
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sorry Mahathir, no more blank cheque for you

MM Online - DAP reps say Pakatan went with Anwar as ‘Mahathir government’ would give Dr M carte blanche:

Mahathir the ONLY Pakatan leader not supporting Anwar  Ibrahim 

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 26 — DAP lawmakers said Pakatan Harapan (PH) decided against a non-partisan “Mahathir government” as this would not be beholden to any party or coalition, effectively giving Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad free rein to do as he wanted.

DAP assistant national publicity secretary Yeo Bee Yin was among the first to post the message on her Facebook page but her aide later clarified that it was a common statement DAP MPs were sharing.

Yeo Bee Yin 

The DAP statement said Dr Mahathir would not have to consult any party or coalition in filling his Cabinet, for instance, and could appoint PAS and Umno leaders as his ministers if he desired.

DAP was explaining why PH decided to back PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to be the country’s next prime minister despite previously saying it backed Dr Mahathir.

DAP noted the events that led to PH’s decision, including Dr Mahathir’s Sunday refusal to follow his own party Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) and PKR’s then deputy president Datuk Seri Azmin Ali to form a new government with Umno and PAS.

Noting that Dr Mahathir resigned as prime minister on Monday as an act of protest, DAP said the party initially thanked him for “standing firm on the principle of refusing to work with the corrupt from Umno” and also expressed support for him to continue as the prime minister for the PH government.

On Monday, however, PH no longer had the required majority to remain the government with PPBM’s departure that was compounded by Datuk Seri Azmin Ali and 10 other lawmakers’ exit from PKR.

“However, after Mahathir received support from all the parties to continue as PM, Mahathir wanted to form a ‘unity government of individuals’.

“This means that only Mahathir will decide who will be cabinet ministers. DAP and other political parties will not be consulted in the process,” the statement said.

“In addition, the proposed Cabinet from Mahathir will likely include the same personalities who triggered the current crisis, as well as MPs from Umno and PAS.

OK, in which case Haji, you can be Minister of Finance & Economics 

“Effectively, it is a Mahathir government and not a PH government. The promises of the PH manifesto will not be fulfilled,” the statement added.

the new government will be a Mahathir government, not a Pakatan Harapan one

Malay Dignity at last restored

DAP said PH had invited Dr Mahathir to attend its presidential council meeting last night to discuss the coalition’s concerns over the unity government proposal, but said Dr Mahathir had declined to join the meeting.

“Therefore, the PH leadership decided at the meeting to defend the people’s mandate to the PH government and to fulfil our PH manifesto by nominating Anwar Ibrahim as PH PM.

“We call upon all Malaysians to support the nomination of Anwar Ibrahim as the 8th PM of Malaysia, to respect the mandate given in the 14th GE and to ensure continued stability for the nation,” DAP said in the same statement.

The same statement carried on Yeo’s official Facebook post were carried by other DAP MPs such as DAP deputy secretary-general Teresa Kok and Kasthuri Patto on their Facebook pages, while a Malay-language version was carried on DAP’s official Facebook page and by DAP MP Wong Tack’s Facebook page.


From Malaysiakini:

Civil rights lawyer Syahredzan Johan says a unity government would create a government devoid of accountability.

In a series of tweets, Syahredzan, who is also the political aide to DAP lawmaker Lim Kit Siang, says any such government would not be guided by any manifesto.

“There is no accountability to voters who presumably voted based (on) the manifesto or at least part of it. And we know what drives political parties is political will - which comes from the people as expressed in elections.

“For example, if PH (Pakatan Harapan) doesn’t fulfil its manifesto, they can be punished in the next elections. But a unity government would not have those constraints - it can do whatever it wants without political repercussions,” he tweets.

He later adds that the country should move away from the era of “government knows best”.

Syahredzan Johan
IMHO a unity government would have no manifesto to guide it. There is no accountability to voters who presumably voted based the manifesto or at least part of it. And we know what drives political parties is political will - which comes from the people as expressed in elections.


  1. Well,if all works out as planned,and Anwar became the 8th PM of Malaysia,it is curtains down and good riddance to Ms Semburit and her cesspool of traitors.But do not worry,in Semburit,Sabah,there will be a Ms Semburit ploying her trade.Spreading legs.

