
Sunday, March 29, 2020

US military took Trumpvirus to Wuhan

Star Online:

Searching for Covid-19’s origin

Viral diplomatic wars: Trump’s labelling of Covid-19 as a ‘Chinese virus’ earlier this month has infuriated Beijing and ethnic Chinese worldwide 

Trump’s ‘China virus’ label spurs researchers to intensify investigations and some probes are pointing in the direction of the US.

President Donald Trump’s labelling of Covid-19 as a “Chinese virus” earlier this month, which infuriated Beijing and ethnic Chinese worldwide, has prompted researchers to intensify investigations into the origin of the novel coronavirus.

The label, seen as racist and xenophobic, has backfired and does not seem to help the US leader score political points amid the accelerating spread of Covid-19 in the US and the election fever.

In the US, Trump has infuriated his own supporters among the rich Chinese-Americans who have made vast contributions to his campaign funds in his bid to seek a second presidential term.

Under pressure, Trump has stopped using the label since last week. The reaction from Beijing towards the questionable label was strong and immediate. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said “China is strongly indignant at and firmly opposes US stigmatisation” and urged the US “to stop making groundless accusations against China”, the Xinhua news agency reported.

The reaction from ethnic Chinese in Malaysia has been that of disgust and disbelief. But it is the innocent Chinese in America who have had to bear the brunt – mentally and physically.

After Trump’s labelling that cast aspersions the virus had originated from China, cases of racist attacks against Chinese in the US emerged, according to media reports.

In one case, a 12-year-old Asian American boy in Los Angeles was badly beaten by his classmates. In another, a Chinese woman was cursed by a total stranger scolding her for “bringing in the virus”.

Trump’s “China virus” label has caused intense anxiety to the Chinese in the US and this could be seen in posts on social media. In one video, Chinese-Americans are advised to start arming themselves against possible racist attacks.

Arcadia Firearm & Safety in San Gabriel Valley, an area with a high concentration of Chinese immigrants, reportedly saw gun sales rising 10 times in recent weeks.

While the lay people of Chinese ethnicity seem helpless, Beijing appears to have geared up its propaganda machinery to prove that the Covid-19 virus did not originate from China.

Global Times believes this whole anti-China exercise is a public opinion war waged by Trump to “distract attention of the American people away from his failings to deal with the spread of the highly contagious coronavirus in the US”. And China has been made a convenient scapegoat. The official mouthpiece of the Chinese government, in an editorial early last week, reminded the Trump administration to “respect science” before making any conclusion on the origin of the Covid-19 virus.

Although Wuhan was the first place in the world to suffer the Covid-19 epidemic in January, the World Health Organization (WHO) has maintained that the origin of the virus has yet to be identified.

Interestingly, China’s stance has been given unexpected support from scientists in the Trump administration.

 The disease expert leading the Trump administration’s response to coronavirus has distanced himself from the “China virus” label.

Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in an interview with the prestigious Science magazine last Sunday, said he disagreed with the substance of Trump’s message as it could lead to “some misunderstanding about what the facts are about a given subject”.

The expert declared he has not named Covid-19 as “China virus” or “Chinese virus”, and “will never” call it “China virus”.

Perhaps, the most powerful contradiction to Trump’s “China virus” label has come from Dr Robert Redfield – the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US. When questioned at a House hearing, Redfield agreed that it was “absolutely wrong” for Trump to label the 2019 novel coronavirus as the “China virus”.

In addition, he reportedly admitted to US Congress that some Americans who seemingly died from influenza last year were subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. A total of 200,000 were reported to have died from this influenza outbreak that started in September 2019.

Then there were reports that alleged that five sick US army officers might have been responsible for the spread of the virus to China during the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan during Oct 18-27 last year.

The five were hospitalised in Wuhan for an “unknown sickness”, and very soon after they were ferried back to the US by a plane specially sent from Washington.

Based on these reports and Redfield’s admission to US Congress, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian suggested on March 12 that the US army might have brought the Covid-19 disease to Wuhan.

When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!” Zhao had tweeted aggressively.

