
Saturday, May 23, 2020

Controversial exam question about Japanese invasion of China Anti-China yellow-ribbon crowds really want is to embarrass & undermine the Mainland and Hong Kong authorities


Hey, weren’t the opium wars good for China, too?

The anti-Chinese yellow-ribbon crowds don’t care whether the controversial question about the Japanese invasion of China was appropriate for a public exam, but only about embarrassing the authorities in Hong Kong and the mainland

Alex Lo

In 1853, Karl Marx wrote an interesting opinion piece in an American newspaper on the first opium war.

The old revolutionary thought the war and humiliation was the best thing that could have happened to the Chinese.

“It would seem as though history had first to make this whole people drunk [i.e., high on opium],” he wrote, “before it could rouse them out of their hereditary stupidity.

“The Celestial Empire [was forced] into contact with the terrestrial world. Complete isolation was the prime condition of the preservation of old China. That isolation having come to a violent end by the medium of England, dissolution must follow …”

Interestingly, Marx then speculates – correctly, it turns out – whether China, with its backward agrarian undeveloped economy, might have a revolution with the dissolution of its dynasty before Britain, then the most advanced capitalist and industrialised economy in the world, which on subsequent orthodox Marxist theory, should be the first to have a communist revolution.

But I digress. What I am trying to suggest – in light of all the “yellow-ribbon” intellectuals and pundits rushing to defend the history exam question about the Japanese occupation of China being a good thing – is that there are other similar questions you could ask that would guarantee to upset Beijing and other Chinese nationalists.

How about: weren’t the two opium wars good for China? Marx thought so, the Brits too. Where would Hong Kong be without them? The Black Death was good for modern Europe, too, because it made the Renaissance possible. Maybe Jews should be thankful for the Holocaust because it forced the world to support the founding of Israel.

Mao Zedong himself had declared the Japanese invasion a good thing – because it brought him to power. Never mind that Mao was among the most cynical and amoral men who ever lived.

But his claim was well within the Marxist tradition, for which anything that brought down L’Ancien Régime was a good thing, however violently, whether it was the Bourbons of France, the Hohenzollerns of Germany, the Romanovs of Russia, the Qing dynasty or its successor, the bourgeois-fascist Kuomintang.

What the anti-China yellow-ribbon crowds really want – rather than asking whether that actual question was appropriate for a public exam for university admissions – is to embarrass and undermine the mainland and Hong Kong authorities.

The welfare and education of young people? Well, who knows?


  1. without opium war, qing still sleeping.

    n hker shd learn from mao n ccp y japs invasion is a good thing, didnt many msian also said british colonization is not really a bad thing? lets all find out their own answer.

    1. Mfer, spreading yr 台毒 lies again!

      "without opium war, qing still sleeping."

      Wow !!!??

      Qing dynasty had been sleeping even earlier than the introduction of pommie opium into China.

      U just want to tie opium as the main decaying factor for the Qing dynasty in the like of Formosa was ceded to the Japanese in the Treaty of Shimonoseki after Japanese victory in the First Sino-Japanese War.

      HK 废青 “shd learn from mao n ccp y japs invasion is a good thing"

      Wakakakaka… u honestly expecting a bunch of genuflecting 二鬼子 could expect that much from their paid riots? All they want r just a second class pommie citizenship!

      "many msian also said british colonization is not really a bad thing?"

      Ya-loh, yr mom liar + the ketuanan freaks + zombies + the blur-sotongs!

      There were still people fighting yr pommie colonist for independent! They were Malayan true & through.

    2. the opium war, follow by taiping rebelion n xinhai revolution only the chinese realise as a human being we dun hv to kowtow (kneeling) before another human being, of course i am perfectly fine if u wan to do that.

      mao did said that, so who r u to stop others from telling the same?

      without british colonization, u r still one of the 1.4b that using a vpn to access this blog, n no chance go anglo school, so u see not all r bad.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      So in yr f*cked understanding of that 台毒 version of Chinese history, the Chinese ONLY realised as a human being they didn't have to kowtow before another human being after the opium war, followed by taiping rebelion & xinhai revolution!


      Mfer, looks further back into that 5 thousand yrs of Chinese history lah. As human being the Chinese know too well that they don't have to kowtow before ANY other human being!

