
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Justin Trudeau warns Trump of Canadian retaliation

Sun Daily:

Canada’s PM threatens Trump after US keeps mask shipment intended for Canadian doctors

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (pix) has warned US President Donald Trump that his decision to stop a shipment of masks intended for Canadian doctors would warrant retaliation, The Independent reported.

On Thursday, Trump ordered manufacturer 3M to stop exporting masks to Latin America and Canada.

Trudeau said that medical goods and services travel across the border both ways, with a significant number of Canadian nurses working in the US.

Trump is just like Mahathir, hurting friendly nation's interests without any thought nor considerations on Malaysia's need to demonstrate friendly neighbourliness or respect for diplomatic ties, considering India has long been Malaysia's good neighbour and friend.

Mahathir had criticised India's action in Kashmir, mainly for his own (desired) domestic Muslim support, just as Trump has ordered 3M to stop exports of masks to Canada and Mexico for his own domestic support.

Mahathir had already hurt India by insulting the integrity of the latter's judiciary

Ironically Mahathir was thr PM who eff-ed up Malaysia's judiciary and ruined its integrity

Both have riled their neighbours, where Mahathir annoyed India whilst it's obvious in this post, Trump has its Canadian neighbour.

India subtly retaliated in hurting or threatening to hurt Malaysia in the latter's palm oil business while Canada may possibly do likewise in health services that the US relies on its northern mate.

Both Mahathir and Trump have certainly hurt their respective nations' interests.

What the Mafulat - I now have to drink palm oil everyday because of Atuk's idiotic diplomatic blunder, all due to his selfish interests to showoff to Muslims at home 


  1. Wakakakaka…

    What a super correlation of human characters! Oooop, maybe the more adept term is politikus!

    Trump is desperate & yet too 'pride' to ask for help from the ONLY country in the world that can offer such urgent help!

    Mamak, too, has such an inflated ego that he thinks she is always right!

  2. Give it a break KT, leave the Old Fart alone, he is no longer in power, and how is the issue of hijacked face masks between Canada and the US related to him?

    This is so embarrassing, your hatred for Toonsie.

    24 hours have passed and Wee KHAT Siong, Saravanan and all the beer-drinkers in Cabinet still have not made a poop or peep. They have had enough time to pang sai and figured a way to twist an excuse.

    Were they even consulted?

    Where's the Boh Lam Pah...and Sudah Lah Aku picture with Wee KHAT Siong? Where are the accompanying mocking pictures..?

    More Doraemons and Hazmat suits please.

    Guanee is itchin and twitchin to comment but he is no longer in power. Nobody wants to listen to him...sob sob...

  3. If KT wants to compare leaders who hurt their nations interests he should compare Trump with a current leader, like Muhyiddin, who has made so many mistakes, rather than a past leader like Toonsie.

    Give it a break KT. So embarrassing.

  4. I do not think there was any malice in the step taken over medical masks. Faced with the extreme shortage, the US has invoked wartime powers to nationalise the Supply and Delivery of medical masks made by US Companies. 3M is required by law to immediately place US Federal Orders right at the top of their delivery list.
    Even non-US manufacturing sites are affected, unless the local sovereign government intervenes.

    Public threats against Donald Trump don't work.....hahaha...Trudeau is better off talking nicely to him on the phone.
