
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Aesop's Tale again for the DAP

My Sin Chew:

PH at a crossroads

By Tay Tian Yan

Pakatan Harapan - Wikipedia

The crack within the Pakatan Harapan pact is widening. Taping the crack will not help much but is utterly unsightly.

DAP's Lim Guan Eng and Amanah's Mat Sabu have issued statements on behalf of their parties to assert that they remain with Anwar Ibrahim, although they still very much hold dear to the "Mahathir-Anwar" formula with Tun Mahathir their preferred PM candidate.

Malaysia's new finance minister Lim Guan Eng was jailed twice by ...

I have the feeling that while DAP and Amanah support Anwar, they support Mahathir much more.

The two leaders insist PH must never engage in any negotiation with the "hidden hand" that brought down the PH government.

From what I understand, the so-called "hidden hand" is first and foremost Muhyiddin Yassin, and the contacts between Anwar and Muhyiddin is a "secret meant to be made public".

The two parties are worried if Anwar has struck some sort of agreement with Muhyiddin, both DAP and Amanah are poised to be washed out or substituted.

While these two parties want Mahathir to take charge, they don't want to lose PKR, either. They first hand out a carrot, claiming that they will remain one with Anwar, but then follow with a stick, to warn him not to have any deal with the "hidden hand".

Sparagmos - Wikipedia

Idiots will soon be torn apart, of their own making (avarice)

Anwar says he will not accept Mahathir as PM again, but can consider offering him a minister mentor post.

So far Anwar has show no signs of compromise although he has refrained from openly turning against his PH allies. That said, the bottomline has been clearly drawn: absolutely no "Mahathir-Anwar" combo or Mahathir as PH++ PM candidate. He as PH chairman and opposition leader must be the one and only choice for PM candidate.

"Considering a minister mentor role" may even sound derogatory to the former PM.

Anwar has made some initiatives to get PKR to authorize him to negotiate with other parties, as if to tell his PH allies that he is not their political captive, and that PKR may not necessarily accept PH's terms.

Gabungan Parti Sarawak - Wikipedia

Mahathir says he will not accept minister mentor post and will not work with Anwar again, although he will still cooperate with DAP and Amanah.

Mahathir still longs to be PM, but whatever next course of action he takes will not have Anwar as a factor. The good news is, he is no longer bound by Anwar; and the bad news is, he may lose the support of PKR's 38 MPs.

Among the moves Mahathir is going to take to bring down Muhyiddin include a no-confidence motion, or a statutory declaration to be handed to the King that will not include PKR's 38 names.

Mahathir needs to fill the 38-seat shortfall elsewhere. Appearing concurrently in Langkawi with Azmin Ali and Hishammuddin Hussein couldn't have been mere coincidence.

Gabungan Perpaduan Nasional Malaysia (GPNM) – Tun M's new ...

It no longer matters now whether the trio did have a secret meeting, but the leaked photo has created some space for imagination among the leaders of PN and PH of their looming unusual relationship.

With Mahathir and Anwar now openly breaking ranks, DAP and Amanah may end up nowhere. Leaning towards either side means losing the support of the other.

The Dog and The Shadow - Fables of Aesop

Aesop's Tale

A dog, crossing a bridge over a stream with a bone in his mouth, saw his own shadow in the water and took it for that of another dog, with a bone double his own in size. He made up his mind to have that also. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth his bone fell out, dropped into the water and was lost.

The moral is be satisfied with what you have. The dog was foolish to want more than he It is very foolish to be greedy. The DAP should take note, wakakaka.

Parti Warisan Sabah will very likely go with Mahathir. In the end, PH++ will only last several months.

If DAP and Amanah insist on "Mahathir-Anwar" formula, it is foreseeable that a clear line will be drawn between them and PKR. PH is not just destined to split, but to fall.

PH++ has come to an end and PH finds itself at a crossroads, not knowing which way to head to next.

