
Thursday, May 07, 2020

Anwar Ibrahim is Parliamentary Opposition Leader - a Truly Significant Event for "someone", wakakaka

MM Online:

Pakatan presidential council: Anwar appointed Opposition leader after DAP demurred

PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is officially appointed as Opposition leader

Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, May 7 — The Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition has officially named PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the Opposition leader, and informed both the Dewan Rakyat and the Prime Minister's Office of the decision.

In a statement this evening, PH secretary-general Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said DAP had informed the council that it would not be nominating one of its own for the position, thus paving the way for Anwar's appointment in his capacity as Port Dickson MP.

DAP is the party with the largest number of MPs within PH.

“Usually, the post of Opposition leader is given to the party with the most MPs, taking into account at the same time the views of all MPs within the coalition,” he said in a statement.

Saifuddin added in the statement that signed letters were dispatched to Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Mohamad Ariffin Md Yusof's office on Monday, and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Parliament and Law) Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan on Thursday.

“Langkawi MP Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Semporna MP Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal have also been informed of the appointment,” Saifuddin said, referring to the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia chairman and Parti Warisan Sabah president, respectively.

Saifuddin said the presidential council met on March 21 and April 26 to discuss the position, among other issues.


kaytee notes:

One of the socio-political realities of Malaysia is that a Chinese can NEVER ever be the top personality when there is a Malay of equal or near equal ability, influence and presence. Mind, there was one very brief instance when Ling Liong Sik was Chairman of Barisan Nasional and thus effectively the de facto PM - that was when UMNO was thrashing out in court as to who was its leader. Needless to say, Ling cherished that momentary glory and revelled over it again and again, wakakaka.

As for the (political) life or death competition which serendipitously made Ling a one-day de facto PM, wakakaka, by the magic of Puteri Gunong Ledang, a Kelantan prince (no, he didn't ask to marry or kiss her, wakakaka) lost by a mysterious 47 votes, thus changing the course of Malaysian history forever. Such was the power of Indian Tantric jampi.

11 Puteri Gunung Ledang Pilihan STAIL.MY | STAIL.MY

aiyoyo, what if ...

Back to Anwar - Apart from public expectations and Harapan coalition muhibbah, Anwar Ibrahim was also an experienced former DPM, at one time acting PM and a FOREX scapegoat, wakakaka, before he was rudely and cruelly sabotaged kaukau in 1998 by you-know-who. Thus, it's natural for Anwar to be Opposition Leader now rather than KHAT eSS even though the DAP has 42 MPs. I believe KHAT eSS had been Opposition Leader before when Anwar was languishing in prison, so I reckon it's fair. Besides, the putative leader of Pakatan (whether Rakyat or Karapan) has always been Anwar, behind or outside bars.

Wakakaka, and Saifuddin certainly rubbed this point in when he "politely and cordially" informed Mahathir - I love it ... er ... Saifuddin's polite etiquette I mean, wakakaka.


  1. i dun think mahathir wan to be opposition leader, he only wan pm post, if possible lifetime, like xi.

  2. Poor LKS is just too humble, even today at a ripe old age.

    Gelaran Dato' pun takde. He is happy just being a datuk in the biological sense ha ha ha....bless his soul.

    Back in the Bad Ol' Days it was no fun being opposition leader, when BN had two thirds majority. Nobody else wanted that dreaded job. So LKS took up his "cross" (ha ha ha) and soldiered on, absorbing the humiliation and persecution, even went to jail.

    After GE14, during the PH days LKS was offered a ministerial position but he politely declined, giving way to younger leaders. And no cushy tushy GLC position for him either. Just a simple back-bencher.

    Today however, being an opposition leader with more than 90 seats is a different story. And the PN "government" is about to crumble. The Opposition Leader is just a vote of no confidence away from being made PM. LKS could have demanded this post because DAP have more seats than PKR, but just as Kak Wan declined the post of PM and passed it to The Old Fart, LKS graciously declined the post of OL and passed it to Anwar.

    Contrast LKS with Wee KHAT Siong the salivating canine who licks up the scraps from the Muah-Fart-Karat table of the Great Gravy Train; his party has 2 MPs and both put straight to cabinet, another appointed Senator also straight to cabinet. Not to mention GLC Port Klang Free Zone presented back to MCA. No shame.

    Menteri Tiong-kok demanded a Ministerial level position after being elected MP five times with a 2-seat party, PDP.

    On the other hand LKS has been elected MP TWELVE TIMES, more times than Toonsie and today DAP has 42-seats in Parliament, and yet he demands nothing. He is a selfless Statesman. An example for other money, power and position hungry politician to follow.

    1. He should get a 'face job' done for 'half its price'.

    2. Hear, hear !! If we have a Malay leader leading the country having only half of LKS' attributes, we won't be talking about Malaysia soon to become a failed state.

    3. Face fact...from day 1, only Malay leaders are allowed to rule. And what's the result after 60 years of this Malay administration ?

      The racist is not the one who called out against this banning of leaders of other races who are eminently qualified to bring the country out of its morass. The subject of discussion of who has the qualification to rule happened to be a Chinese by the name of LKS. If Karpal Singh is still alive, his name too would be brought up.

      We Malaysians, esp the NONs, are ever so good at skirting this issue ever so gingerly so as not to sound "racist" or to spook the Malays. Podah

    4. Racist?

      How about pointing out the pain of truth that none of u willing to say just for that kabel & political correctness!

    5. Why can't the DPM be non-Malay. That would be enough.

      Instead they insist all other important positions must be Malay...
      AG, IGP, CJ, Finance Minister, Home Minister, GLC bosses....etc
