
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

US better watch out in threat to sue tit for tat

Star Online:

Spokesman says China is 'victim of Covid-19, not perpetrator'

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang gestures as he speaks during a daily briefing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office in Beijing, Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - AP 

BEIJING (Xinhua): A Chinese spokesman on Monday (April 20) denounced some US politicians claiming to sue the Chinese side for causing the global spread of Covid-19, and asked them to stop attacking and blaming China for nothing.

"The virus is a common enemy to all mankind and may strike anytime, anywhere. Like other countries, China is also a victim, not a perpetrator, even less an accomplice of Covid-19," Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a press briefing.

Geng said China has taken the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures to contain Covid-19 in an open, transparent and responsible spirit.

"China has made tremendous sacrifices, accumulated valuable experience, and made significant contributions to the global response. The international community bears witness to and applauds China's efforts and progress," he said.

In the face of major public health crises and infectious diseases, the international community should stand in solidarity and work together, in stead of resorting to mutual accusation or demanding retribution and accountability, he said.

"The H1N1 flu broke out in the United States and spread to more than 214 countries and regions in 2009, resulting in nearly 200,000 deaths. Has anyone asked the US side to compensate?" Geng asked.

"In the 1980s, AIDS was first discovered in the United States and spread to the world. Has anyone sought for the United States to take responsibility for this?" he continued.

The spokesman also mentioned the financial turmoil that occurred in the United States in 2008 and eventually evolved into a global financial crisis.

"Has anyone asked the US side to bear consequences?" Geng asked.

"The US must understand that their enemy is the virus, not China," he said.

"Attacking and discrediting other countries will not save the time and lives lost."

"We hope that those on the US side will respect facts, science, and international consensus, stop attacking and blaming China for nothing, stop making irresponsible remarks, and focus instead on fighting the epidemic at home and promoting international cooperation," he added.- Xinhua


  1. Germany's largest newspaper recently came out with an article demanding 149 Billon Pounds from China for damages caused by Covid19. Should China pay, thus admitting it is responsible for this 'crime' ?

    This guy Ridzwan Abdul Rahman from Subang posted a reply here :

    "No. I disagree. I cannot think of anything that China did that anyone can take to court for any settlement. China acted very fast to contain the virus and they kept the world informed.

    If the Germans think that the virus started from the Wuhan wet market or the research lab, they would be hard pressed to find any evidence because the evidence shows that it can be neither the wet market nor the research lab.

    But perhaps they may wish to explore the findings of a research that was conducted by a group of researchers from Cambridge University. Among the main findings was the following:

    In a phylogenetic network analysis of 160 complete human severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) genomes, we find three central variants distinguished by amino acid changes, which we have named A, B, and C, with A being the ancestral type according to the bat outgroup coronavirus.

    The A and C types are found in significant proportions outside East Asia, that is, in Europeans and Americans.

    In contrast, the B type is the most common type in East Asia

    In addition, here is also news that is spreading in China, that supports the possibility that the virus was brought to Wuhan by Americans.


    It is now virtually certain that COVID-19 was brought to Wuhan by American troops taking part in the city’s World Military Games last Oct. 18-27.

    The 300-strong US contingent stayed 300 meters from the Huanan Seafood Market where China’s outbreak began at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel.

    Five of the US troops developed a fever on Oct. 25 and were taken to an infectious-diseases hospital for treatment.

    42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market had been thus diagnosed (and treated before the hotel staff). All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.

    The American Military Games team trained at a location near the US Fort Detrick, the military’s viral lab closed down by the US CDC in July for various deficiencies.

    The big question now is whether the transmission was planned, or accidental.

    Chinese authorities are awaiting an explanation from US authorities.

    A few days ago, Mike Pompeo phoned Yang Jiechi, Chinese State Councillor for Foreign Affairs. Pompeo’s counterpart is actually Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Yang is Wang’s boss, so Pompeo wanted to talk about something urgent and important.

    Pompeo wanted the Chinese not to publicize what they had found.

    Yang’s reply: “We await your solemn explanation, especially about Patient Zero.”

    China’s leaders have long suspected US military involvement in the Wuhan outbreak but were determined to stop the disease before pursuing the Americans for an honest accounting."

