
Friday, May 01, 2020

Illegal influx started with Mahathir

Extracts from finance-twitter:

Make no mistake about the issues of refugees, asylum-seekers or illegal immigrants in the country. In a very near future, they would gang-up and threaten to be accorded citizenship. When that time comes, the so-called Malays or Bumiputeras (son of the soil) will be powerless against them. But the source of the problem is UMNO-Malay leaders, especially Mahathir and Najib.

What kind of PM are you when you haven't reported to me, thy Imperil Emperor, for 6 months? 

Malaysia began admitting Rohingya Muslims and Acehnese Muslims in the 1980s. Then in the early 1990s, the notorious “Project IC”, a project which grants citizenship to immigrants by giving them identity cards, was started. It was secretly hatched during Mahathir’s first stint as premier for 22 years (1981-2003) where immigrants – whether legal or otherwise – were systematically granted citizenship in Sabah.

The purpose of Project-IC was to alter the demographic pattern in the state of Sabah to make it more favourable to then-Mahathir government. A former senator claimed that at least 700,000 immigrants had been given citizenships. In April 2015, Mr. Mahathir admitted that it was his government’s policy to recognize people who were loyal to the country (or rather his government).

From the beginning, it was about racial and religious politics. Unlike 250,000 Vietnamese boat people who fled the Vietnam War and settled in Bidong Island, Terengganu (1975-1991) temporarily (the last Vietnamese refugee left Malaysia in 2005), the Rohingya people are allowed to live freely in all the states in Malaysia. The state of Selangor alone is hosting a whopping 66,000 Rohingyas.

In comparison, then racist Deputy Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad declared in 1979 that the order to “shoot on sight” would be given, only to be warned by the U.S., as the government began the brutality of pushing 70,000 Vietnamese refugees back to the sea. Yet, 2 days ago, he shed tears for the Rohingya Muslims when the Muhyiddin government of his own party stopped a refugee boat from landing.

In 2005, the Malaysian government issued between 32,000 and 35,000 IMM13 work permits to Acehnese migrants and refugees from Indonesia, allowing them to work, attend school, and live in the country legally. The next year, the government began to issue IMM13 permits to Rohingya Muslim refugees from Myanmar, but stopped amid accusations of bribery and corruption in the issuing process.

The corrupt Barisan Nasional regime had gotten smarter, it appeared. Instead of giving free identity cards as in the case of Sabah to win the state election, the government of Abdullah Badawi found it more profitable to milk the issuance of IMM13 permits to Muslim refugees while allowing them to slowly integrate and increase the population of “Muslims” in Peninsular Malaysia.

When the 202 Rohingya illegal immigrants were arrested in Langkawi early this month, it was discovered that the entire operation actually involved human smuggling where the syndicate would be paid RM15,000 per head. That boatload of Rohingyas alone would make the syndicate a cool RM3 million in profit. Clearly, this is not a case of refugees, but human trafficking.

There were also reports that Rohingya men in Malaysia willingly pay RM20,000 dowry to marry a Rohingya girl smuggled into the country. In 2015, the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) said in a report it had identified at least 120 Rohingya child brides, as young as 12-year-old, in Malaysia – suggesting the lucrative business of child marriage.

The Rohingya illegal immigrants did not enter the country through sea alone, but also along the loosely guarded Malaysia-Thai border, for obvious reason. In essence, it means not only the actual number of Rohingya people in the country is above the official 154,460 figures published by the UNHCR, but also speaks volumes about corruption within Malaysian authorities for decades.

And who can forget how Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, former deputy prime minister, was running the business of importing an eye-popping 1.5-million Bangladeshi, each charged between RM1,500 and RM3,000 per head, depending on the sector – manufacturing, construction, service or plantation and agriculture – the cheap labours would be sent to?

As of 30 June 2017, the official figures showed there were 1,781,598 foreign workers in the country. In 2018, however, it was estimated that a total of between 3.85 to 5.3 million migrant workers were already residing in Malaysia, including undocumented or illegal workers. If today the Rohingyas dare to demand citizenship, what is there to stop Bangladeshi or Pakistani from doing the same tomorrow?

True, it was due to humanitarian that refugees were first allowed into the country. But later, Mahathir and his successors had chosen to trust foreign Muslims more than fellow citizen – non-Muslims – to keep them in power. The corrupt, racist and selfish politicians had even seen it as necessary to put majority Malay-Muslims and minority ethnics Chinese and Indians at loggerheads.

Now, you reap what you sow. In 2002, there were only 5,000 Rohingya and nearly 59,000 Filipino Muslims (primarily in Sabah). Today, 20 years later, there are more than 150,000 Rohingyas, and they have started asking for citizenship and equal rights. Can you imagine what will happen in another 20 years? The Rohingya’s demand for citizenship is just the beginning.