Read also:

Hong Hong protesters - an Aesop tale for you


  1. it is all according to plan. Mahathir's goal is to break up DAP with PKR. He is still good friends with Muhyddin. This is all an act.

    Muhyddin is acting on behalf of Bersatu, the goal is to merge it with UMNO. Knowing a merge is impossible if Mahathir and his son is still around.

    If a merge is not possible, Bersatu will pull out of PN and Mahathir will rejoin Bersatu, together with DAP-PAN-GPS-Warisan, they will form a new gov.

    Without Sabah and Sarawak, UMNO-PAS-MCA-MIC can never win.

  2. QUOTE
    The moral is be satisfied with what you have. The dog was foolish to want more than he It is very foolish to be greedy.

    MCA follows this fable religiously. They are not greedy. In the past their Youth Chief gets to be a Deputy Minister. Today they get to be HRDF Board Member. Not Chairman mind you, just one of the 18 board seats. But MCA is satisfied with this; no bone never mind, just lick the floor where the bone used to be is fine.

    MCA Youth chief Nicole Wong has been appointed as a board member of the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF).

    A check on HRDF’s website shows her listed as an independent member, among 18 board members...

  3. What made Hong Kong a global financial center? How did 5 million people control a huge chunk of foreign business of a billion people country pre-1997? Love of Mao and his Little Red Book? No, it was GREED. Nothing wrong with being greedy (or ambitious), as long as you stay within the law, but now the Bully wants to break their promise and change the law.....

    1. Mfer, knows yr basic laws detail?

      How, where & what basic laws have been changed?

      So easy to fart, just for yr few seconds of egoistic demoNcratic chanting to please yr WASP indoctrinators!

    2. wakakaka, TS you know shit about Basic Laws and when those anti-seditious enactments should have been legislated - it's already 23 years too late

    3. OMG...the ignorance of this blind mice is really stupendous. Worse still is the arrogance of his own smug ignorance ! Mmm...what is that saying - giving enough rope to hang himself ! this case, give him enough space, breaking his fingers abusing the keyboard, only to have to eat his words. But these 3 blind mice typically stick to their disgusting motto...when defeated, just slink away and return another day to spew out the same vomit.


      A real chief executive that HK should have after that useless & playing 无间道 Carrie Lum!

  4. And Muhyiddin, Azmin, Zuraidah, Jibby, Zahid, Wee KHAT Siong etc etc etc were/are not greedy? How can you be a successful politician if you are content to be a good kwai kwai opposition?

    Another continuing tale of Sarawak the GPS-controlled government is continuing to rape, pillage and plunder the state's timber resources, (after Muhyiddin just gave them 2 billion of Petronas' money)...via bogus environment certification...

  5. The Big Bully is the best example of the greedy dog. The Bully uses their military and economic might to constrain it's victims, until they submit. So if we support Bully's Greed we must support politicians' greed too....ha ha ha....

    "Constrainment" = The action of confining or state of being confined. confinement. imprisonment. incarceration. internment.

    The China “Constrainment” Doctrine
    Jun 25, 2020

    Liberal democracies must defend their belief in a global order based on credible international agreements and the rule of law. So, although democratic governments should be prepared to offer China incentives for good behavior, they must be prepared to deter bad behavior vigorously.

    LONDON – It is necessary to know some history in order to draw the right lessons from it. All too often, alleged parallels and similarities seem far-fetched on close examination. So, when it was suggested recently that China’s recent behavior – bullying, lying, and violating treaties – was similar to that of Germany prior to World War I, I was doubtful.

    In 1911, for example, Germany’s Wilhelm II provoked an international crisis by deploying a gunboat to Agadir, Morocco to try to squeeze concessions out of France and drive a wedge between that country and Britain. Instead, the episode convinced France and Britain of Germany’s aggressive intentions – a conclusion borne out three years later by the outbreak of war.