    1. ccp stop others to investigate, close the lab n cleanse the wet market,censor research report on wuhan virus origin, they cry mother cry father people call it wuhan virus.

      ccp reaction is totally diff when fujian flu n sars started. a guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence, chinese say here no gold, only shit.

    2. Mfer, CONCENTRATES on new outbreaks in our beloved Formosa. The number is rising fast.

      What u have just blackgoatings about China ARE what u have been known about from the disclosing mythology of Taiwan. Right?

      To hide them, u have to repeat umpteen times about the same batches of lies!


      Indeed, a guilty person gives himself away by consciously blackgoating his opponents!

      BTW, yr f*cked nonchinese say here no gold, only shit is another one of yr twist - 此地无银三百两!

    3. 20 over, 1% of that errrrr gd show spore, no point compare ccp china bec everyone except ccp lover know their number is fake.

    4. Keep farting!

      Soon, the truth that u so craving for will surface.

      Kaohsiung will be the 南坡萬 SARS-CoV-2 breeding ground in Taiwan!

    5. kaohsiung no surprise, han major is ccp ass kisser, i agree its the breeding ground for ccp virus.

      regardless, twn number still less than 1% of ccp number, i mean the fake one.

    6. Mfer, RATES!

      Soon Formosa like Spain?

  2. china n chinese is not the culprit, but ccp is definitely the culprit.

    dun use childish propaganda like umno is malay n malay is umno, or pas is islam n islam is pas, that is for child, the no brain one.

    1. But a survey supposedly done found 90% or more Chinese support their Chinese government. Faham tak ? Podah la no need to split that kind of hair. Go count your own bulu ketiak or bulu kotek, hehehehe.

    2. pew right? in china, u cant ask questions like if given choice, do u choose ccp as govt, however u may ask r u satisfied with govt performance.

      show me the survey how u could interpret the q n a into "support ccp as govt"? n how people mandate is derived from survey? einstein.

      boy, yr knowledge on anything ccp n china is at kindergarten level. but u may hv a chance to overtake ck in chinese language if u learn a new chinese word everyday for 365 days, bec at that time, u r at primary 1 level, then u can consider start reading people daily, xinhuawang, guangming, wenhui, youth (my fav), nanfang, cankaoxiaoxi to learn whats party media n whats in a cadre mind. i used to do that for more than 10 years, now mostly apps like tencent, zhihu, jinritoutiao n caijing (kt say controversial but perhaps real reason they r anti xi faction).

      n dun talk bulu tis bulu tat, i doubt anyone before puberty like u hv any.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      China & Chinese DO NOT need yr f*cked defense!

      U have no more place to go, mfer. Formosa is going to be a covid-19 hellhole that u would not want to go there. Yr next best bet is yr dangdut pals.

      Careful with what u said about yr dangdut pals. Next time, not only no more Jack Daniel. It could be a zombified hemlock!

    4. "In china, u cant ask questions like if given choice"


      Mfer, releasing those accumulated foul gases from yr fart chamber AGAIN?

      Who r u trying to kid? Those, who DON'T visit China social media blogs? Those, who DON'T understand Chinese? Those, who r indoctrinated brain-deadly by the western demoNcratic urban legends?

      Have u read about those debates raging in many of the China medias when that spurious 'whistleblower' Li Wenliang's stories were going around China?

      Heard about 方方日记 in which a insidious writer fabricating daily incidents happened in those hospitals around Wuhan?

      The media wars (pro & con about her written contents) r spreading like wild fires up & down the China proper.

      That fat bitch managed to write about all those happenstances as if she saw them happened in front of her, when she was under strict district lockdown like every other Wuhan residents. The most glaring lies she had propagated were multiple incidents happened at different locations at the same time & yet she claimed to be the witness!

      None of those commentators, in newspapers &/or social media blogs have been silenced. The author of 方方日记 is still mounting her verbal diarrhea daily on blogosphere w/o been stopped by yr claimed 'authoritarian' govt.

      Can't ask questions errr…? Yes, in yr make-believe world lah!

      "do u choose ccp as govt"

      Who do u think r choosing the Chinese govt? Yr 台毒/HK废青/u?

      The Chinese people, REMEMBER that!

      Moreover, within that one party system, there r still elections to choose the best of the bests from multi-hierarchical contests based on abilities & governing performances.

