
Saturday, May 02, 2020

Racist talk by Rais Yatim, again


Rais Yatim’s tweet on Malaysia’s past migrants raises eyebrows

Former minister Rais Yatim’s tweet equating the Rohingya with other races in the country has drawn the ire of social media users 

PETALING JAYA: A tweet by PPBM leader Rais Yatim has raised the hackles after he equated the impact of the large number of Rohingya refugees in Malaysia with those brought in during the British era in the early 1900s.

The Negeri Sembilan party chief said when the Rohingya were small in number, they were docile.

“When their number swelled to hundreds of thousands, they gobbled us up (dibahamnya kita),” he wrote in his tweet.

“Other races who came in during the British era in 
the 1920s were the same in the end,” added the former culture, arts and heritage minister.

Rais said everyone should learn from history as “there are a lot who support people from outside”.

The Chinese and Indians were brought in by the British to work in tin mines, rubber estates and the police force.

FMT is awaiting a response from Rais for a further explanation on his tweet.

Rais Yatim’s tweet 

For the past two weeks, there has been an increase in xenophobic comments against the Rohingya, after fake news claiming they were asking for equal rights and citizenship.

Many religious leaders and human rights activists have raised concerns over comments made based on such fake news.

Senior Minister (Security) Ismail Sabri Yaakob had also commented on the many reports and videos on social media on the Rohingya, aimed seemingly at provoking public anger at them

Ismail said the Rohingya had lived for a long time here, with the Malaysian government hosting them on humanitarian grounds.

Rais’ tweet has received negative reactions from citizens.

One user, khairullllll, said it was frustrating to see such comments as criminals can be of any race or colour.


kaytee notes:

Rais Yatim is one of Mahathir's hanger on-s, a yesterday's man but who is still being used by the Old Man to voice the Imperator's unofficial policy and 'test the waters'.

Just very recently Mahathir calls for understanding and sympathy for the Rohingyas but the Muhyiddin government ignored him kaukau.

Thus I am not surprised his macai has now emerged to tok-kok in a very racist manner, casting the spotlight from Rohingyas to Chinese and Indian Malaysians.

For years, Mahathir and his macai Rais work in tandem, like Yang and Yin. While Yusof Kadir is the official mouthpiece, Rais is the unofficial one where he could and would be at liberty to talk tough, crude and blunt about Mahathir's policies and at Mahathir's targets.

I speculate that Mahathir wants a point made, if the Muhyiddin can't tolerate the Rohingyas, then how could it tolerate the Chinese and Indians here; and if the Muhyiddin government can tolerate the Chinese and Indians, why couldn't it tolerate the Rohingyas as well.

Read also:

Rais Yatim and his "core of civilisation".


  1. I had warned Non people when this first started catching fire, that the anti-Rohingya sentiments being fanned by the R&R warriors can and will be very quickly extended to xenophobia against all Nons in the country.
    So it has come to pass.

  2. What an irony that the not so recent pendatangs are wary of those who came recently. Whither goes the melting pot ideal? Or should they just balik ke negeri asal yang moden,kaya dan berjaya?

    1. that era of 'melting pot has long gone - just look at the USA where its Statue of Liberty stands with the poem by Emma Lazarus (The New Colossus):

      “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

      Does the USA still do this?

    2. The USA is still the world's largest recipient of legal immigration, before the CCP Virus forced them to close the door.
      1 Million legally obtained permanent residence from 2010 - 2018.

      It is the illegal immigrants that they are against.

      How many immigrants want to settle under the wonderful CCP ?

    3. Childish - it depends on the country's policy - eg. US, Oz, NZ, Canada have migration policies, hence they set annual targets of certain job specifications to admit as residents.

      China, India, Japan etc don't, probably because they already have very high population numbers.

      Israel has a migration policy ONLY for Jews; Malaysia doesn't have one officially but has an unofficial policy of admitting Muslims

    4. 'not so recent pendatangs'

      Wow! Finally a moronic sense from a ketuanan freak!!!

      Oooop… yr nonchinese dangdut pal would concur with yr 400+yr of adjusted history.

      Orang asal has much much longer claim in time le!

      BTW, uncle Sam only prefers those england educated with sound qualifications whom he can 'exploit' with the wave of a green card.

      The mfer who claims the USA is still the world's largest recipient of legal immigration has conveniently ignore the fact that those from the south of his border r been treated like rabid dogs - legal &/or otherwise.

      But then what does he know? He ONLY jive with uncle Sam's trashy reports w/o physically experience or see them for himself. In another words, all uncle Sam's farts r fragrance to him.

  3. from orang asli n original sabahan perspective, what rais said do make sense. is that not y sarawakian insist on 20 points, for eg p6.

    1. U know who orang asal ARE?


      Same like those natives of Formosa if they still exist? Right?

    2. i told u i lived in kuala woh once. taiwanese is relatively honest compare to mainlander n malay wrt native n history.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      "taiwanese is relatively honest compare to mainlander n malay wrt native n history."


      Thus that twisted notion of Formosa is an independent state by her own right since it was ceded to the Jap by that one-sided treaty!

      Ooop… Formosa natives? They have been branded/melted/reintegrated totally with the Chinese since eons ago! They r Chinese just like those minorities living in the North & South West regions of China.

      Remember that - if u REALLY want to be honest.

      Unless of course yr honest has another meaning just like do many of yr farts!

    4. taiwanese dun use song history, many acknowledge the wrongs, they dun pick history that suit their narrative, unlike u know who.