    Maybe it is too pessimistic to draw similar conclusions today about the behavior of the Communist Party of China (CPC). But the events of the last few months surely call for a coordinated response by the rest of the world, and especially by liberal democracies. If Chinese President Xi Jinping’s aggressive behavior is to be discouraged, we need to get together and stick together.

    The list of China’s transgressions is long. While the rest of the world has been distracted by a pandemic that spread in part because of the CPC’s secrecy and lies, China has increased its military threats against Taiwan and reneged on treaty-based promises to respect Hong Kong’s traditional freedoms under the rule of law.

    Xi’s regime has also harassed other countries’ ships in the South China Sea, which China claims as its own despite rulings against it by an international tribunal in The Hague. And most recently, Chinese forces ambushed and killed Indian soldiers on the countries’ disputed Himalayan border.

  6. All the while, China has maintained its policy of economic extortion, issuing mafia-style threats to international companies to accept its own narrative of current and past events as the price of doing business. And when countries have the temerity to cross China’s government (for example, by seeking an independent inquiry into the origins of COVID-19), it imposes economic and trade sanctions against them.

    Enjoy unlimited access to the ideas and opinions of the world's leading thinkers, including weekly long reads, book reviews, and interviews; The Year Ahead annual print magazine; the complete PS archive; and more – all for less than $2 a week.

    So, what should the rest of the world do?

    First, we should reject the idea that trying to deter or prevent this sort of behavior amounts to Sinophobia. It is not hostility to China that should motivate us, but rather a desire to push back in a measured and coherent way against the aggression of Xi and the CPC.

    Second, we should be more clear-sighted about the nature of what is happening and what needs to be done.

    I recently heard one of China’s apologists in the United Kingdom, a prominent cheerleader for the earlier so-called golden age of Sino-British relations, say that it would be wrong for Britain to “pick a fight” with China while trying to engineer a post-pandemic recovery. But it is the CPC that is picking a fight with us – and particularly with those of us who believe in the value of the “liberal democracy” that Xi denounced in his instructions to party and government officials back in 2013.

    We should of course try to work with China in areas where global cooperation is vital, such as tackling climate change and addressing the threat of antimicrobial resistance. But in doing so, we need to remember that China regularly breaches or distorts the agreements it signs, for example on trade, investment, intellectual property, and the international health regulations that were negotiated after the 2002-03 SARS outbreak.1

  7. Beyond that, what should a country like the UK do?

    For starters, as Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee has argued, there should be a central body under the prime minister that provides an informed focus for UK policy regarding China.

    As part of this effort, we need to commission research on who benefits most from Chinese investment in the UK and from our bilateral trade, where China runs a huge surplus. We should prevent Chinese firms’ predatory purchase of British and other Western technology companies and seek to be as independent of China as possible in new digital technologies. More generally, we should identify which sectors depend on inputs from China, diversify our purchases where that is possible, and, where it is not, make more of these products ourselves.

    We should also look again at our higher-education funding model, which has become far too dependent on recruiting Chinese students, and try to recruit more from elsewhere in Asia and Africa.

    Having thus provided ourselves with robust answers to the CPC’s “useful idiots” who define the UK’s national interest on China’s terms, we should seek to coordinate our approach to Xi with other liberal democracies – including India, Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, our European Union allies, and the United States. Forming a wide compact of this sort will be easier when there is once again a US president who believes in alliances. And in due course, the US will hopefully return to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact and broaden it to include countries like the UK.

    The aim is not to start another cold war, but to practice what the late Gerald Segal called “constrainment” vis-à-vis China. Liberal democracies must defend their belief in a global order based on credible international agreements and the rule of law. So, although we should be prepared to offer China incentives for good behavior, we must be prepared to deter bad behavior vigorously.

    Above all, we must not allow China the opportunity to divide and rule. The world’s democracies must unite and openly show Xi’s regime exactly what we stand for.

