
Monday, February 24, 2020

PKR turncoats to Anwar

I have been consistent in that I have long written I don't trust nor like Maria Chin Abdullah especially her leadership role in BERSIH which under Ambiga Sreenevasan was supposed to be "A"political and indeed was a great non-politically aligned movement.

Maria Chin instead turned BERSIH into a politically anti corruption and thus anti Najib movement (her true motive?) instead of leading BERSIH as a purely and solely electoral reforms NGO and also as an electoral watchdog.

BERSIH under Maria Chin Abdullah 

True enough, today she shows her parochial politicised pro-Dökkálfar-Dwarfs nature by letting the Reformasi faction down. Shows my dislike for her has been truly vindicated.

But I have to say I have been surprised by Abdullah Saifuddin for being 
a Dökkálfar Dwarf though I have been aware he has taken up Azmin's side. Baru Bian yes lah but my fave UMNO-PKR man, Abdullah Saiffudin, a Dökkálfar Dwarf? WTF man?


  1. Never Believe the Old Fart.

    Resign? It's part of his Rescue Plan after the failed coup de etat over the weekend.

    Before the weekend Toonsie was advised that he had enough support, "more than 112 MPs", his impatient greedy supporters whispered in his ears. Why else would Toonsie agree to attend the Bersatu meeting on Sunday knowing what else was going on in Sheraton Hotel and UMNO headquarters etc?

    But on Sunday it became clear that he didn't have the numbers. He had been lied to. So he quietly went home and "rested", tail between his legs, to plot a way out of this mess.

    To save his skin he hatched a plan to "resign" the following day (Monday), after a morning meeting with Anwar and Guanee, where he "shed some tears" and claiming he was not behind the treacherous move, he was betrayed, he still believes in reform bla bla bla.

    Whether Anwar and Guanee fell for his trick we don't know for now...

    He asks his PMO to issue a statement saying he has resigned, but this is just to confuse us all, or as a backup in case he really had to resign, or was sacked by the Agong.

    He meets with the Agong in the afternoon where he may shed more tears.

    His desperate plan now is to be on the "winning side". He was advised that the winning side would be Bersatu-PAS-UMNO-GPS-...but that plan crashed. So he claims to be totally innocent of the treacherous plot and tries to wriggle back into Harapan (sans Bersatu).

    Biggest loser in all this? 11 PKR MPs and Bersatu. Muhyiddin quickly pulls Bersatu out of Harapan, putting on a brave front as their plot has been exposed and they would be kicked out of the coalition.

    If ever PKR or DAP were to "accept" Toonsie, painful to us as it may be, it has to be on different terms....Anwar's and Guanee's terms. And Toonsie will no longer have any more Bersatu, UMNO or PAS support to fall back on, because he will be in PKR and DAP's grasp. To Toonsie this is far from ideal, shameful even, but at least this way he can retire as PM, not as a partyless outcast or even a traitor/criminal plotter of coup de etat.

  2. I thought you had choked on the Sydney air...😆😆😆

    1. well thanks for your well wishes, wakakaka

  3. Toonsie now has an impossible decision to make.

    Return as PM but now fully under PKR-DAP-Amanah influence (no more Bersatu-PAS-UMNO- support). Lynas may be shivering a little.

    or remain as a homeless partyless MP and retire as such?

    No mercy or sympathy from me. He deserves what is coming his way.
