
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Annuar Musa now belakang pusing on Ramadan Bazaar

MM Online:

Now, FT minister says Ramadan bazaar status still up in air pending MOH, NSC’s advice

Crowds flock to the Ramadan bazaar in Kg Kanchong Darat to buy food for the breaking of fast, Banting in this file picture taken on May 22, 2019

Picture by Sayuti Zainudin

KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 31 — A day after saying the Ramadan bazaars will go ahead in the Federal Territories, its minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa has said tonight that the status over the annual event has still not been decided.

In a series of tweets, Annuar clarified that the territories are still waiting for clear guidelines and advice from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the National Security Council (NSC).

“No decision until and unless we receive clear guideline and advice from MOH and NSC. Local authorities in the Federal Territories are required to brief me on current status and their plan.

“Please be patient,” Annuar said.

He made his remark in response to Parti Gerakan Malaysia’s Tan Keng Liang, who cited a news report on the decision.

“The three local authorities will brief me on Friday on proposed Ramadan bazaar. MOH and NC must be consulted before any decision is made. In the meantime, let’s cooperate to make enhanced movement control order and movement control order effective.

“Stay safe at home,” he added.

Annuar then said he has daily meetings with the Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, and that the bazaar had not been discussed.

Dr Noor Hisham has previously said that it is more important for the public to abide by social distancing and to keep their hygiene, if the bazaars were to go ahead.

Annuar then shared a story by another online news portal claiming the headline “Ramadan bazaars will continue in the Federal Territories this year, but on a smaller-scale to avoid congestion, in light of the Covid-19 crisis” was incorrect.

“This report doesn’t reflect what I have explained. I have made it very clear that no decision has been made yet. MOH and NSC must be consulted."

“It also depends on whether MCO is extended or not,”
he added.


  1. You know the usual story. Once upon a time, I was playing Mama's teats, a Saudi King, a dead one by now, appeared out of nowhere, handed me a 2.6 B via my Ambank, and told me to shoot the bull on the rakyat for target practice. Sign off JibbyTheBigGreatLangsatThief.

  2. I am disappointed KT didn't come out strongly to support these Ramadan bazaars. Many farmers and retailer's livelihoods depend on selling their perishable produce. Food is an essential item.

    Just like KT supported the poor chicken rice seller, poor guy will be destitute soon. To get around the MCO KT says we must go out of our homes a few times a day and give the polis the excuse that we are buying chicken rice.

    So when will KT publicly give the same support to help farmers and bazaar retailers during Ramadan?

    But KT shows no hesitation to REPEATEDLY attack and RIDICULE poor Dr Ong who was only having a lonely jog in a deserted park. Padan Muka, Just DESSERT.

    1. not DESSERT but with only one 's' - (the older) desert or (the modern) deserts, wakakaka - you are thinking of ice cream or ang tau sng (ice kacang) too much

  3. My brother-in-law and his wife are infected with Covid-19. Both are under treatment at Sungai Buloh Hospital.

    They arrived Kuala Lumpur from Turkey by Turkish Airlines Flight T0060 arriving Kuala Lumpur 5.00PM on 21 March 2020.

    Are you on the same flight?

  4. Why was the crowd at the Air Itam market objectionable ( which it was) and the likely teeming crowds at Pasar Ramadan acceptable ?

  5. These PN politicians (Menteri Air Suam, Menteri Doraemon, Menteri Hazmat and now Menteri Bazaar) still does not understand.


    All religions and spirits will obey the virus. The chinese obeyed, they canceled CNY and Cheng Beng, the Christians obeyed, cancel Easter, the East Malaysians obeyed, cancel Kaamatan and soon Ramadan/Hari Raya must obey....

    Tabligh Seri Petaling did not obey now see what happened, another Tabligh in New Delhi also did not obey and will result in a catastrophe in India soon....the virus will punish disobedience with impunity.

    Even the Tokyo Olympics scheduled in July obeyed the virus, so will the Haj (also in July) obey.....?

    If 16,000 people crowding in one place can cause so many infections how about 2,000,000?

    So Menteri Bazaar, listen and OBEY SCIENCE, the good doctors from MOH before you open your mouth. Not any ulama, priest or monk. Even the Agong say listen to and OBEY SCIENCE.

    1. CNY was not cancelled
      Haj will depend more than Saudi than Malaysia

    2. CNY celebrations in China was practically zero. Many couldn't even balik kampung there.

      I AM talking about the Saudis. If they want to host 10,000 tabliqs in Mecca and Medina simultaneously, go ahead.

    3. what about CNY in Malaysia?

  6. The PN government must not hesitate. The fruit and veges for Ramadan have already been planted. They will rot if not harvested and sold in 3 weeks time. No time to waste.

