
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sembu---nyi kerbau???

Malaysiakini (extracts only):

MCO-related economic decisions went through Health Ministry, says Azmin

CORONAVIRUS | All economic decisions pertaining to the movement control order (MCO) went through the Health Ministry, said International Trade and Industry Minister Azmin Ali.

He said a Health Ministry representative was also present during the cabinet special committee meetings to discuss economic measures two weeks ago.

The decisions made during these meetings were then brought to the cabinet on April 6 and 10 to be fine-tuned. [...]

Last week, Miti was criticised after announcing that barbershops were among the additional sectors allowed to operate during the third phase of the MCO.

Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah had also disagreed with barbershops operating during this period.

Meanwhile, Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki also questioned the move to allow the construction sector to operate, saying most workers were migrants.

Azmin did not address this at the press conference today

Kerbau lah, 'ni Menteri Sembu---nyi!

langsung dari Kerala

If DG Health Dr Hisham Noor disagrees with the barbershop operations under MCO, how could Sembu---nyi dare to say 'All economic decisions pertaining to the movement control order (MCO) went through the Health Ministry'.

OK, maybe it was Menteri Air Suam? Wakakaka.


  1. i think what asssssmin said is true, how one know he never hv a discussion at backdoor with backdoor health minister? he might later reveal that he did inform the backdoor pm, n perhaps that backdoor pm will come up with a backdoor story so noisy people can shut up.

  2. Menteri Di-Masuk Pintu Belakang now blaming Menteri Air Suam.

    I'm Lovin It....!!

  3. Replies
    1. Satu nasihat...orang2 di sini memang degil punya..tak kan shut up lah, terutama yang ke-dua2 kerbau yang 'mati-mati' pun mesti label US-lab virus as CCP virus, wakakakaka.

      Your one-liner ini memang tak kan kesan lah...not effective one, hehe. Tambah lagi, your PN tu semua teruk sekali...hanya pandai lesap wang walau pun hanya dalam pemerintah for only 2 bulan, oops, tak sampai 2 bulan pun. Podah la..hehe
