
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

KHAT eSS won't keep his word to resign


Online petition urges Kit Siang to keep his word and resign

Lim Kit Siang on Twitter: "Let us move away from daily fixation ...

An online petition is urging DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang to keep his promise and resign from politics.

This comes in the wake of him calling on Malaysians to ink another petition demanding the government to hold a two-week parliament sitting.

The petition against Lim referred to news articles in May last year, which quoted the DAP leader as stating he would throw in the towel if the then prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad did not pass the baton to PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

Responding to Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan's statement that Mahathir would not honour his promise and call for a snap polls instead, Lim said he was prepared to wager his political career on this.

“I have more confidence in Mahathir and I am prepared to have a wager with Mohamad that Mahathir will honour the Pakatan Harapan commitment to pass the prime minister's post to Anwar.

Petition · Rakyat tuntut Lim Kit Siang tunaikan janji untuk ...

“If Mahathir does not pass the prime minister's post to Anwar and instead dissolves parliament to call for an early 15th general election, I will retire from politics and will not contest in the 15th general election,” he said.

The Iskandar Puteri MP also challenged Mohamad to do the same if the former won the bet.

Meanwhile, the petition, started some 19 hours ago, stated that Malaysians want their politicians to uphold integrity and show leadership by example.

“Malaysians have grown sick and tired of broken promises from politicians who continue to spew empty promises in the belief they can get away making promises they never intended to keep.

“We refused to be taken for a ride anymore.

“Therefore, Malaysians demand Lim Kit Siang to honour his promise to retire should Tun Mahathir not handover the PM post to Anwar Ibrahim,”
 it added.

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At the time of writing, close to 20,000 people had signed the petition.


  1. petition got use meh, lks face very thick one.

    1. Not as thick as some Bat-lover's skull, hehehehe. Kepala hotak hang lah, wa ka ka ka ka

  2. Eat too Full people, as Hokkien say.

    Most Malaysians are worrying about their economic and physical health.

  3. As usual KT censored all the responses to this so-called petition.

    The fact is Mahathir did not dissolve Parliament and call a General Election. So LKS no need to resign !
    It is more logical for the goons and clowns to demand for najib, kunan, zahid komidi and all the theives to resign instead of harping on LKS. LkS is a towering Malaysian who fight for the welfair of of the people and the nation unlike those theives who only know how to steal.
    This meaningless petition seem to have all the trapping of our 'backdoor dealers' but as usual the tik tok clowns have lost the plot and are barking up the wrong tree. First and foremost Mahathir never 'dissolved parliament and neither did he call for GE15". In fact everyone including Mahathir were caught unaware of Azmin & Muhy's alleged treason and treachery. Tough there are speculation that the scam was perpetrated with Mahathir's convenience it turned out he himself was caught wit his pants down. Therefore the allegation that 'Mahathir will not pass the baton to Anwar' is presumptuous and does not arise.
    So which part of LKS' promise is broken? Tun M personally stuck to the transition promise. Petition probably created by UMNO.
    Why cant the PN government hold a two week parliament sitting? After an intense hard fought elections in 2018, the government can be easily changed with just some frogs hopping over.
    Unless the frogs suddenly morph into chickens, afraid to even meet and discuss important issues with affect our country. Jangan takut-lah.
    “If Mahathir does not pass the prime minister's post to Anwar and instead dissolves parliament to call for an early 15th general election, I will retire from politics and will not contest in the 15th general election.” Why should Lim KS resign? Mathathir did not dissolve the Parliament to call for an early GE15. I see an even greater reason for Lim KS to remain as MP.
    Agree. Its a wholesome wager, not just handing power to AI, but also dissolving Parliament and calling for elections. LKS should remain, we need him.
    Why should LKS resign? The only mistake he made was in judgement of character. How many of us had also believed in Mahathir, from his heroic fight for the right to govern when the defeated corrupt Najib was still pulling cables for the sinking BN kleptocrats to tighten their grip onto power when faced with defeat in the GE polls? Don’t lose a good leader with a history of fighting for justice in the country. The ones who should leave are traitors and backstabbers.
    Fight on . Stupidity people, corrupted People and afraid of you people only will seek your retirement.
    Why should Mr Kim Kit Siang resign? In fact he needs to continue being an MP to keep the flame of democracy and parliamentary supremacy alive.
    Certain people must really fear a 2 week parliamentary seating to spin a year old story and call for something that is not true to the plot, which is, Mahathir not passing the PM baton to Anwar but calling for a snap election instead. As it transpired, neither of those things happened. The Sheraton move put paid to that.
    Wah! field day for UMNO, PAS, MCA, PKR cyber-troopers going overtime over nothing worthy of mentioned.

    1. Exactly ! WHY should LKS retire??? All these wretched monkeys couldn't wait to get their dirty paws on the cookies in the jar but they need to get rid first those who keep track of their thieving revivals. Baruahs like BugisPirate and JawaHamidiShit should be the ones to retire and spend all their attention and effort facing their criminal trials.

  4. The ones supporting this petition are overwhelmingly of a specific Race-Religion type.
    Maklum lah, many are the least affected by the MCO.
    "Iron Rice Bowls" , sit at home , fully paid, even get additional payouts .
    "Eat Too Much, Nothing Better to Do" as Hokkien say.

  5. "Responding to Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan's statement that Mahathir would not honour his promise and call for a snap polls instead, Lim said he was prepared to wager his political career on this."

    That did not happen, Tok Mat was wrong, hence Lim won the wager. So why resign? Logic yilek.

    The petition guys need literacy classes?

    Not Boh Lampah, this is a case of "Boh Ba-cah".

    1. not boh lampah...boh bacah

