
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Why & How China succeeds in stopping spread of Covid-19

If You Still Don't Understand How China Succeeded Stopping the Virus, Read This and Be Forever Enlightened

Published on April 4, 2020

Author, Speaker, writer of #1 read LinkedIn article on China 

This post is for those of you who somehow still don't understand how it is that China achieved getting the virus outbreak under control. There are no lies about it. There are no new cases and when a few crop up, the controls here are quickly put back in place.

Our children are STILL not back to school even though there are no new cases. And this is even if President Trump wonders whether "those numbers seem light". I don't whether to laugh, cry or throw dishes at the wall.

Here is exactly what we did and how we did it. If you were also here in China during this time, then you fully understand this and please feel free to add anything I may have missed in the comments.

1. The reason China does NOT have any new cases and got the virus completely under control in a few weeks is because even BEFORE any province had less than a hundred cases, the ENTIRE country was COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN. And EVERY person at all times outside wears a MASK. It is mandatory, not optional. What don't you understand about this crystal clear explanation?

2. For example, here where we live in Liaoning province, we only had 89 cases and the ENTIRE province was shut down.

3. ALL public transportation, EVERY retail shop, EVERY office building, EVERY school. EVERYTHING was ENTIRELY shutdown.

4. The ONLY thing you could do was go to a nearby grocery store with temperature and QR scan controls to buy groceries. That's it. Every 3-4 days I went out to one of the two large markets that were open. On entering, they took your temperature and you scan the QR code to track where and when you were so they can back trace who you were in contact with later if you later developed symptoms.

5. After shopping, then go back home and enjoy your self isolated. With your children at home because the schools were shut. It has been a struggle to keep Vincent busy in a routine, moving him from playtime to online courses to reading to playing downstairs. But we're doing great.

6. THIS is what WE did for weeks. More importantly, THIS is what EVERY province across the ENTIRE country WITHOUT exception DID. This was provinces with very few cases.

7. We didn't WAIT. The govt said do it, we did it. Its called civic duty and sacrifice to your community in the society in which you live. END.

8. By end of February, most provinces had no new cases. All controls remain in place, now relaxed. If and when any small clusters of new cases pop up, those controls will instantly be turned ON again. So there will never be another large outbreak ever again anywhere in China.

9. Updated here: As of now, all cities have rolled out the "Green Health QR Code APP across China's cities. Every Chinese citizen has it on their mobile devices. Here in Shenyang, for example, you need to QR scan show your green health code when you enter the subway, or a mall. Simple. If for some reason, it is yellow you can 't go and if it is red, you belong at home in quarantine. The software works for foreigners in most cities.

Here in Shenyang, it is not updated yet. So foreigners need to show their passport and register in a manual book in that case. Perfect? Nope, definitely not. Annoying at times? Sure. But its a system in action being rolled out and tweaked at lightning speed across the country. Privacy? Hah, don't make me laugh. You better get over that one anywhere on planet earth.


Or do you still believe the latest CIA "Intelligence" report and other media on how things are still bad in China, which by the way are just trying to make you feel better about how bad things are there instead?

And another point regarding all the cremation urns in Wuhan. This is because ALL people who had died from January 1st onward were never released during the outbreak lockdown period because, as I told you all businesses were shut down, which would include ceremony/cemetery services for urns. So it was a backlog of the normal # of people who die which is also thousands plus the virus patients who died.

And on the millions of cell phones cancelled, that's because all the workers on very low salaries/income at home for 3 months cancelled their mobile subs to save money while they knew they were stuck at home for at least two months.

Are you done speculating? I surely hope so.

Thanks, God Bless, Go Home and Stay Home until the end of May and don't touch ANYTHING outside your home, Use sanitizer and wipes. Don't get near ANY PERSON whose history you don't know. Tough. Simple. Do It. I told you before, act like you're going camping for a few weeks. Enjoy yourself and practice hygiene and isolation vigilantly.

Mario, Shenyang, April 4, 2020


  1. this fella chinese name is ma kay tee.

    1. n give silly answer to legitimate question. y school still close? y cinema n tourist spot open n close again?

