
Friday, May 08, 2020

PH cutting off its nose to spite its face


PH cutting off its nose to spite its face

by Randhir Singh

Like millions of others, I voted for Pakatan Harapan (PH) during the last general election. So, I was naturally upset when Perikatan Nasional (PN) robbed away the voters’ duly-elected government to form a backdoor one.

Now, as the country is in the thick of fighting this Covid-19 pandemic, there’s talk of yet another coup from PH to snatch back power during the May 18 Dewan Rakyat session by way of a no-confidence motion against the prime minister.

Malaysian Covid-19 patients are dying, jobs are lost and the economy is going to tank, and all the politicians can think of is their self interests.

I am all in favour of testing the legitimacy of the Muhyiddin Yassin administration in Parliament, but does it have to be now?

The movement control order (MCO) is not even over yet and the knives are already out. Don’t we already have enough drama since the Sheraton Move followed by the pandemic blowing up in our face?

4-Point Move better than Sheraton Move

Shouldn’t the welfare of our citizens take precedence over the interests of power-grabbing politicians?

Even if the move fails, it is already an unnecessary distraction. If it is able to remove Muhyiddin as PM, we will have a period with no policy guidance on health and the economy during this unprecedented national crisis.

While bureaucrats like Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah are doing a sterling job, there are some decisions that require policy intervention, which is beyond the ordinary job scope of the civil service.

Can we afford to have the country on “standby” mode just to fulfill the lust of a few?

God forbid if the move ends up with the dissolution of Parliament. What is the justification to spend hundreds of millions for a snap poll that not only sucks up our resources at a time of national economic crisis, but also exposes voters to unnecessary health risks when they take part in the electoral process?

PH’s recklessness in wanting to regain Putrajaya by any means has only revealed their true colours.

Spoiling for a fight when your political enemies have their hands full taking care of the people you pledge to represent is ironic bordering on the hypocritical.

There is a time to fight and there is a time to hold back. There is no need for PH to cut its nose to spite its own face.

Because if they do, it’s a face voters will remember to punish at the ballot box, whether in a matter of weeks or years to come.

Randhir Singh is an FMT reader


  1. lets the 222 mp sort it out, no need snap election unless the backdoor pm is a brainless idiot. n u can choose not to vote ph in the next ge if u think what they do now is wrong, no one stop u.

    btw, no more paper n pencil, make it a live event where everyone can see from tv. no need drag everyone in, i suppose the 222 know how to drive to parliament, involve only speaker, n crew that help to do live streaming n broadcasting is suffice.

    the 222 idiot hv to clean their own shit.

  2. Depending on what your preference is

    45 + 65 = 105
    45 + 65 = 115

    This type is Maths is not taught at school but learnt in politics...😄😄😄

  3. Bersatu is being Hung, Drawn and Quartered in Slow Motion. The PN "government" is simply not functioning with incompetent and power-crazy politicians.

    So PH must come to the rescue; they need to "Save Malaysia"...ha ha ha..haven't we heard that before...?

    Muhyiddin and PN may be setting the record for the shortest term in history.....78 days.

    Bring It On....rollicking Democracy...!

  4. ".... your political enemies have their hands full taking care of the people ....." must be the most ridiculous observation of the year.

    What I see is some busy demanding for positions (share of spoil} and one is busy looking for openings to appoint more ministers and head of GLC and government agencies. Even up till few hours ago, our ex-black-shoes EM is being newly appointed as MARA Corp advisor

    Meanwhile some dispensing nonsensical advices such as drinking warm water, he even declared at about that point of time that the curve had plateau-ed and we would be out of the wood soon! Later on trying to tell people like you that he had "his hand full" because he had been on live conference with his counterparts from 500 countries!

    Meanwhile we have the doreamon joke and a minister declared he had directed some experts to study covid-19 spreading through the sewerage!And another minister trying to steal the limelight by dressing (wasting) in full PPE (already limited in supply) standing in front of the camera "supervising the local council doing disinfection"?

    Not forgetting the many half-baked measures facing the covid-19. And you yet are satisfied with all these jokes, oh please!
