
Friday, April 17, 2020

US knew of virus in November 2019

Times of Israel (extracts):

US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November

Israeli officials said to have debated threat five months ago, before public was aware of coronavirus, but ‘nothing was done’ by Health Ministry

US President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) attend a press conference in the East Room of the White House on January 28, 2020

Alex Wong/Getty Images/AFP

US intelligence agencies alerted Israel to the coronavirus outbreak in China already in November, Israeli television reported Thursday.

According to Channel 12 news, the US intelligence community became aware of the emerging disease in Wuhan in the second week of that month and drew up a classified document.

Information on the disease outbreak was not in the public domain at that stage — and was known only apparently to the Chinese government.

US intelligence informed the Trump administration, “which did not deem it of interest,” but the report said the Americans also decided to update two allies with the classified document: NATO and Israel, specifically the IDF.

Medical staff wear protective clothing to help stop the spread of a deadly virus which began in the city, work at the Wuhan Red Cross Hospital in Wuhan on January 25, 2020

Hector Retamal/

The network said Israeli military officials later in November discussed the possibility of the spread of the virus to the region and how it would affect Israel and neighboring countries.

The intelligence also reached Israel’s decision makers and the Health Ministry, where “nothing was done,” according to the report.

Last week, ABC News reported that US intelligence officials were warning about the coronavirus in a report prepared in December by the American military’s National Center for Medical Intelligence.

It was unclear if that was the same report that was said to have been shared with Israel.


  1. if ccp especially the ccc oso said dun know, how do we expect trump to believe all this report and not his good friend xi?

    1. AND yet u trust all the farts coming out from 台毒水炮 & CCP bashing morons!

    2. i always being doubtful on anything come out from taiwan, but to ccp i am diff, absolutely no doubt they r liars.

    3. "always being doubtful on anything come out from taiwan"

      Yet keep using them as yr sources of farts!


      The lie of yr miserable life!

  2. Actually Trump made a good move by only issuing a guidance on opening the economy and devolving the ultimate decision to the individual state governors. Some states will continue with the lockdown, some will open up, with different levels of restrictions.

    So now Trump is in a no-lose situation.

    He can take the credit (as he always does) for the states that are successful and blame the governors (as he always does as well) for the states that screw up.

    Like the PN government....ha ha ha...take the credit for past PH work that have positive results today and blame the past PH government for their (PN) failures today.

  3. Nato and Israel ( Mossad ), put them together with CIA...they could come up with any manner of reports and ultimately put the blame on the Chinese, their favorite scapegoat for decades. Why don't these axis of evil just allude to the 5 soldiers who came down with the flu shakes in Wuhan in Oct, the month before November, and had to be flown back to the US in a biohazard plane ? The timing for these 5 soldiers to infect the local Chinese in Wuhan and for the symptoms to appear a month later, in November fits the pattern. By then the infection had incubated long enough for the Chinese doctors to notice something is amiss when a patient started to exhibit unusual pneumonia-like symptoms in late December.

    Patient Zero, Maatje Benassi, is widely rumoured to be the one, among the 300 soldiers sent to Wuhan, who got infected with coronavirus ( very likely to be Covid19 Type A) during which at the same time, the US bioweapon lab in Fort Detrick was quietly shut down and sealed off, amidst unusual high number of deaths in the Maryland area with symptoms that mimic Covid19 symptoms but the CDC Director Robert Redfield blamed it on cigerette vaping..yeah, right ! ( but he did during extensive questioning by the House Oversight Committee, admitted that some of these deaths were exhumed and confirmed that they died of coronavirus, and NOT the common flu as he previously claimed.)

    Now, reports from Cambridge & German researchers both independently showed that Type A originated from the US ( and this type A is also prominent in Australia ). Without Type A, there can be no Type B, as this research clearly demonstrated.

    Now with all these information coming together to a head and with the world at large quietly forming the inevitable conclusion, the US in its desperation is forced to go back to its previous strategy...the accusation that this virus is man-made from a lab in Wuhan, basically going back to the very same accusation made by US Senator Tom Cotton earlier who had since then retracted his baseless accusation. We know animals cornered with no escape for escape are dangerous..and US now in its more dire straits will be now very dangerous.

    ( An amusing aside : Like without the father/mother A, the son/daughter B cannot be born,just like HY and Monsterball cannot be born into this world without their parents. Now these two degil kepala keras are like saying that they can birth their parents and their parents can also birth them, Ha Ha Ha Ha.) Much incest, with time travel thrown in ? wakakakaka
