.

      ....the country’s shameful history of treating black people as sub-citizens, sub-Americans, and sub-humans 

      America’s indispensable working class existed as property beyond the realm of politics, leaving white Americans free to trumpet their love of freedom and democratic values."

      So look here, three blind mice...just STFU about democracy and that sort of rot if you don't even have the guts or honesty when faced with facts which demolish your slanders ( Tiananmen 'massacre' ) and lots more. Your habits of deflection and shifting the goal post are too disgusting to allow a pass.

    7. go read maunlanders remarks on anything black, jerk.

    8. At least the mainlanders know black from white!

      Unlike yr fart about "nazi is NO democratically elected".

  2. anwar u choose either principle or number, u cant hv both, at least loke is honest, what hurt u talking abt?