      But then as a nonchinese, u do have yr own twisted Chinese history.

      That's perfectly normal when u have genuflected for so long u really won't know what kowtowing is!

      So "mao did said that"! Then AGAIN, what's his contextual basic for saying so? Mfer, perhaps u should get someone who commands a better England to translate what that author has written above for yr England comprehension improvement.

      Of course u can twist that phrase just like yr old moneyed blurred wrt contextual understandings about given opium to kick smoking diarrhea lah!

      What has yr auntie pommie's colonization got to do with using VPN to access any blogs in the world? What has it got to do with going to English school?

      What an irrational fart!

      With yr auntie pommie's colonization what has India achieved in internet access? How many Indians got chances to go to english school?

      Better still, which sopo fields u want to compare the world largest demoNcracy with China that practices socialism with Chinese characteristics?

      Not all r bad?

      Only when u r the elites in that system that STILL paying minion servitude to yr past colonial master!

      Funny, when u r no elite class yet still die2 want to doing that kowtow act to an utopian demoNcracy.

      Maybe deep down u r just a born minion who keeps looking for a master to shield yr inadequacy & inferiority.

    4. they even want to insist a foreigner kneeling b4 the qing emperor, dun even mention a chinese like u.

      tell me mao context, i dun know y he said that. if u dun know, stop the discussion n follow ccp way, shut up.

      without british colonization, most chinese might be just peranakan that perhaps a umno member today, its the british that broght in more n more, that might include yr atuk n babak, or else u would hv born as a hubeiren lockdown in wuhan using vpn to climb over that fucking wall, n know shit abt england.

    5. It was a bygone imperial tradition of kneeling before the emperor. It was accepted & followed throughout the history.

      So what so special about the qweilos that they didn't need to follow that court requirement when they came to China. Especially with their ulterior motives!

      Mfer, is it OK for them to kneel before their royalties BUT a BIG no no to kneel before a Chinese emperor in yr f*cked anmosai training of the 台毒 style?

      R u showing off yr meme-ed WASP inspired minion servitude despite yr claimed 'Chinese' education?

      "tell me mao context, i dun know y he said that"


      The author has explained CLEARLY on that Mao saying using a distinct Marxist contextual tradition - for which anything that brought down L’Ancien Régime was a good thing, however violently.

      Mfer, reread & take my advice - "perhaps u should get someone who commands a better England to translate what that author has written above for yr England comprehension improvement."

      Maybe, u shouldn't keep on parading yr 南魔萬 England to showcase yr f*cked & twisted mind!

      Yr last sentence is AGAIN another one of yr 南魔萬 England showpiece. Full of irrationality, logic bankruptcy & simple thinking connectivity!

      Just a simple rebuttal - ain't yr 南魔萬 England indicating the diabolical state of what pommie colonization has incubated into mfer like u, even as a nonchinese!

    6. yes only after opium war, that wake the chinese up, n lead to chinese is jesus bro taiping rebellion, n finally nail it with no more pigtail xinhai. read history la bodoh, the debate now is good n bad, this article talk abt opium war n japs invasion, dari mana punya bodoh keep chasing own tail.

      u mean omly mao can use marxist, the rest cannot? hker oso have blue n yellow, unlike ccp china 1.4 zombie.

      another good point of colonization, without the british, some claim the native still live on trees. not only the whiteman hv burden, yr type chinese hv heavier burden, even feel superior for commanding better england, using thesaurus of course.

    7. "yes only after opium war"

      Mfer, only in yr version of the nonChinese history lah!

      Throughout 5000yrs of China history rebellions r NEVER short in forms & substances!

      "this article talk abt opium war n japs invasion"


      Wakakakakaka… simple!


      "in light of all the “yellow-ribbon” intellectuals and pundits rushing to defend the history exam question about the Japanese occupation of China being a good thing"


      "What the anti-China yellow-ribbon crowds really want – rather than asking whether that actual question was appropriate for a public exam for university admissions – is to embarrass and undermine the mainland and Hong Kong authorities."

      Indeed showing yr 南魔萬 England comprehension in twisting yr fart!

      Siapa yang punya bodoh, keep chasing own tail about opium & no more pigtail xinhai?