Chinese netizens, now naming Covid-19 as the “Trump virus” in retaliation to the “China virus” label, are challenging Washington to allow WHO officers to conduct independent investigations, if there is nothing to hide.

More recently, the findings of an American investigative journalist and his friends have become juicy materials against the US.

According to Global Times, George Webb from Washington DC, in his videos, claimed that Maatje Benassi, an armed diplomatic driver and cyclist who was in Wuhan for the 2019 Military World Games, could be patient zero of Covid-19 in Wuhan.

Patient Zero - Maatje Benassi - Maatje Benassi infected many of her American teammates before arriving in Wuhan. Five of them were sick enough to be hospitalized in Wuhan during the games and evacuated back to the US where they later died 

She and other US army officers had allegedly visited Wuhan’s famous wildlife market and other sites. But the most intriguing part of Webb’s findings is that within the US army delegation, there was another female officer who had worked in Fort Detrick.

According to Wikipedia, Fort Detrick, located in Maryland, was the centre of the US biological weapons programme from 1943 to 1969. From 1969, Fort Detrick has continued defensive research into deadly pathogens, including the Ebola virus and the highly toxic poison ricin. It has been involved in testing possible vaccines for the deadly virus Ebola.

According to a news report on Aug 6 last year by Britain’s online news portal The Independent, the lab research at Fort Detrick was ordered by the CDC to shut down in July 2019 due to “failures in handling the dangerous pathogens inside” and “fears of escape”.

Fort Detrick was ordered by the CDC to shut down its biolab in July 2019 due to “failures in handling the dangerous pathogens inside” and “fears of escape” 

As the outbreak of influenza in the US in September came soon after the closure of Fort Detrick, this coincidence in time has prompted Chinese netizens to urge the US to release the health and infection information of the US military delegation that had come to Wuhan in October.

Still, despite all these findings that seem to point towards the US as the most probable birth place of Covid-19, more credible and confirmatory conclusions can only be drawn from the findings of scientists from WHO and other reliable bodies.


kaytee notes:

Sorry HY, contrary to your Mainland baiting, it seems there are grounds, in fact very strong ones when you consider it has been Dr Robert Redfield – the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US - who revealed some Americans who went to Wuhan for military games (sports) last years and seemingly died from influenza were subsequently tested positive for Covid-19.


  1. "Dr Robert Redfield – the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US - who revealed some Americans who went to Wuhan for military games (sports) last years and seemingly died from influenza were subsequently tested positive for Covid-19.'


    1. Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is asked whether there may have been deaths attributed to influenza that could actually have been the result of Covid-19. Redfield responds in the affirmative: “Some cases have been actually diagnosed that way in the United States today.”

      for those that hv good command of english n fantastic command of england, "today' means what? yesterday? one week or 3 months back? sep 2019? jun 2019? 1999? 1776?



      Bono, McCartney, Clapton for you dear Rhan.

    4. Just admit u r NO wordsmith, just a 二鬼子 trying all out to satisfy it's egoistic China bashing!

      Dream on… u have 14 days to continue our chant…


      the beatles songs that still make me cry...all my loving n yesterday.

    6. the one that love japs the most now is ccp. all sino japs war movie n series stop, civil war n korean war in full production. when is yr turn to kiss the japs ass?

    7. Wakakakaka…

      WHY should I do what u have been doing all this time to yr 台毒 蔡妹妹?

      A closet Ms Semburit, like u, obviously WOULDN'T just doing kissing ass. Right?

      Keep yr perverted habit to yrself lah - even though it would be a trying time to find a playmate in this time of MCO!

      BTW, present day Japanese ain't no WWII Jap! Their humanity compassion IS definitely better than those 台毒 mfers who refuse to help when the kindred is facing terrible facemask shortage!

      天在看,人在做 - the fate of ALL u mfers r been written. It's just a matter of time - bet on it!

    8. it seem both dpp n ccp love todays japs, when can we see a threesome of abe xi n chai?

      most chinese in taiwan hk msia except prc lover believe in safeguard ownself first, only a old idiot mahathir think otherwise. n now our rugi is 1000000000.... times more than the mainland wuhan virus carrier cum tourist dollar.