  2. Harapan currently have 92 seats (DAP 42, PKR 39, Amanah 11), still 20 short of 112.

    Today the Agong should give Anwar the opportunity to form a minority government. Ten he has 10 days to find 20 more MPs. Horse trading would commence, the deadline is March 9, when parliament convenes, where a vote of confidence will be on the agenda.

    But I wouldn’t worry. There will be a long line of people coming to Anwar’s house, heck, even Guanee’s and Mat Sabu’s house, all wanting to join Harapan. These people could be any number of UMNO, GPS, Warisan, independents etc etc, all wanting to be on the side most likely to win majority. I would not be surprised if even Bersatu or Azmin-PKR defectors want to break ranks, seek forgiveness and re-join Harapan.

    So Anwar, Guanee and Mat Sabu can rest easy. Pick and choose. Anyone who wants to join Harapan must join on Harapan’s terms. No compromises.

    I would not be surprised if one or two MPs quit, triggering by-elections. The one that comes to mind is from an island up north.

    DAP is now the strongest party in Parliament and must be given the deputy PM post, Anthony Loke, Gobind Singh or Hannah Yeoh would do fine, plus a second DPM from East Malaysia.

    See how being patient can bring great rewards. So many critics on this blog mock and berate DAP for being so “weak”, no spine they say, the Greatest Traitor, book-keeper, play Sudah-ku, Toonsie’s apple polisher etc etc the list goes on. But by staying true to the Harapan manifesto, by being the opposition from within the cabinet, by being united as a party, they now reap the rewards as other parties around them disintegrate and run helter skelter.

    It was the Book-keeper that was hard at work on the Economic Stimulus Package to counter the impact of Covid-19, because the Economic Affairs Minister was busy with a coup de etat. Up till the last day when Toonsie resigned, the Book-keeper was diligently at work.

    Thank you Azmin, thank you Zuraida, you will both go down in the annals of history as the “Movers and Shakers”. You made the “Sheraton Move” resulting in a massive “Shake” in Malaysian politics. The country owes you both a great deal.

    KT should help us check Lynas stock price today on the ASX. Last I heard it has caught a virus and is going

  3. Yax the unity government would be effectively a Mahathir dictatorship, without any party policy checks and balances. The Cabinet Ministers would be completely under Mahathir's control.

    NOT how a Cabinet in a democracy works.

  4. So sad Toonsie yesterday, have to make a public apology for the political mess (note he did not admit responsibility, he NEVER does...) and pitifully asked for a chance to create a Unity Government.

    And who was he pleading to?

    The Agong of course. Word is that His Majesty will be hosting a conference call with the Council of Rulers to seek their opinions. In other words Toonsie's fate is in the hand of the Sultans. I wonder how many remember the standoff in the 80s....what goes around comes around...ha ha ha....

    We wait in bated breath what the Sultans decide.

  5. How shameful these PKR and DAP politicians are. PH is no more.
    Get a new mandate from the people through a fresh election.

  6. That's why people has been condemning Malaysia's education standard is so low! (medium one of the reason??) When Singapore was "kicked" out of Malaysia, Malaysia didn't die, Malaysia is still there and not become "no more" ....... really "st..."!

  7. And so the King is of the opinion that the Hope Party is now the largest minority coalition and so shall it be allowed to form the government of this country.

    The King then called to meet the heads of all the component parties of Hope Coalition and one by one he see them.

    He first met Mr. A of Party A.

    King : "Mr. A, you are the leader of Party A, the biggest component of Hope Coalition which now has my blessing to form the minority government. By convention, being the largest component party, I now offer you the privilege to become the PM to form this minority government, will you accept this?"

    Mr. A : "Your Highness, I would be lying if I say I am not interested. By honestly, for the love of my country, for the peace and harmony of this country, I humbly decline your offer lest the blur-sotong would go berserk. Hence I would like to recommend and support Mr. B of Party B to become the PM"

    And so, to cut the story short, slowly the country return to normalcy and the people can now live happily ever after. Wakakakaka..........
