
Saturday, April 04, 2020

Vicious Virulent Virus

MM Online:

Health D-G: Sri Petaling mosque tabligh cluster now up to 40,000 likely infected by Covid-19

Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah giving a press conference at the Health Ministry in Putrajaya, April 4, 2020

Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

KUALA LUMPUR, April 4 — The five generations of infections linked to the Sri Petaling tabligh cluster now make up some 40,000 people who could be infected by the novel coronavirus (Covid-19).

Ministry of Health (MOH) director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the 40,000 people consist of family members and close contacts of index cases.

“We do have figures of about 12,000 who were screened for index cases.

“But we are not only looking at index cases of those who have attended the gathering but also their family members and close contacts. That’s how we got the figure of 40,000,” said Dr Noor Hisham at MOH’s daily press conference today.

Earlier this week, the MOH said that from the tabligh cluster, 711 cases had infected their families.

“You can see that within one month, we have seen transmission to the fifth generation.

“So index cases infected the first generation, second generation and it continues until the fifth generation,” said Dr Noor Hisham.

He also pointed out several groups that are considered high risk. They include close contacts and family members and healthcare workers who deal with patients all the time.

“Healthcare workers are even more at risk now when patients do not disclose certain information such as their travel history and close contacts.

“So now we tell all the healthcare workers to treat patients with pneumonia as Covid-19 until proven otherwise,” he said.

The MOH today reported another 150 new Covid-19 positive cases, bringing the total to 3,483 cases.

Dr Noor Hisham said of the 150 new cases, 80 were related to the Sri Petaling tabligh gathering.

The nation also saw another four deaths, bringing the total death toll to 57 cases or 1.64 per cent of the total number of cases.

I believe we can see just how VIRULENT the virus has been.

Yes, the operative word for the coronavirus (Covid-19) is VIRULENT, an adjective describing the virus, and which according to the dictionary, means:

  • actively poisonous; intensely noxious:a virulent insect bite.
  • Medicine/Medical. highly infective; malignant or deadly.
  • Bacteriology. causing clinical symptoms.
  • violently or spitefully hostile.
  • intensely bitter, spiteful, or malicious:a virulent attack.

From index cases (index case - first documented patient in a disease epidemic within a population), the virus has spread on to the 5th generation, meaning A spread to B who spread to C who spread to D who in turn spread to E.

And A could and would of course be spreading to B1, B2, B3, B4 etc.

Likewise for each of the generations.

The cascading pyramidal spreading is horrifying, and typical of a virulent virus, making the progressing effect a pandemic, in  fact a global pandemic.

Just 711 cases which in a month infected 40,000 people among their families and close contacts and not forgetting the health workers.

And there's more, with today's 150 new Covid-19 positive cases bringing the total to 3,483 cases. Notably, 80 of the new 150 cases have been from the Sri Petaling tabligh gathering.

But what is far more worrying is the more than 5,000 tabligh participants yet to be tested. The DG (MOH) said they might be still overseas (in Indon or India?).

What has worried the DG enormously has been that some patients do not, or refuse not to, disclose certain information such as their travel history and close contacts.

And lest you think it's all tabligh attendees (though most are) there have been/are other people (Catholics, Hindus, people from China and overseas, including illegal migrants/refugees) who have also been infected.

There's also the tens of thousands of Malaysians, if not a hundred thousand of them, with work permits in Singapore returning to Johor and other parts of Peninsula (when they are allowed to do so)

Think the MCO will end on the 14th?

I hope not.


  1. would not this virulent the best pursuasive hypothesis the virus originated from wuhan by looking at timing?

    1. Mfer, indeed if u know f*ck about the chronological sequences of the covid-19 outbreak!

      But for a demoNcratic cocooning mind, timing IS twisted by fixation on locality.

      Keep farting, like I said before the worst is yet to come.

      & Mfers like u, HK 废青, 台毒 promoters & ALL current anmokausai ass-likers will suddenly want to claim to be REAL Chinese for a place in a safe haven!


      Wakakakaka… for minions, living & breathing is more important than demoNcratic farts!

  2. The former and current DG of the Health Ministry already warned that mass gatherings may not be advisable for SIX MONTHS even after the end of MCO. I think this is rather optimistic. I think eventually it will be no religious gatherings of any kind till 2021.

    All it takes is one super spreader at one mass gathering and we are back to Diam Diam Duduk Rumah.

    The Hindu, Buddhist and Christian gods have so far been merciful; their ill-advised gatherings have been relatively safe, not much spread.

    Allah must have been rather cross with the tablighs; many attendees kena infected and died. So sad.

    No Haj this year. 2,000,000 pilgrims from all over the world, 25,000 Malaysians, mostly elderly. All it takes is one super spreader, one cough, one sneeze, especially from this guy below:

    An audio of Tabliqi Jamaat chief Maulana Saad Kandhlawi released. Cleric urged Muslims to defy lockdown to fight Covid-19 pandemic. This was reported in national media including Republic TV.

    Can any doctors save you from this disease?

    If Allah says 70000 have been taken then how can any power go against this?

    This is not the time to listen to doctors and forego prayers. Remember, none of us can counter Allah's will or nature.

    Why have you believed that if we meet the disease will spread? This is the time to come together and spread the word of Allah conspiracy of non-believers is hindering Muslims from coming together. This plot comes in the guise of curing disease. It is just a scheme to stop Islam, Muslims and our ways.

    If Muslims believe these then the disease will end but so will our brotherhood. They say don't sit next to each other, don't eat from one plate. This is a program to destroy Muslims' unity separate Muslim from Muslim

    Vaccine may take 12-18 months to be tested and proven effective, 6 months to mass produce and finally 12 months to vaccinate 7 billion people. So we are talking about 2 to 3 years before we reach normality.

    All Bow To The Virus. Because All Will Be At Its Mercy.

    Pray to the New God - Science and the Good Doctors and Nurses at MOH. The DG, deputy DG, Dr Jemilah, Special Advisor on Public Health to Muhyiddin. But not the Menteri Air Suam or his missing two deputies.

    1. If the leader of this Tabligh Jamaat really did say these things it is time Malaysia bans this movement. It is downright dangerous.

      Casually passing off 70,000 people dying as Allah's will borders on supporting mass murder. His words are encouraging his followers to spread more death. Like Osama bin Ladin, terrorists.

    2. If the leader of this Tabligh Jamaat really did say these things it is time Malaysia bans this movement. It is downright dangerous.

      Casually passing off 70,000 people dying as Allah's will borders on supporting mass murder. His words are encouraging his followers to spread more death. Like Osama bin Ladin, terrorists.

    3. Our backdoor PM doesn't even have the bolas to completely ban Friday prayers here, what more to ban this powerful tabligh cult ? MooMoo might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but in his mooing cow-like lethargy, even now with one leg in the grave, he is not stupid enough to cut the grounds from under his rotten feet seeing that he is already on shaky grounds dealing with all the sharks and barrcuda swimming around him, hehehe. May he lives in interesting times, whatever remaining time allotted to him.