    5. Where r the 'taiwanese' during the Song dynasty?


      No need to go that far into history. W/O Koxinga's effort to chase the Dutch out of that island & revert it back to Ming China proper, the fate of those Formosans would be liken to those Dutch colonial subjects of Africa & Indonesia!

      Mfer, u won't want to know what sort of atrocities that the Dutch played with their colony's nonhuman subjects!

      Acknowledge the wrong?

      Then WHY celebrate 228? Just to rub salt into the wound! Forever reminding the natives about their 'fate'.

      Don't u know that those ketuanan freaks keep mentioning about 513 as a badge of honor about their 'ability' to inflict pains to those who go against them.

      Celebrating 228 is the most dishonored way of picking history to suit those Taiwan dickheads' hidden one-upmanship over the natives.

      Sama2 to yr ketuanan dangdut drinking pals' ulterior motive that u refuse to acknowledge lah!

      Indeed, liken to that nonchinese mfer - for the want of his China hatred, to do a sell out!

    6. memorial is not celebrate. n of course no taiwanese during song, because taiwan is never under china at that time.

    7. Wakakakakaka…

      228 is a memorial! Is that what those Taiwanese dickheads commemorate that tragic day?

      Both Watangi & james cook day r also known as memorial day to those pommie descendents.

      Have they asked about the true feeling of those victimised natives?

      Oooop…… for history blurred mfer, there is no many real Formosa natives by now. The 228 memorial (in yr 南魔萬 England) is very apt! True to the intended notion of adding salt to the wound for those remaining natives!

      "n of course no taiwanese during song"

      So no Taiwanese, then who?

      Yr nth great grandfather from a nonchinese land singing their Formosa song on yr wet dream?

      There were some significant contacts between Japan and China prior to the Tang Dynasty and that Chinese scholars were prominent in having recorded early Japanese contacts.

      During the time of Emperor Guangwu of Han in 57 CE. Japan has been a vassal state with a title of “King of Na of Wa in Han Dynasty” (漢委奴國王).

      All these time, Taiwan is just a piece of rock, sites at the Fukien seaward outpost on the path to Japan.

      Those natives on the Taiwan island ARE Chinese - then & now! Hence, no Formosan/Taiwanese.

      These r recorded history, both in Chinese & Japanese imperial court records!

      Mfer, keeps sleeping on yr wet dream about yr nonchinese ancestry on a island known as Formosa lah!

    8. hv recorded history doesnt mean yr babak punya, bodoh. the era when one record tis history, even beijing owned by barbarian. chinese characteristics history is only good for yr type.

      n it is up to the native or the earlier settlers to speak up wrt 228 public holiday, show me what they said, i am not interested to hear it from yr type.

    9. Wakakakakaka…

      That's WHY that consistent 400+yr chant for yr dangdut pals!

      Hmmmm… wondering this mfer can tolerate the process of been 'suci-ed' as asked by that moronic ketuanan freak?

      "hv recorded history doesnt mean yr babak punya"


      Yr birth certificate CANNOT prove that that named persons in the parent columns ain't yr real parent, no?

      Bravo! Tell that to yr dangdut pals lah. No teloq?

      "even beijing owned by barbarian"

      Wakakakaka… where r those barbarians now?

      Those who had claimed the site is Chinese now. Those Eight-Nation Alliance descendents r wetting in their pants, having another wet dream about that battle of Peking!

      Chinese characteristics history is DEFINITELY only good for me. Who the f*ck, as a nonchinese, to say?


      I'm saying NOTHING on behalf of those victimised Formosa natives. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of a 228 'memorial' day by yr kind of dickheads.

      Oooop… have those victimized natives been consulted such that those Taiwan dickheads r bragging as a day of remembrance for those massacred natives!

      U people r just liken to those pommie descended Ozzies & Kiwis in treating James cook day/Watangi day as an attributions to the natives sacrifices.

      While the Aborigines & the Maoris, instead, r treating these memorial days as the reminder of their badge of infamy!

      But what can u know!

      No sense of historical entitlement → no sense of root → readily sellout to any sugar daddy!

  4. Meanwhile Muhyiddin throws MCA some scrap, to keep them very quiet, mute and pute. Vice President Ti Lian Ker just appointed Deputy National Unity Minister. The job that Menteri Tiong-kok rejected. Wee KHAT Siong so shame.

  5. Rais is admitting once again that the Malay race is weak. Cannot compete with the Chinese, Indians, Banglas, Rohingyas etc.

  6. The Royal Malaysian Navy was culpable two weeks ago forcibly towing refugee boats back out to sea.

    For the sailors, whatever their orders were, they were violating a centuries old seafarers code.

    I find it very sad that a strange combination of Race/Religion warriors and Non-Malays in the country has chosen silence and even applauding the Royal Malaysian Navy's actions.

    1. don't kerbau - the traditional maritime code was to aid ships in distress, not refugee boat

      don't try to twist and conflate the two different scenarios to suit your bias. In fact the RMN evn gave food to those Rohingya boats before sending them out of Malaysian waters - contrast that to the already leaking Vietnamese boats in 1979 when under your Mahathir's orders those un-seaworthy Viet refugee boats were towed out to sea with orders to shoot any of them should they try to land on Malaysian shores.

      added to the illegality of economic refugees coming into Malaysia illegally there is a prevailing pandemic in Malaysia and most probably amongst the Rohingyas - we cannot afford to countenance such added perils to our citizens' health and safety

    2. Both actions , 40 years apart, wrong,
      But a strange combination of bedfellows is keeping silent on the recent events.
