
Sunday, April 05, 2020

MCO - time to change our midnight snacks habit


No going out to get your favourite food, says IGP

The inspector-general of police has warned people against breaching the stay-home order just to get their favourite food 

KUALA LUMPUR: Going out for the sake of buying your favourite food is a lame excuse for breaching the stay-home order, Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador said today.

Warning that stern action would be taken against those not obeying the national shutdown, he urged the public to comply with the restrictions as these were imposed to contain the Covid-19 pandemic.

Earlier today, a group of 22 people were arrested in rural Sungai Pinang, Penang, while queuing at 2am to buy nasi lemak at a kampung house in Mukim 3.

Police on patrol ordered the crowd to disperse but they refused, and were rounded up and taken to Balik Pulau police station. Two women were also in the group. The two nasi lemak hawkers, both men aged 22 and 24, were also arrested.

Hamid made no reference to the Penang arrests, but he said anyone staying out could be infected with Covid-19, regardless of their skin colour, race, religion or status.

“Now is the time for all the people to ‘sacrifice’ by refraining from leaving their homes as they could be at risk of contracting the virus. Just be patient. Once the situation improves, we might see less rigid restrictions,” he said.

On the possibility of the movement control order being extended, Hamid said it would all depend on public compliance with it.

“The current data shows positive signs that we can contain the spread of the infection,” he said.

The movement control order came into force on March 18 and is due to expire on April 14. All public activities, except for essential services, have been suspended and the public told to remain home.

The Covid-19 outbreak has claimed 61 lives in Malaysia and infected a total of 3,662 people.

Hamid also said that police were facing a more challenging task now as they had to deal with an “unseen threat”.

“We are not fighting with a visible enemy. We don’t know because (the virus) is everywhere and very dangerous,” he said.

He also expressed his appreciation to healthcare staff for their dedication and contribution in the fight against Covid-19

I know it's damn difficult containing our Malaysian habit of eating late at night, our usual syiok-makan-ing at hawker centres, roadside stalls etc. I am the same too, lusting after char koay teow, loh-bah, satay and a couple of beers (or more, wakakaka) to keep my tummy from grumbling and my mind from sleepless discomfort, wakakaka.

But alas, the perils of the highly infectious Covid-19 are far too dangerous to take gambles with. Maybe a few packets of maggie mee-type self-cook stuff or several bars of Kit-Kat and kacang putih at home may alleviate our hungry drive when the nights strat to play dirty tricks with our tummies and mind, wakakaka.



  1. Australian pubs still open ?
    Scott Morrisson will face riots on Australian streets if the Aussies can't get their beer.

  2. So how to go out twice a day to buy delicious chicken rice to support our local hawkers?

    Will gomen give them cash handouts?
