
Friday, April 17, 2020

WHO answers Taiwan's accusation

MM Online:

WHO denies ignoring Taiwan early virus warning

Honour guards perform Taiwan national flag lowering ceremony at Liberty Square, as the spread of the Covid-19 continues, in Taipei, Taiwan, April 1, 2020

Reuters pic

GENEVA, Apr 10 — The World Health Organisation on Friday denied having brushed off a Taiwanese warning on human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus soon after its outbreak in China late last year.

The US has accused the body of “putting politics first” by ignoring Taiwan’s warning in late December, and thus helping Beijing conceal the pandemic’s gravity.

President Donald Trump has threatened to withhold funding for the WHO, which is at the forefront of fighting the pandemic that has infected more than 1.5 million people worldwide since emerging in Wuhan, China.

The United States said Thursday it was “deeply disturbed that Taiwan’s information was withheld from the global health community, as reflected in the WHO’s January 14, 2020 statement that there was no indication of human-to-human transmission”.

But on Friday the Geneva-based UN body sent AFP an email in which it denied the charges.

The WHO said it received an email on December 31 from Taiwanese authorities which mentioned “press reports of cases of atypical pneumonia in Wuhan and that Wuhan authorities believed “it was not SARS”, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome which killed 774 people in 2002 and 2003. 

“There was no mention in this mail of human-to-human transmission,” the WHO maintained.

The UN body said it had asked Taiwanese authorities to show how it “communicated to us” their suspicions about transmission, insisting “we are only aware of this single email which makes no mention of transmission between humans”.

“But we have not received a response,” the WHO said.

Its boss Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has urged world leaders “not to politicise the virus” has received the backing of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres who said it was not the time to criticise an “essential organisation”.

Relations between the WHO and Taiwan had been strained even before the pandemic but have deteriorated even further over the past three months. 

Critics of Tedros have accused the WHO under his leadership of being too close to Beijing and complimentary of China’s response to the coronavirus.

Some public health experts say that the WHO had little choice but to cooperate with China to preserve access in Wuhan.

China considers Taiwan — a self-ruling democracy where the mainland’s defeated nationalists fled in 1949 — to be a province awaiting reunification and has sought to exclude it from all international organisations. — AFP

Well, this is WHO's side of the story.

The USA or rather Trump was raising Cain on the WHO-Taiwan-China disagreement so as to distract from his incompetency in dealing with the pandemic, and as usual, blaming everyone under the sun.

It's a demonstration of how the nation with probably the World's most advance medical and scientific facilities has been brought to her knees, all because her leader is a clown who refuses to believe in the dangers of the coronavirus.

As for Taiwan, WHO said that all Taiwan did was to send an email on December 31 mentioning press reports (presumably by Mainland press) of cases of atypical pneumonia in Wuhan and that Wuhan authorities believed “it was not SARS” (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).

In other words, Taiwan informed WHO of what Mainland press was already reporting.


  1. y the article no mentioned of "and cases have been isolated for treatment." in the email?

    didnt all the patients are now isolated for treatment? whats one understanding for those in medical science "isolated for treatment" in related to pneumonia? if u r in medical field n being a who officer, would u not raise such question while doing investigation? of course u won't if u r working for cho, similarly when u r a ccp propagandist.

    btw this is quite an old news, n the whole world yet to hear response from cho.

    1. U r INDEED an ignorant & medically blurred mfer !


      "isolated for treatment" ≠ human to human transmission

      When u have a pneumonia, as in the case of yr uncle Sam's 'big flu', yr doctor tells u to go home, drink a lot of warm water (wakakakaka…) & wind it out!

      A few cases of suspected pneumonia (as in the early case of Wuhan outbreak) DO not warrant a premature human-to-human pandemic warning.

      Especially from a provincial 'medical team' that has ONLY treated a very limited patients of that suspected pneumonia.

      Mfer, don't twist lah!

      WHO has officially replied to that premature quiry, where NO human-to-human issue was raised, about further investigation.

      Indeed, this is quite an old news that even the originating Formosa medical team has NOW officially repudiated the twist western media reports & 台毒 farts.

      U DON'T know or u buat tak tau to continue yr farting?

    2. we all hear clearly ccp n who said no human to human transmission, later said there is. we hear ccp n who said no need travel ban, n they lock up wuhan people like zoo to protect bsg. now even tell us isolated mean go home drink hot water.

      sense of shame seem not inculcated in yr type, but thats fine, second class citizen, whether live in msia or australia, hv this tendency to see a strong no shame ccp china to boost their low esteem, but nevertheless, move back to ccp chima is a no no.

    3. Mfer, has u forgotten the chronology of the event?

      Or u r just timeline insensitive?

      Have u thought of u been born before yr father wed yr mum in yr incoherent time traveling farts?

      Shame is yr regular toilet paper that is NOW in short supply in Formosa. Have u stored enough?

    4. Ooop… millions apologies for yr known deficiency in England comprehension!


  2. Towering Malaysians we must nominate to lead WHO....

    1. Dr Dzulkifli
    2. Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah
    3. Dr Christopher Lee

  3. Well, WHO to its credit has not taken down its website press statement January 14, 2020 that there was "no indication of Cironavirus human-to-human transmission”.

    I have been saying for months that WHO leadership is just a bunch of politicians who just by the way have medical degrees.
    ( not much different from Malaysia's Menteri air-suam )

  4. WHO's politician-first leaders have repeatedly ignored Taiwan.
    Last week Tedro's number 2 switched off the Video Conference when a Taiwan reporter asked an uncomfortable question on Taiwan.

    1. Mfer, u know how to play tweeter for fake news & yet u INTENTIONALLY ignore the date stamp of that tweet!

      Yr quoted tweet was dated 14thJan2020!

      "Last week Tedro's number 2 switched off the Video Conference when a Taiwan reporter asked an uncomfortable question on Taiwan."

      Mfer, that reporter was from Hong Kong's RTHK!

      And why should WHO official Bruce Aylward answered a political question when the interview was about covid-19?

      U better consult yr namesake f*ckhead nonchinese before u fart lah. & yet he might equally lead u to Holland.