  2. (WHO covering up for China, says US Senator Martha McSally, calling for director general to resign)

    The lockdown is still not uplifted yet.


    Bats dinner are okay now?

    1. I used to eat bats (flying foxes) when I was working in Kedah. Tasted quite nice

    2. not many chinese take wildlife, perhaps less than 1% even in china, but maybe 1% is not small number. i dun take bec i feel damn eerie.

    3. Nipah virus originated from bats - THAT is real research, not fake news

    4. The guy's real name is Mahmario

    5. They r always goons - be they long genuflecting minions, self-pity inferiority ketuanan freaks & wasp worshipping coconuts.

      Not need to placate them. Why should they be convinced. Let them continue indulging in their indoctrinated mindset. Remember - it's wasting time to wake up a sleep pretender?

      Cocooned. Bigoted! & try to play onemanup-ship to show their own f*ckedFup inferiority!

  4. Well written by a German on his Facebook......( this piece is fairly reflecting western people’s mindset....they MUST win under any circumstances, period !)

    Enjoy your reading!

    3 months ago
    China: Ok there's a new virus, from now on no one move around, if you go out you must wear a mask. Nationwide lockdown and quarantine policies implemented.

    Rest of the world: Don't trust anything these fucking commies say! It's just a flu! They are trying to control everyone's life! There's no need for masks!

    2 months ago
    China: Start building hospitals so the medical system doesn't get overwhelmed.

    Rest of the world: It's a concentration camp! They are murdering people out there! They are untrustworthy!

    1 months ago
    China: We are experiencing a surge of patients and this virus is super infectious via air and physical contact. We are also experiencing shortage on medical supplies and medical practitioners. Pulling everything from the country to Wuhan.

    Rest of the world: Look how backward they are, not even having enough PPE for their doctors and nurses. They are clearly wrong about the method of transmission that's why they are making everyone wearing masks. They've even locked down the country and stopped the economy. What a bunch of idiots.

    2 weeks ago
    China: Numbers are reducing in China. People slowly getting back to work now.

    Rest of the world: Fucking liar! We are seeing numbers in Italy and it clearly doesn't match data from China! Millions of people must have died! It's still spreading!

    China: Dude why things getting out of control out there? Where are your hospitals and why are you not in total lockdown? Were you just sitting there pointing fingers at me for 3 months, and did nothing?

    Rest of the world: You fucking commies never told us how dangerous this virus is! You've been given us the false data the whole time!!!

    China: I don't understand. If you never trusted me and when I say it's a big deal, it's actually a small flu, why do you think there must be millions of people died in China? If you think the number of deaths must be very high, doesn't that indicates it's a dangerous virus and you should be prepared? How could you believe millions of people have died on it, but at the same time not knowing it's dangerous?

    Rest of the world: It's only a big deal in a backward country like you, where people are poor and unhygienic, where the medical system is still in 1950s, where the government covers up the figures and doesn't alarm people how dangerous it is! It shouldn't affect advanced countries like us!

    China: But it is with you and killing your people now!!! Do something about it so you can still save lives!!!

    Rest of the world: Not before we found everything we can blame on you!!! It's too late for us to do something now, people will just die and eventually we'll have herd immunity, but you must take the full responsibility for it!!!

    1. Don't forget those mfers who r still labelling WHO as cho!

      Trump says WHO is China-centric, 'really blew it' on coronavirus

      A f*cked-up echo chamber of trump, he definitely is!


      Mfer, exercise yr 台毒 cable to get some Formosa ppe donations to their wasp masters for bolihland lah.

      Along the way tell yr 台毒水炮 about doing a better research on Bo. They definitely losing friends in bolihland (maybe still keeping Formosa panegyrizing morons like u as fans).

      ◤全球大流行◢ 热带国还控制不了疫情 台医师批大马“丢脸

    2. "Trump says WHO is China-centric"....

      Sudah jealous la...hehehe. Now wanna cut funding to WHO, hoo hoo.

      US' thinking is just like Zakir Naik and the Muslim extreme right here : vote for the corrupt and incompetent Muslim if the only opponent is a clean and competent kafir.