      Unlike yr favoured demoNcracy of 'free' elections by multiple parties, only the scumbags r been elected by a small minority group of citizen as proven in yr uncle Sam/untie pommies' system.

      "show me the survey how u could interpret the q n a into "support ccp as govt"? n how people mandate is derived from survey? "

      I have better PROOF!

      Mfer, in the last 10yr, millions of Chinese have been travelled/studied oversea. 98.5% chooses to return to China.

      Ain't this the best support & survey of what CCP China has done to China that these people r showing their appreciation!

      Moreover, there r hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese working/studying in China. Many choose to stay & have zilch intention to go back to that demoNcratic island.

      How do u interpret this phenomenon?

      Taiwanese mandate for CCP China!

      Please lah, u r a nonchinese, filled with cocooned demoNcratic hatred for CCP China. & yet u want to challenge me with things China!

      U don't even dare NOW to parade yr traditional Chinese expressions that u claimed to know. Instead, u resolve to yr hp6 England translations to convey yr f*cked understandings! Mfer, that's a double whammy (go & check yr thesaurus!) for yr understandings of things China/Chinese.

      "i used to do that for more than 10 years"


      Yet yr perpetual poor showing of China history, traditions, sopo-economic issues indicating u had learnt NOTHING in those 10yr!

      Haven't u proven enough about yr 'abilities' at this blog yet?

      Naming names ain't working. U can have all those papers in front of u, but if u can't read/analyse them, u can't! Asking monkey to write the Journey to the West? PERIOD.

      That 10yrs were more likely yr voyage of connman-ship ! U r now unable to continue bcoz yr ex-employers (mmmm… wondering which they? 台毒/NED!) knew u were scamming them kau2. Now u act here to continue yr proving yr 'skills', to revive yr deluded ego.

      If u want to subtly using age to score points, mfer, u better crawl back to that shithole as all those accumulated shits in yr brain have past their shelf life. They have turned into petrified rocks, too heavy for yr bloody skull le.

    5. come join me for bat soup adding in a small glass 80% alcohol kaoliang, sure kill wuhan virus. u go everywhere but yr heart remain with ccp, must be the virus wakaka.

    6. 1 dun tok kok show me the survey how it can be translated into support of ccp as govt.

      2 mainlanders dun return to china where else they can go? u think all countries sell passport 400k with free driving license kah?

      3 taiwanese ia there cari makan like u, do as u said n walk with yr feet, make sure u move to the right one, dun do like some ccp propagandist that hide in australia under the protection of american pacific fleet.

    7. Wakakakaka…

      1) Literatures on public opinion in China suggests that public support for the Chinese Communist party (CCP) is quite high (>80%). ResearchGate

      More than 80% of the surveyed Chinese, of all ages and backgrounds, think the government generally works and take pride in a patriotism anchored in the CCP. MarketWatch

      Scanning through these surveys, no matter how survey questions regarding regime support are phrased, their conclusions are the same about Chinese perception with the current stage of CCP China.

      The latest Pew Research survey has a median of 40% across 34 countries surveyed have a favorable view of China, while a median of 41% have an unfavorable opinion. There is no similar survey done within China!

      I highly doubt that a hp6 England reader can understand those embedded data to translated them into support of CCP as govt.

      2) mfer, read yr 2&3 together lah - see yr f*cked logic?

      Too much sorghum-based spirit Kaoliang from Kinmen. & Don't forget ≫60% of the sorghum used is imported from China !

    8. 1 n.korea 100% support kim dari atuk sampai cucu, dun make me laugh la. use yr brain, which party on earth can continue to rule legitimately base on survey? did ccp ever said that?

      2 the fella who tell 98% return to china mean china is okay is a indian if i recall correctly, its a indian logic. so can u answer on his behalf where else they can go if not go back home? second time i am asking, no answer just shut up la.

      3. whats wrong with china import? as long as it is not ccp then is fine.

    9. Mfer,

      1) why is N Korea comes into this discussion about survey?

      Did CCP China instructs/demands the Kim to built his dynasty?

      Bloody confused moron with hp6 England expression.

      2) read AGAIN. ResearchGate! MarketWatch!

      These r yr uncle Sam's ngl thinktanks.