    Menteri Jaga Kereta must hire a few thousand lorries. The Menteri for Domestic Trade buy up all local produce at fair prices directly from the farmers, cut out the middlemen, and sell (or give free) the produce to the public at drive-through markets, just drive in, load up your carboot and pay. Do it at open spaces, sports stadiums, parks, highway stops, large petrol stations etc.

    But before that have the Menteri Hazmat disinfect the area first.

  7. Civil servants who have job security no matter what, should not receive any cash handouts, instead those who earn more than say 4k they can volunteer (not force) to give up 10% of their salaries for a few months. This will save the government billions which can be directed elsewhere. After all many of them will not have to pay rent for a few months, their children can delay PTPTN instalments, they save petrol and toll money because they don't have to go to work, the wives save on make-up, no need cleaner because husband can do house work....ha ha ha..

    Healthcare and security frontliners excepted.

    But paying teachers full salaries and cash allowances for doing no work makes no sense.

    Private sector folks are losing jobs. Sad to say the government assistance announced so far will not save their jobs.

    Minister Cap Buruh Saravanan is still very silent on this.

  8. Finally Hadi Awang has returned from his fishing trip.

    I thought he would finally make a contribution in our war against COV19. Well, he did, sorta...his contribution is how to bury the dead Muslims...

    But he did not rebuke the tabligh attendees who are still on the run or in hiding...

    Such is the leadership we have in PAS?

    Mati akibat Covid-19 syahid akhirat, kata Hadi
    Faiz Zainudin -March 31, 2020

    PETALING JAYA: Orang Islam yang meninggal dunia akibat Covid-19 dianggap syahid akhirat.

    Presiden PAS Abdul Hadi Awang berkata, ini kerana kematian mereka disebabkan mudarat akibat penularan wabak maut itu selepas berusaha dan berikhtiar termasuk mendapatkan rawatan.

    Katanya, mereka yang meninggal dunia akibat Covid-19 juga perlu disempurnakan sama seperti jenazah lain.

    “Syahid akhirat ialah mereka yang mati dalam menjalan tugas dengan tidak berperang, orang yang mati kerana wabak, penyakit taun sebagai contoh, wabak corona pada hari ini atau Covid-19 di mana mereka menghadapi wabak ini setelah berikhtiar, berubat, sabar menghadapi ujian selepas itu dia mati itu syahid akhirat.

    “Ia termasuklah mereka yang mati ketika menjalankan tugas sebagai doktor, jururawat, sukarelawan untuk melindungi orang daripada penyakit ini, begitu juga orang yang mati akibat kemalangan jalan raya ketika menjalankan tugas mencari nafkah, mati kerana banjir, kebakaran termasuklah wanita mati ketika bersalin, itu semua syahid akhirat dan jenazah mereka perlu diurus sebagaimana biasa, dimandi, dikafan dan disembahyang.”

    Beliau menerusi ceramah menghadapi pandemik itu yang disiarkan di Facebooknya malam ini berkata, proses memandikan jenazah umat Islam yang meninggal dunia akibat Covid-19 akan menggunakan cara tayamum.

    Hadi berkata, ulama turut mengariskan 3 kategori mereka yang mati syahid selain syahid akhirat iaitu syahid dunia akhirat dan syahid dunia.

    “Syahid dunia akhirat ialah orang yang mati dalam peperangan, menentang musuh-musuh yang menceroboh agama Islam, tanah air Islam dan orang Islam ataupun orang yang mati ketika menjalankan tugas melindungi keselamatan orang Islam. Jenazah mereka tidak boleh dimandikan, dikapan dengan darah, mazhab Shafie tidak perlu disembahyang, ada mazahab lain kata perlu disembahyang dan ditanam begitu sahaja kerana darah menjadi saksi.

    “Dan ketiga ialah syahid dunia sahaja, ialah orang munafik yang pura-pura tunjuk Islam kononnya kerja untuk Islam tapi niatnya bukan kerana Islam, orang anggap dia mati syahid di dunia tapi di akhirat tidak diterima,” katanya.

    Menerusi ucapannya Hadi meminta mereka yang dijangkiti Covid-19 bersabar menghadapi wabak dan berdoa supaya rakyat dilindungi dari terus dijangkiti.

    “Kita diajar sabar dan berikhtiar, bukan sabar sahaja, kita perlu berikhtiar mencari ubat, mesti ada pencegahan, jangan duduk diam tunggu takdir Allah, itu pandangan salah sebab itu kita kena cari penyelesaian sebaiknya dengan cara bertanggungjawawab,” katanya.


    I want to break free
    I want to break free
    I want to break free from your lies
    You're so self satisfied I don't need you
    I've got to break free
    God knows, God knows I want to break free

    1. Buddy, you're an old man, poor man
      Pleading with your eyes, gonna get you some peace someday
      You got mud on your face, big disgrace
      Somebody better put you back into your place, do it!

    2. Prophetic lyric, indeed!

      Soon, perhaps in less than 14 days, All of u would have to crawl back to the same lubang to continue the shiting - out of public previews!
