
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Labis dobbing of MCO violation - is that intrinsic to our culture?

Labis under MCO 

Recently, in fact just two days ago, it was reported that 5 young civic minded volunteers in Labis were arrested at a police road block for violating MCO whilst returning from a voluntary sanitation disinfecting operations. They were taken to Segamat to enjoy police hospitality in the lockup for not obeying lockdown orders.

While DAP MP for Labis, Pang Hok Liong, claimed he appealed to police explaining the voluntary civic work of the arrested, in fact charitable work already with the full knowledge of the police, Johor police chief Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay riposted that the 'volunteers' had conducted the sanitation works without an approval from the district council and the Health Ministry, and couldn't explain when asked about the chemical mixture used for sanitation.

Furthermore, they weren't wearing personal protective equipment, but then that's hardly surprising when MENTERIs had been depleting those scant resources Malaysia has by swanning a la Indian peacocks or peahens recently, wakakaka).

MENTERI tahukah

Noarini Ahmad, Higher Edu Min 


Dei, I'm not a MENTERI but a peacock lah

Given the conflicting information we get, it's worth noting the following points:

(1) DAP MP for Labis, Pang Hok Liong is no longer part of the ruling government of Malaysia, wakakaka,

(2) Deputy Health Minister Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali (from Muhyiddin's PPBM party but now the core of the PN government) has recently ALSO 
violated the MCO at a Tahfiz scool lunch session in Lenggong Perak.

He has been widely criticised (meaning, even by UMNO) for 'allegedly' breaching the MCO.

I wonder why in this case, with photo provided, the violation is still described as 'allegedly'? Wakakaka.

I also note that Perak Police who are said to be investigating the case have already presented what I deem as mitigating factors, like:

Star Online

Archaeologists are afraid that the Unesco (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) certification for the archaeological heritage of Lenggong Valley in the Hulu Perak district could be revoked as the sites have been neglected

a. before the deputy minister went to the tahfiz school he was in Lenggong, Hulu Perak to visit a group of Health Ministry staff

(meaning he was on duty, wakakaka) 

b. said deputy minister was then asked to visit a tahfiz school nearby

(But why the eff did he go? Was it 'essential'?)

c. from police, perhaps seeing that the tahfiz school had prepared food for the group, said deputy minister decided not to refuse the invitation.

(Wakakaka, police now 'thinking' on behalf of said naughty bloke)

d. based on initial investigations the deputy minister’s visit to the tahfiz school was not planned. 

(Dei mate, that's even more strength to the argument of his non-essential VIOLATION)

e. from police - “Although photographs of the event showed that those present, including the deputy minister and the state exco were seated at a distance from one another, investigations will still be done"

(meaning it's highly likely the police investigation will confirm that 'social distancing' had been SCRUPULOUSLY observed, wakakaka)

And true enough, the Star Online reported: 
M'sians bite back at Perak top cop's assessment of 'tahfiz meal' incident. Mereka ta'bolih tahan lagi lah, wakakaka

social distancing?
this was what had happened at the Petaling tabligh gathering 

Noor Azmi Ghazali, said deputy minister (mind, of Health too, wakakaka) had posted a series of photographs on his Facebook of him and his entourage at that lunch (one of which is above) .

And in those photographs, he was handing out gifts to several people (throwing the gifts to them to maintain 'social distance'? Wakakaka). Yes, during lunch there were about 20 people also shown eating a meal together while sitting next to each other including the deputy minister.

However, wakakaka, the posts have since been deleted on Facebook though screenshots of the posting continue to make the rounds on social media.

And accompanying Noor Azmi was Perak PAS chief Razman Zakaria who is the state exco in charge of education (thank goodness not of Health, wakakaka).

I wonder who had dobbed the deputy minister of HEALTH for his undeniable violation of the MCO? Photo evidence is available (and we can't blame Tian Chua this time, wakakaka).

Tian Chua's reward from PKR 

Tian Chua's artistic work for PKR
look at those seeming decapitated heads, wakakaka 

'Dob' is an Australian colloquial word which means 'inform against someone', wakakaka.

Today with contraptions such as smart phone, FB, twitter, YouTube, whatnot, dobbing someone of MCO violation, like that by a cardio-loyar-buruk, wakakaka, are damn easy.

And that's what happened to those 5 blokes in Labis. Their wakil rakyat, Pang Hok Liong, was so incensed by what he considered as treacherous dobbing that he said:

"I urge those who have complained to the police to look at himself or herself into the mirror and ask, ‘what have you done for the safety of the people of Labis’, instead of complaining."

“If you do not wish to help,
do not stab the volunteers in their backs.”

Many Westerners don't like 'dobbing' or 'quarantine shaming', which they deem as 'policing thy neighbours' - they even used emotional words (to the West) of 
"what's next, Train to Dachau?" 

But perhaps 'today' we Malaysians have different values, annoyed at what we see as mavericks un-cooperatively eff-ing up our shared 'space' and unnecessarily asking for more extensions of MCO, or political opponents to be deservedly eff-ed, or arrogant bastards to be given a knuckle-rap on their big heads, wakakaka.

I mentioned 'today' above because 'yesterday' we Malaysians minded our own business, and did not interfere with other people's '3 bowls of rice'.


  1. All kinds of authoritarian power-hungry Napoleons, big and little, coming out of the woodwork.
    The Coronavirus and UMNOPAS are a match made in heaven. Or Hell.

    Before this pandemic is over , I expect Malaysia will be much more like authoritarian / totalitarian CCP than the Westminster-style democracy that it was constitutionally designed to be.

  2. i hv no idea whats the main point of tis article. whats the value n culture u talking abt? conclusion?

  3. Only those thoroughly brainwashed USAss Kissers are blissfully, naively, stupidly unaware or in total denial that that Satan land ( who all who, hehe ) which robbed the natives of their land and killed off 99% of them and now going round loudly shouting others are shitholes, authoritarian, totalitarian, corrupt, human rights violators, racists, no rule of law,lacking freedom of speech, bla bla bla....

    When the right thread comes around, more on assured of this, hehehehe.