      BTW, r u having any personal disputes with Indian? Indian logic? I have not read anything about 98%teturn rate by any Indian. I definitely have read about high return rate (≫80%) from Prof zhangweiwei & other western media (check the think-tanks named lah).

      "where else they can go if not go back home?"

      U asked for proof of approval of CCP China by the Chinese. I quoted u multiple examples.

      Yet u come back with a twisted fart!

      If China under CCP r as treacherous as u have claimed.

      The sopo state of the country will be so bad that most of the Chinese will be trying all out to get out of China. Liken to those refugees trying to escape to Europe!

      The fact of the matter IS the current excellent sopo status of China encourages them to go back home!

      No Chinese would ever thinking of leaving their root!

      But how could a uncultured nonchinese understand!

      3) wakakakaka… too bad for yr ability to understand about China import since u r still thinking that China is not governed by CCP in our wet dream.

      Perhaps there is also a chance that the kaoliang u kept mentioned isn't even Taiwanese, especially Kinmem! Yrs is a 山寨版 from some oversea 台毒 import!

    10. 1. whats yr interpretation if 100% nk support kim in survey?

      2. wp nyt all from usa, kt is msian live in western state that support yank, u 2 r chinese live in msia that ban communist, but still all r ccp lover, so how uncle sam think tank make a diff? n how more than 80% go back to china indicate one support ccp? i oso back to msia does that mean i support bn or pn? yr logic (okay not the indian one) sound so stupid, yr grannpa yr dad leave china n never go back still support ccp like u, jj n kt that was not even born in ccp china. come on la stop yr stupid argumemt.

      3. ccp was in china b4 kaoliang? yr type history? cleanse yr ccp virus la, its killing yr brain cell if u do hv one wakakka.

    11. yr grannpa yr dad leave china n never go back still support ccp like u

      when my grandpa left china, there was no ccp so don't kerbau lah, wakakaka

    12. u baba, ck might not be one. most chinese not from penang spore melaka come during or after ww2. but hypothetically u may ask yrself who yr granpa likely to support?

    13. What a bloody confused dickhead, insisting on parading his monkey show!

      1) why should I care about "100% nk support kim in survey?"

      I didn't do the survey!

      2) another parade of hp6 England comprehension, completed with farts.

      Mfer, ≫80% Chinese support ccp, r the results of the Yankee think-tanks' surveys done within China for local Chinese!

      What have them got to do with "more than 80% go back to china indicate one support ccp?"?


      Perhaps, in yr wet China bashing dream lah.

      3) truly shameless showcasing of yr England comprehension skill AGAIN!

      "ccp was in china b4 kaoliang?"

      Did I write that?

      !!!! Errr……南魔萬 England, courtesy of 台毒 cocooned interpretation of irrational & illogical of the nth power!

      Do continue with yr monkey show of whatsoever forms. I'm dying to read the next offering.

    14. 1 of course u didnt do any survey, i am asking how u interpret a mk survey with a ccp one, i dun trust nk one just like i dun trust ccp one, whoever did it,u seem to think ccp one okay while nk one not okay, tell us the reason.

      2 u said "I definitely have read about high return rate (≫80%)"

      3 so what ccp hv to do with gaoliang? unless u tell me huawei mfg gaoliang.

      monkey questions oso u cant answer, stop taking bat soup la, spoil yr brain.

    15. Wakakakaka…

      My great & grandparent WOULD be proud to support the current China.


      The CCP China has given back the PRIDE back to the people - 伟大复兴中国梦!

      My father & I would too. So would be my children.

    16. Mfer, another hp6 England on show!

      1) those surveys ain't done by CCP. Reread AGAIN, illiterate moron.

      2) 80% return rate by Chinese visiting/studying oversea ≠ 80% local Chinese

      Do cracked yr skull to release some foul gases before u reread about support for CCP China!

      3) mmmm… errrr… u wrote "ccp was in china b4 kaoliang"???

      What kind of fart is that?

      CCP as the controlling party of the Chinese govt, the ≫60% of the sorghum used is imported from China => CCP sanctioned!

      Since u don't know about that yr gaoliang is indeed a 山寨版 from some oversea 台毒 import! That could also explain yr nth level of 台毒 intoxication. Wakakakaka…

      Tell u a secret. Huawei does have a plant mfg high grade alcohol for its own industrial use. That plant has now been turned into hand sanitizer outfits to meet it's own staff usage with excess for sale!