  2. Ktemoc has often been a purveyor of Fake News, but he wins the Nobel Prize for fake news on this.

    The disease arose from Wuhan's wild life market, and spread uncontrolled because of authoritarian suppression of the early spread of infection.

    No need for CCP pet dogs to try to divert the issue.

    1. Yr f*cking source about the disease arose from Wuhan's wild life market, and spread uncontrolled because of authoritarian suppression of the early spread of infection?

      Or yr fabricated mind?

    2. Five American scientists published an article in Nature said that COVID-19 is not "artificial virus". One of the authors, Robert F. Garry from Tulane University's School of Medicine, said that Huanan Market in Wuhan is not the origin of the virus.

      The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 | Nature Medicine

      Mfer, is this better than yr trashy bedtime reading materials u so gamingly diarrhoea out?

    3. it is ccp that tell the world huanan market spread the wuhan virus. they even want to punish whistleblower to cover it up. only to tell truth after realise the wuhan virus might creep all the way to beijing where most of the corrupted ccp live. now wan to turn the whole story mahathir way, only a idiot believe ccp lies.

    4. Keep weaving yr f*cked-up CCP bashing jingo lah!

      "ccp that tell the world huanan market spread the wuhan virus."




      Walau-eh, what an inductive twist!

      Go on… 14days counting & yr beloved Formosa would has had her 2nd covid-19 wave!

  3. "A total of 200,000 were reported to have died from this influenza outbreak that started in September 2019."
    This Ho Wah Foon idiot doesn't even know how to lie convincingly.

  4. Ebola is a river in Congo, and the virus was first discovered from the region along its banks. Hence the name Ebola.

    All prim and proper.

    I don't see why all the hue and cry about calling the new virus Wuhan Virus.

  5. The name "Nipah" refers to the place, Sungai Nipah in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, the source of the human case from which Nipah virus was first isolated.

    1. Mfer, u conveniently ignore the timeline when WHO officially formulates the nomenclature of pandemic in 2015.

      The best practices state that a disease name should consist of generic descriptive terms, based on the symptoms that the disease causes (e.g. respiratory disease, neurologic syndrome, watery diarrhoea) and more specific descriptive terms when robust information is available on how the disease manifests, who it affects, its severity or seasonality (e.g. progressive, juvenile, severe, winter). If the pathogen that causes the disease is known, it should be part of the disease name (e.g. coronavirus, influenza virus, salmonella).

      Terms that should be avoided in disease names include geographic locations (e.g. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Spanish Flu, Rift Valley fever), people’s names (e.g. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Chagas disease), species of animal or food (e.g. swine flu, bird flu, monkey pox), cultural, population, industry or occupational references (e.g. legionnaires), and terms that incite undue fear (e.g. unknown, fatal, epidemic).

      Easy to expect from a confused old timer earning his keep from 'old' money exploitative games!

    2. All those mfers of the China bashing kind read:

      "Before Nature, which is a peered-review publication concluded about the outside origin of Covid-19 (clip above), the medical science community had doubted the virus came from bats and wildlife and said so in Science Magazine in January 2020. In late February and early March the Chinese researchers twice reaffirmed the same thing: first time, the virus didn’t come from China, including the Wuhan wet market; second time it had originated from outside China."

      Yr China bashing dream has been crashed!

      Wake up!

      Oooop… is there a proper way to wake up a mfer who is pretending to sleep?

      Better let them dream on.

      Sweet dreams till yr dying time (coming soonest than u ever think, mfer!)

    3. CCP Running Dogs kerbauing.

      This is what the Nature article actually said.
      It is improbable that SARS-CoV-2 emerged through laboratory manipulation of a related SARS-CoV-like coronavirus.
      The genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is not derived from any previously used virus backbone20. Instead, we propose two scenarios that can plausibly explain the origin of SARS-CoV-2: (i) natural selection in an animal host before zoonotic transfer; and (ii) natural selection in humans following zoonotic transfer. "

    4. Kerbauing?

      Read deeper into it lah. Don't picked & chose!

      Perhaps, this peer-reviewed scientific article IS beyond yr cocooning mind?

