
Thursday, April 02, 2020

Dilemma of a Malay-Muslim politician

MM Online:

Ismail Sabri: No word if MCO to be extended yet again, up to Health Ministry

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob says Putrajaya has not decided on any further extension to the ongoing movement control order

Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR, April 2 — Putrajaya has not decided on any further extension to the ongoing movement control order (MCO), Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said today.

He said based on reports provided by the Ministry of Health (MOH), the trend of new positive Covid-19 cases is on its way to plateauing.

“We can only pray for further adherence by the public of the MCO, but I am confident the number of cases will drop,” Ismail said during a press conference.

The minister added that if and when a decision to extend the MCO is made, it will depend on the MOH’s input and advice.

The MCO was first announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on the night of March 16, and came into effect on March 18.

On March 25, Muhyiddin announced the MCO would be extended for another fortnight, and is set to expire on April 14.

Separately, Ismail said the government is aiming to balance between safeguarding the public health and to ensure the national economy will not be affected by the pandemic.

He was responding to a query concerning the World Bank's recent report on Tuesday which revised Malaysia's economic growth projection in 2020 to -0.1 per cent from its initial projection of 4.5 per cent, after factoring in uncertainties due to large-scale economic activity disruptions caused by Covid-19.

Undeniably there is and will continue to be concerns over the humongous disruptions to the economy. But survival of our people far outweighs any other considerations.

While I don't mean to be a bearer of bad news I reckon the 2 weeks by 2 weeks by another 2 weeks of MCO are just piecemeal political fiddling of the MCO, with a political-religious-cultural eye on the coming Hari Raya celebrations and its equally pre-Ramadan shopping and marketing and cooking.

The reality is that Malaysia needs a far longer MCO to ensure the battle against Covid-19 is truly won kaukau. The minister knows it, yet he hesitates to tell the unpalatable truth.  

Hence the minister's tentative, evasive & ambiguous "We have not decided yet", "We'll have to see", "It depends" etc etc etc.


  1. Will the government be blamed if it let tens of thousands die because to give priority to the economy? Public health first or economy first?

    1. Saying nothing!

      Just pure religion fart lah! What public health first or economic first?

      U guys r deserving 100% of what's coming with the saddest reality of been done with pure religiosity ignorance.

  2. Politicians like Menteri Hazmat, Menteri Doraemon and Menteri Bizzare (Bazaar ha ha ha) will push the decision of extending the MCO to the MOH. They are COWARDs.

    The Menteri Air Suam will then delegate the announcement to cancel (or at the very least severely restrict) the Ramadan Bazaars to the poor DG of the MOH.

    Let the DG take the blame, like what the COWARD Muhyiddin did when he ordered the Chief Secretary to take the blame for not inviting the MBs and CMs of opposition states to the COVID-19 meeting.

    I will not be surprised either if Hari Raya celebrations will be curtailed (like what CNY was in China and Easter will be globally).

    Even the Haj may not be spared, irrespective of whether the Saudis allow pilgrims to visit Mecca and Medinah or not.

    After the experience with the Seri Petaling tablighs where "only 16,000 people" from a few countries congregate, the annual haj with 2,000,000 pilgrims from all over the world is a totally different kettle of camels altogether.

    It would be totally irresponsible and downright dangerous for the MOH to allow tens of thousands of ELDERLY Malaysians to go.

    1. "totally irresponsible and downright dangerous"???

      not so when religious belief prevails invincibly

    2. The DG of MOH and Menteri Air Suam then better prepare an additional 25,000 beds for quarantine for when they come back....and the Minister of Religion better pray hard not too many die...

  3. sars hero zhong nanshan said virus peak in feb, thus china reaume work in march. zhong nanshan then said asymptomatic is not a problem so the number is excluded from the data.

    y not pn just copy ccp way? they can hire a bomoh n follow exactly what zhong nanshan said by changing the date, then not only we can start work, bazaar, partying, kenduri all can goes on.

    in case we cant find a reputable bomoh, we can hire that 95 years old doctor, i believe he can con better than bomoh n zhong nanshan.

  4. Mfer, twisting with FACTS again!

    Zhong nanshan mentioned that asymptomatic covid-19 spreaders were NOT a common mode of infection vector within the China cases.

    However, the new returnees from oversea have a different kind of vector mediums as most of them r asymptomatic carriers!

    This could be due to different variant/strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That could also be the reason why there r more younger aged casualties in the West.

    Thus, each country has a slight different vectors, though close proximity is STILL the most convenient way of transmission.

    China recommends stringent social distancing - especially locality lockdown. This is the ONLY effective way to truncate the transmitting pathway of the coronavirus.

    Many countries r learning the hardway & paying high toll for NOT listening & enacting that advice earlier!

    What changing the date?

    Mfer, f*cks some more lah. Time will catch up with u - as always.

    As with the bomoh, tell that to yr dangdut zombies & ketuanan drinking pals. They WOULD buy it wholesome. It's in their nature.

    1. That celaka punya 'funn kuat oldie chai' just couldn't let go of any opportunity to foam again and again relentlessly at his stinky mouth, even if he had to twist and spin facts, some more with pathetic inaccurate information to boot. Just because he has a computer he thinks he is at liberty to hurl his hatred no matter how ridiculous his false accusations. Oi si celaka...go potong cleanly for once and join in Friday prayers openly, hehehehe. Insaf la sedikit, to make amends for all that mabuk dangdut drinking, LOL

    2. time n time again i am proven right wrt ccp lies.

    3. As claimed by u!

      Right, mfer?