    1. Walau-eh!

      U have actually quoted CHRIS PATTEN!

      Might as well quote Churchill:

      "I do not apologize for the takeover of the region by the Jews from the Palestinians in the same way I don't apologize for the takeover of America by the whites from the Red Indians or the takeover of Australia from the blacks. It is natural for a superior race to dominate an inferior one."

      These pommies were racists true & through while chanting out their spurious cocooned WASP dogmas using flowery language that their intoxicated acolytes praise to heavenly high!

    2. “If one day China should change her color and turn into a superpower, if she too should play the tyrant in the world, and everywhere subject others to her bullying, aggression and exploitation, the people of the world should identify her as social-imperialism, expose it, oppose it and work together with the Chinese people to overthrow it.”

      we r heeding deng xiaoping call.

    3. "In 1943, some 3 million brown-skinned subjects of the Raj died in the Bengal famine, one of history's worst. Mukerjee delves into official documents and oral accounts of survivors to paint a horrifying portrait of how Churchill, as part of the Western war effort, ordered the diversion of food from starving Indians to already well-supplied British soldiers and stockpiles in Britain and elsewhere in Europe, including Greece and Yugoslavia. And he did so with a churlishness that cannot be excused on grounds of policy: Churchill's only response to a telegram from the government in Delhi about people perishing in the famine was to ask why Gandhi hadn't died yet.

      Churchill : ""I hate Indians," he told the Secretary of State for India, Leopold Amery. "They are a beastly people with a beastly religion." The famine was their own fault, he declared at a war-cabinet meeting, for "breeding like rabbits."

    4. 犬养 under, why r u still doing selective extraction to suit yr fart?

      Why don't u quote the full text?

      U ain't heeding Deng xiaoping's call. U r just doing yr usual pseudo-altruistic demoNcratic chant to gent yr frustration mah.

      Just like that two pommie racists mentioned BUT with yr favourite one-liner statement!

  8. Only a mindless parrot would quote Chris Patten ! A yellow-feathered parrot, hehe

    This was the scoundrel who, as the last Governor of Hong Kong who never once gave democracy to the Hong Kong people, was responsible for poisoning the well as his last act by instigating for democracy just before the handover ! How cunningly duplicitous are these scumbag Britons, how despicably, deviously devilish !

    What is the meaning of the phrase "poisoning the well"? Where did it originate?

    Using a literal analogy : When an armed force is fighting a scorched earth campaign, they would also make the wells-water supplies undrinkable in order to deny their opponents water after destroying all potential food supplies.

  9. Stupid Batty, if you are heeding Deng's call, then you ought to oppose the White Supremacists instead of joining them to continue their hegemonic bullying. What's so difficult to understand Deng's message ? He is basically saying that should China be so successful as to overtake the West and become a superpower, China should not become like their tormentors who brought down China to suffer a century of humiliation.

    Stupid Batty always misses the point, hehehe. Continue reading only your Formosa news..dumb and dumber

    1. dun joke la jerk, deng wear a cowboy hat, deng grandson was borned in usa, until today no one know if he is still a american citizen or not, deng son daughter live un usa from time to time, deng love american n usa the white bully.

      jerk read only cnn reuters nyt wp wsj n bloomberg, n thick face enough to tell anything china n ccp.

    2. What's Deng's later generation choice & lifestyle got to do with Deng?

      R u going to dictate what yr daughter's choice of supporting CCP China when she is been reawaken to the truth about all yr twisted farts about China?

      Disown her?

      犬养 mfer, ain't u going against ALL yr holy grail of freedom of choice under yr demoNcracy?

      Or this yr frequently chanted chorus is just to keep u amused under that fart filled well?

      Oooop… those 台毒 misinformations can't keep u entertain for yr miserable life?

      BTW, haven't u quoted enough all those western medias? Or u don't understand their flowery & bombastic England usage?

      U still prefer 台毒 farts?