      Yr 台毒 pals could have converted some of those hand sanitizer liquid into the gaoliang they gifted u. Cheers!

  3. Wakakaka, Ktemoc's promotion of CCP Propaganda is true to form and expected

    1. childish - it's a news article in the Star Online Malaysia so would you also accuse Star Online of promoting CCP propaganda?

    2. Newspapers report on thousands of events around the world every day.
      It is you who pick and choose the item that you post.
      The CCP Foreign Ministry spokesman was engaged in CCP Propaganda.

      Ktemoc's promotion of CCP Propaganda is true to form and expected

    3. Hmmm, somehow I recall this blog belongs to me, wakakaka

    4. And the commentators are free to expose your agenda....unless you can't stand the scrutiny.

    5. expose? wakakaka


      abuse, dictate, harass, speculate recklessly ...?

    6. no la, u r not that teruk, u kiss ass only.

    7. wakakak, running out of reasonable points and resorting to abuses

    8. no la, u habitually do that, we just reasonably point it out. do najib ring a bell?

    9. show me then with reasonable (not even substantial) proof, wakakaka - as I said, abusing people with 'kiss ass' epitaph is low class

    10. 1mdb very complicated in contrast to mahathir long list easy to understand one.

  4. The virus seemed to have clustered up in these Yankee politicians' brains.

    "Anti-China Hysteria Is Very Dangerous, and Very Stupid"

    Schiller Institute Founder and Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued the following statement regarding the vicious anti-China campaign being promulgated in the West, especially in the United States: (excerpt)

    I think this anti-China campaign comes from a deep-seated geopolitical view that the rise of China necessarily means the downfall of the United States and the West in general. And I think that that view is a wrong view. China has at no point threatened to replace the United States as the hegemonic power.

    China is not an aggressive force. But naturally, it does threaten the idea of a unipolar world order, which some neo-con and British elements had tried to impose in the period after the collapse of the Soviet Union, through interventionist wars.

    But the idea that you have to stop the rise of China is very dangerous. And we see it right now, that this campaign is absolutely led by British intelligence. As a matter of fact, after President Trump, unfortunately, cancelled the U.S. funding of the WHO, by blaming them that they have been responsible for many deaths, because they misinformed the United States....then, the former head of MI6 came out yesterday and said that Trump should not have focused on the WHO, but on China. And the Henry Jackson Society [in the U.K.], which is totally neo-con and one of the worst reactionary institutions you can imagine, put forward a proposal that the West should sue China, so that China would have to pay for all the costs which have resulted from the pandemic!

    ..the German tabloid Bildzeitung published.... on page 2, the full story, quoting the Henry Jackson Society, having a long list of proposed bills—that China should have to pay. And after yesterday....they had Pompeo on page 3 listing all the arguments against China....this Bild tabloid is part of the Integrity Initiative, the British intelligence operation controlling the Western press.

    ...they kept repeating for weeks and weeks, “No, masks are absolutely of no use.” German Health Minister Jens Spahn said, “Oh, the virus will never come to Germany.” You can say that for all European countries, and it’s still going on, to a certain extent, now.

    So, I think that the attack on China is the most foolish, most immoral, lying operation....

    I think it’s very dangerous, and it’s very stupid. And I think it should stop, and people should really not be led by the nose by these lying mass media, which have nothing to do with journalism. They’re really just the forefront of the intelligence community, trying to feed propaganda in order to further their aims. But it has nothing to do with honest journalism, at all.

    [ This morning, John Kerry, a former US Secretary of State, with a worried frown and in a sober tone, told CNN that maybe "we" should tone down what he called 'statements' about China, the "we" don't want to push China push too hard. He said this in response to an the anchor reporter asking him... even if they managed to come up with a safe and effective vaccine, the issue of actually producing hundreds of millions and even billions of vaccine shots in the quickest of time will be a huge logistic nightmare since every one will be clamoring for the vaccine and very few countries would have the capacity to handle this.]

    Mmm...maybe when the time come for the vaccine grab, we will see piracy scenarios all over again, this time it will be multiplied ten fold, with the US taking the starring role of course, he he he he.