      "u mean omly mao can use marxist, the rest cannot? hker oso have blue n yellow, unlike ccp china 1.4 zombie."

      Mfer, another monkey show from yr 南魔萬 England! What has that statement got to do with yr question about mao context & my rebuttal? Or anything that brought down L’Ancien Régime is way beyond yr crossed neurons?

      R u rationally sane? Or inhaled too much fart?


      "another good point of colonization, without the british, some claim the native still live on trees."


      Mfer, before the coming (punch intended) of the pommies, the people of Malaya has been culturally advanced with stable livinghood!

      For u, only the WASP inspired lifestyle is the aim u so craving for deeply. Especially, the Yankee type that all yr 台毒 dickheads r singing praises for. Otherwise, w/o WASP influences, everyone else r considered as living on trees!

      The whiteman's burden IS not my concern & problem. They create what they deserve. Thus not in a millions chance, Chinese like me would feel any heavier burden that's not in my sight! Maybe that's a different story for a nonchinese genuflecting minion.

      Advice for u to waste yr time in that fart filled well - using thesaurus for England crosswords puzzle is good. But definitely wouldn't improve yr pathetic 南魔萬 England!

  2. Until 2048, Hong Kong is still supposed to have a largely free society, except for political independence, which they cannot have.

    CCP Totalitarian culture, CCP way or the Highway should not become the orthodox mode of thought , at least before 2048.

    Diploma in Secondary Education exam means these students are preparing to enter university, and should have capability for critical thought, and looking at issues from more than 1 angle.

    In the USA, a High School history question on whether US fighting in the Vietnam war did more harm than good, would be a perfectly acceptable question, whichever way the student chose to argue.

    Or an Australian HSC question whether the arrival of the First Fleet led to centuries of suffering for Aboriginal peoples.

    1. Old moneyed mfer, tries framing yr question in a similar contextual line of thought - as written by the author!

      So where us that rational thinking contextual understanding in "whether US fighting in the Vietnam war did more harm than good"?

      Ditto "Australian HSC question whether the arrival of the First Fleet led to centuries of suffering for Aboriginal peoples."?

      Or u just see that self-righteousness as impounded by the utopian values in yr demoNcracy?

    2. Critical thinking is where the student can very well be able to answer by alternative arguments e.g. that US fighting in Vietnam did more good than harm.

      Or that the First Fleet's arrival brought civilisation to the Aboriginal population.

      A lot of the most important issues in history are not simple Black or White, but have many angles to the debate.

      That is also why I wonder why Trump and US are so worried about CCP becoming No. 1 economic and scientific power in the world.

      No nation in the world can sustain itself as the top power, especially in a creative field such as science and technology by suppressing critical thinking and alternate viewpoints.

      That way lies the road to stagnation, even if they achieve top power by sheer brute force.

    3. Critical thinking?

      Old moneyed mfer, u still don't get it!

      Hint - framework as in WHY asking the question from the winning master class in US or Oz?

      Why don't the question been asked to the Vietnamese or the Aborigines? In fact, would those question been asked FROM them would be a grand affront to their pride.

      "that US fighting in Vietnam did more good than harm."

      Mfer, says that to ANY Vietnamese next time u got chance to visit the country. What good has US brought to Vietnam but millions of death, misery & generations of deformed birth due to chemical weapons!

      "First Fleet's arrival brought civilisation to the Aboriginal population."

      What civilisation but large scale native population decimation! If u considered the pommie culture forces onto the Aborigines as 'advanced' civilisation then perhaps u should also consider that the nazi Germany had done good to eliminated the Jews from the Europe land.

      "A lot of the most important issues in history are not simple Black or White, but have many angles to the debate."

      Said that AGAIN when u truly understand what u have written!

      "No nation in the world can sustain itself as the top power, especially in a creative field such as science and technology by suppressing critical thinking and alternate viewpoints."

      Thus the current class of ignorant youths of US/Oz/UK destroying 5G tower for been spreading coronavirus!

      How critical thinking is that? Alternative viewpoints, indeed, leading the future of the country to Holland.

      BTW, who is trying to sustain his top power NOW by sheer brute force?

      How come yr uncle Sam can't tolerate been second best for all his 'glorified' achievements?

      Yr spurious showing of self righteousness is just pure monkey act!