  6. " US had exhumed victims of the flu and found out that it was coronavirus. So the Japanese report from the Asahi Shimbun which suspected that this virus originated in US is NOT a hoax after all.

    The US CDC had confirmed what some had suspected all along. Some of the so-called flu death in the US had in fact, been found to be caused by coronavirus posthumously. All this while, this fact was not know before simply because these victims were never tested and this exhumation laid this assumption to rest. That fits in with previous reports in Japan that a Japanese contracted coronavirus in Hawaii EVEN before the Wuhan outbreak, and the Italians now discovered that a different strain of the virus had already been circulating in Italy BEFORE the arrival of the Chinese so-called carriers of this virus to their shores.

    [ US CDC director Dr Robert Redfield said some of the deaths from coronavirus have been discovered posthumously, during the House Oversight Committee discussion on the novel coronavirus response. Rep Harley Rouda asked Dr Redfield if it's possible that some of the flu patients may have been misdiagnosed and actually had coronavirus.] The White House has ordered Federal Health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restriced information and hampered the US government's response to the contagion, according to four Trump's administration officials.

    The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department Health & Human Services (HHS) a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

    Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the inter agency meetings, which included video conference calls,the sources said. " 

    1. The Coronavirus already circulating in Wuhan in December, cover-up by CCP

    2. When was coronavirus circulating in the US of A?

      Cover-up by yr uncle Sam?

    3. wuhan export their virus to usa n the world since december. thats y all the earlier batch infected is mostly mainlander, this happen in every single country. only u n kt argue using ccp faker news.

      n for the record pls read the star in the last 5 years pertaining to anything china n ccp, one might think they r reading peoples daily or globaltimes. the star is ccp overseas mouthpiece, like ck n kt.

    4. posting just "went off the grid"...perhaps it's too long. Anyway,this is a shorter version :

      "The flu has killed 10,000 Americans this season"...this season referred to the recent bout spanning from September 2019 to January 2020.

      According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 19 million Americans have been infected with the flu so far this season, and 180,000 of them have been hospitalized because of the illness. The flu virus has already killed an estimated 10,000 people across the U.S., including 68 children, according to the CDC. ( Dr Robert Redfield had now admitted that based on some exhumation of the bodies, some of the dead indeed died not of the 'ordinary' flu but of the novel coronavirus.)

      However, in mid-October 2019, 300 plus soldiers arrived in Wuhan for the World Military Competition during which time, 5 soldiers came down with high fever and flu-like symptoms and all these five, including scores of their 'comrades', had lodgings near the Wuhan market. These 5 soldiers, according to reports, were immediately air-lifted back to the US and thereafter, all attempts to locate them for interviews were futile, as though " they had completely vanished from the face of the earth".

      There's one FB postings, from Singapore, described by some as rather provocative, which made an attempt to connect the dots, linking the US soldiers in Wuhan and the consequent spread of Covid19 in Wuhan which caused a never-then-heard-of massive lockdown :









    5. Confirmed - a lot of people, especially Chinese Malaysians, believe any and all Poo coming from the CCP.

    6. us team medal is 6/5/10 la.

      actually the faker news is us team won zero medal, n in no mood to compete bec virus infected, the team hostel is 500m from huanan, after the event,the usa team never leave and visit huanan, n 5 usa athletic fall sick during the competition.

      i suppose u can still find this taiwan talkshow in utube, which every point is proven fake.

    7. Confirmed - a lot of people, especially Chinese Malaysians, believe any and all Poo coming from the uncle Sam & f*cked taiwan talkshow!

      Do u dare to substantiate what that taiwan talkshow fabricated about the results of the us team from that military game?

      How about the official metal tally from the world military game?

      DON'T use what's famously know about the fabricated lies from these 台湾名嘴, who r known to lie to earn their keep!

    8. the number i paste is the past 3 games total, the 2019 tally is 8, not zero. the talkshow that i mentioned is exactly what u said, fabricated the virus origin. prc lover is not limited to msia.

    9. ESPECIALLY 二鬼子 like u!

      Where's the apology?

      Acting like those Formosa morons who have lost their desire to stand upright even when their legs r still functioning a walking tool!
