
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Cause of Covid-19 Finally Identified - it's Shortening of Women's Dresses


Pakistani cleric slammed for blaming Covid-19 pandemic on women

Women accepting food for the breaking their fast on the first day of Ramadan in Islamabad

AP pic

ISLAMABAD: A popular Pakistani cleric whose religious group has been blamed for spreading the coronavirus is facing ridicule after he suggested the pandemic was caused partly by the “immodesty” of women.

Maulana Tariq Jameel appeared on a telethon with Prime Minister Imran Khan last week, when he explained various Islamic religious codes and said humanity had been punished in the past for breaking these.

“Who has demolished modesty in my country? Who is making the nation’s daughters dance? Who is shortening their dresses? Who should be held responsible?” Jameel said during the coronavirus fundraiser hosted by Khan.

The comment spurred an immediate backlash with leading activists and a government minister blasting the cleric, while social media users roasted the preacher for ignoring his own group’s role in spreading the virus.

Jameel is a senior member of the Tablighi Jamaat missionary group which has been blamed for seeding the epidemic in Pakistan by holding a gathering with 100,000 participants in March after the virus had already been detected in the country – leading to hundreds of transmissions.

Human rights minister Shireen Mazari tweeted it was “simply absurd” for someone to suggest the pandemic was the result of women wearing short sleeves.

“This simply reflects either ignorance about pandemics or a misogynist mindset. Absolutely unacceptable,” she wrote.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan also warned that the remarks being made during a live broadcast “only compounds the misogyny entrenched in society”.

Jameel is one of Pakistan’s leading preachers. His sermons are widely broadcast on Pakistan’s state-run and private TV stations during Ramadan, while his YouTube channel has 3.5 million subscribers.

Pakistan ranked a dismal 136 on the UN Development Programme’s Gender Inequality Index in 2018, doing worse than most of its South Asian neighbours.

Much of Pakistani society operates under a strict code of “honour”, systemising the oppression of women in matters such as the right to choose who to marry, reproductive rights and even the right to an education.

According to estimates by the Honour Based Violence Awareness Network, at least 1,000 women fall victim to honour killings in Pakistan each year.

Honour in killing own sisters & daughters?
No wonder you people are so eff-ed up 


  1. The CCP Virus is Allah's vengeance on the world for not covering the Aurat.

    1. It's also the nature's response to moneyed mfers, bonkering on ignorant blaming game!

  2. ccp propagandists lagi teruk, accuse a mother of 2 maatje benassi.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Mfer, still no lesson learnt!

      Maatje Benassi case starts with Geog Webb, a Yankee news investigator allow under uncle Sam's freedom of speech.

      Now u accuse CCP!

      Rule1 of lies twisting, remember?

      Oooop… perhaps can't due to all thost useful neuron connections been short-circuited by prolong 台毒 intoxication.

    2. i said ccp propagandist, yr england hmmm...

    3. Wakakakaka…

      What's yr definition of CCP propagandist?

      Oooop… only those Chinaman, RIGHT?

      Bloody hp6 England deficient racist showing his true colour AGAIN!

  3. Maatje Benassi should quit displaying her crocodile tears and using her husband to gain sympathy. George Webb did ask point blank...did she work in the hospital near the Fort Detrick BioChem Lab ? No answer was forthcoming to such a straightforward Yes or No query. Maatje Benassi herself could have simply absolve herself of any suspicion by just going for an antibody test...this test could immediately indicate if she had had been infected with Covid19. We know why they are so evasive, right ? wakakakaka

    1. carry on, the stage is all yours.

    2. have been grabbing the stage this whole time lah...non stop crooning your love for that bat of yours all over the place, wa ka ka ka. You just love shitting all over the place and it stinks like hell, hehehe

      Guess it is impossible to halt your obsession, not even to pause a few seconds to answer such critical queries :

      1. since they have finally tracked down Maatje Benassi, she absolutely refused to confirm whether she did work at the hospital in the vicinity of Fort Detrick where the US biochem was quietly sealed off and shut down

      2. she could have easily submit herself to a Covid19 antibody test and confirm once and for all that she wasn't infected with the virus before she went to Wuhan, and thus provide proof that the fever she suffered in Wuhan in Oct last year is just a merely a fever and NOT part of a Covid19 symptoms.

      All glaring holes which the CNN shit-reporter refused to face, hoping nobody would notice. Just like you here with your pal who also like to spread shit about with "CCP virus" echoing all over the place, hehehe. Porrdahhh la, LOL
