
Thursday, May 07, 2020

Parti PRIBUMI preparing to return to Harapan


Bersatu Youth rejects Umno, wants to return to Harapan


Bersatu Youth has decided to join party chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad in rejecting cooperation with Umno and called for a return to the Pakatan Harapan coalition.

This comes amid infighting between Mahathir's faction and another led by Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin, which is in favour of working with Umno.

In a statement, Bersatu Youth said this was the majority decision following a meeting today between its exco members, state leaders and Mahathir regarding the future direction of the party.

“Bersatu has been with Harapan since the beginning of its battle to save the nation. We have gone through thick and thin as a family.

“This position is based on a vote during the meeting and is supported by over two-thirds of those present, while the rest abstained and none opposed,” it added.

Bersatu had dropped out of Harapan and worked with BN and PAS to form Perikatan Nasional instead, during the political manoeuvres surrounding the Sheraton Move in February.

Bersatu or Parti PRIBUMI has realised that, due to its greed in seizing the lion's share of the Muhyiddin Cabinet positions, it has riled its so-called Perikatan Nasional (PN) allies UMNO and PAS. UMNO leaders have already stressed that the PN coalition is only temporarily (to "save" Malay Dignity against those marauding politically-lecherous DAP, wakakaka) and does not extend into GE15, meaning UMNO and PAS will contest against the PRIBUMI tickets in GE15. Yessir, PRIBUMI had shot itself in the foot.

PRIBUMI knows that in GE15, it will contest not only against UMNO and PAS but against the mighty wrath of Pakatan Harapan. Effectively, it will be a very dead duck with EVERYONE against it. Thus Syed Saddiq and earlier, Mukhriz (no doubt with Papa's prompting and blessing) have both publicly voiced their unhappiness with the PN 'Malay Dignity' coalition and called for a return to Harapan for their very survival. Of course all these have been with Mahathir's approval as he is all too aware of PRIBUMI's fate if his racist party stays as it is, wanted by neither Muafakat Nasional nor Harapan (and its considerable non-Malay support base).

The PRIBUMI "BERSATU-BERDUA" eff-up situation has perhaps been rendered more convenient for splitting up and going separate ways, with Muhyiddin and cohorts staying on in PN (because going back to Harapan for Moo-Moo and Semburit is unlikely to be met with a welcome, wakakaka) or even re-joining UMNO, whilst Mahathir's faction will be scuttling back to Harapan for dear life.

But Mahathir must realise that life post-PN for him and his faction of PRIBUMI won't be the same as ante-PN. It's unlikely Anwar will tolerate him becoming the Head of Harapan as before, more so when everyone knows Mahathir doesn't possess that magic charisma to attract the voters in the Heartland - what use will he be then? And I have a different take on who had sabotaged Harapan into losing majority rule - RPK said it was Harapan people pushing Mahathir to hand over to Anwar which provoked Mahathir to resign in disgust. While there might have been that, I believe it was the deliberate diabolical design of Atuk to suddenly resign without warning (or to hand over to Anwar) to eff up Anwar and Harapan, but a too-clever-by-half Atuk himself was caught with his pants down when Muhyiddin and Ass-binte stabbed him in his back.

If KHAT eSS and Amanah were to speak up for the Old Man to be again their Harapan Boss, Anwar will never tolerate nor accept that - surely Anwar is not that stupid as in 'Once bitten, twice shy'. Nor will the generally quite-useless PRIBUMI people, if elected as MPs in GE15, be able to monopolise the Anwar Ibrahim cabinet positions. They will be lucky to even get a position in the National Unity Ministry, wakakaka.

But nonetheless, Anwar is openly welcoming PRIBUMI back into Harapan, not because he likes them but because if he doesn't, those PRIBUMI people will hop over to UMNO and for some, even PAS, just to survive - yes, PRIBUMI may be a dead duck comes GE15 but to Anwar, the party may be dead but not some of the bodies within - if they return to Harapan he'll separate the chaff from the wheat way before GE15 approaches.'

The only thorn in a 'returning' PRIBUMI is Mahathir - Anwar does NOT want him though DAP (or rather LKS) still does - so we'll have to see what happens on this small yet thorny issue. It's likely a compromised senior position will be created and allocated for him, something like 'Most Exalted Eminent Senior Menteri Mentor' but one who the new PM in a future Harapan government (Anwar Ibrahim) will studiously ignore, wakakaka - yes, all forms but no substance, and that oblique insult to his conceit may even get rid of him if his age won't.


  1. dap believe mahathir is a force to be reckoned with, but i dun see anyone from dap pick mahathir over anwar. n this is the reason dap still deserve supporting.

    to me, bersatu come or go doesnt matter, they become more n more irrelevant. that said, i am not too sure if ph learn anything, do they really believe in what they preach to others? bec the 2 years in power show that they r the flowing with the wind type, pretty useless.

  2. Ayam enjoying this so much, Bersatu being Hanged, Drawn and Quartered.

    Best part is, the brutal punishment is done in Slow Motion so we can all watch and enjoy, especially the quartering part, ha ha ha.....

  3. Most of the Nons are now very open to supporting MCA and MIC.

    Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng can balik kampung after GE15.

  4. If anybody from PH is happy to have MM lead PH again, then PH deserves to be cast aside into the dustbin.

    MM CANNOT be trusted!!!