The Rohingya, Bangladeshi and Pakistani have been systematically marrying local Malay women to enjoy special privileges and discounts given to a Bumiputera. They are very hard working. They don’t pay taxes like minority non-Muslims. They snatch local jobs deemed dangerous, dirty and difficult. Soon, they would rule the country, like Java-immigrant Zahid Hamidi who came from Ponorogo.


  1. Come , come now, there are 200,000 Rohingyas in Malaysia, are you claiming that Mahathir brought them in ?

    The hard data I saw is 1% of the 200,000 came in before Mahathir retired, but your article focus is blaming it all on the 1% ?

    No mention of accountability for the 99%.

    1. did I write Mahathir has been responsible for all? Read carefully before you open your nasty mouth

  2. how r they different with malay chinese n indian? is that not how we all started, at various point of time n history. msia truly asian is not a slogan, its happen.

    1. Indians and Chinese came in during the hard times and worked their selves to the bones, without any British pampering

    2. Crazy bat lover now infested with Type A strain...sudah jadi batty la...'otak tak center', arguing with him with his circular logic chasing its own tail is a batty process itself, wa ka ka ka.

    3. i wrote malay chinese n indian, dun be such a paranoid, now go take some bat soup, it wont make u less msian.

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      Another showing of his 台毒 styled England!

  3. KT puts all the blame for the Rohingya problem on Toonsie but in actual fact most of them were let in by Jibby, with Hadi as cheerleader and MCA, MIC, Gerakan etc (then BN partners) silent mute and pute, spineless like Jellyfish.

    As usual KT selectively extracted only the Toonsie bits. So amateurish. Below are the Jibby bits that KT "censored" ha ha ha..

    QUOTE (the parts KT "censored" ha ha ha)
    Najib Razak......(t)he serial liar, who used to love Rohingya so much that he shared a stage in 2016 with “enemy” Hadi Awang to protest against the violence against their Muslim brothers in Myanmar, has made a U-turn. Now, Mr. Najib supports the Armed Forces’ attempt on April 17 in stopping a new batch of Rohingya refugees from entering the country.

    Hadi Awang, the “munafiq (hypocrite)” who had basically screamed his lungs out chanting “free the Rohingya”, now says the humanitarian crisis that has plagued the Rohingya people needs to be dealt with using
    international effort rather than depends on Malaysia alone. What happens to Hadi’s chest-thumping declaration that Muslim brotherhood was above

    But as far as former PM Najib was concerned....he openly blamed the Rohingya whom he had initially milked for political gains in 2016 – “We do not like it when they don’t observe cleanliness and disrespect the law. Some go to the extreme of demanding equality. Sudah diberikan betis, nak peha pulak (translated to ‘give them an inch and they’ll take a mile’)”.

    Like it or not, scumbag politicians like Najib (former PM) and Hadi (president of Islamist party PAS) were instrumental in encouraging the arrivals of Rohingya people at an industrial rate after both leaders used the Rohingya card to rally Malay Muslim voters. The protest drama against the so-called “ethnic cleansing” in Myanmar was staged to divert attention from Najib’s 1MDB scandal.

    Even if it’s true that the Rohingya Muslims were demanding citizenship now, whose fault it is if not Najib and Hadi, who played racial and religious cards? Did not Hadi Awang say that Muslim brotherhood was more vital than citizenship? Why only now that Najib whined, moaned and bitched about Rohingya cleanliness, as if they were super clean 4 years ago?

    Get real, if the current government is still the previous Pakatan Harapan, and not the backdoor “Malay-only” Perikatan Nasional government of which Najib’s UMNO and Hadi’s PAS parties are part of, the racists and extremists from both UMNO and PAS will definitely hold another massive protest to accuse DAP-Chinese of oppressing and suppressing fellow Rohingya Muslims for turning away the boat loaded with them.

    In 2005, the Malaysian government issued between 32,000 and 35,000 IMM13 work permits to Acehnese migrants and refugees from Indonesia, allowing them to work, attend school, and live in the country legally. The next year, the government began to issue IMM13 permits to Rohingya Muslim refugees from Myanmar, but stopped amid accusations of bribery and corruption in the issuing process.

    ........In 2002, there were only 5,000 Rohingyas...(t)oday, 20 years later, there are more than 150,000 Rohingyas, and they have started asking for citizenship and equal rights. Can you imagine what will happen in another 20 years? The Rohingya’s demand for citizenship is just the beginning.

    1. oh, censor is ccp modus operandi, first lesson for all propagandists.

    2. Wakakakaka…

      What r u?

      A shameless demoNcratic propagandist lah - using yr own censor 'logic'!

      Ooop… that's how yr 蔡妹妹 managed to keep the Formosa score so looow.

      Her 5 clowns' daily monkey counting of covid-19 is a ad nauseum repeats of censor content.

      Where's the contact tracing record of those sailor boys after landing?

      Formosans must have been fed super duper 井蛙 vaccine to be able to have 'THAT' immunity..
